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Session III The Desired Results Developmental Profile© is an observation assessment instrument. In this session, participants will learn about the Desired.

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Presentation on theme: "Session III The Desired Results Developmental Profile© is an observation assessment instrument. In this session, participants will learn about the Desired."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session III The Desired Results Developmental Profile© is an observation assessment instrument. In this session, participants will learn about the Desired Results Developmental Profile. Tomorrow will be a 3 hour session on the DRDP© (2010) focusing on observation skills, rating the DRDP, collecting the DRDP data, the Summary of Findings, and the Child’s Developmental Progress form.

2 We observe… As each child interacts with other children, adults, and environment In the natural program setting Explain that teachers observe children in their natural, daily activities. Agencies will be able to describe children’s achievements in learning and development to advocate the strengths and benefits of the program to families and the larger community.

3 As children participate in the typical daily program… over time
Good observation and recording methods over time are the cornerstones for using the DRDP© effectively. The person who is the designated teacher should complete the DRDP. Assistants, parents, and other staff should contribute observations. Note: Family Child Care Networks have a “teacher identified” person complete the DRDP. This person may be the case manager who oversees the network care providers. The case manager consults with care providers and parents in completing the DRDP.

4 Collected documentation includes:
Anecdotal notes Photos Work samples Other evidence of knowledge and behaviors Teachers collect a substantial number of anecdotal notes, photos, work samples, and other pieces of documentation that demonstrate the children’s mastered developmental levels. The organization of collected documentation can be achieved through “portfolios.” Clarify that the intent is not to “test” children.

5 DRDP serves as a framework…
for documenting children’s progress across developmental levels. Each age-level instrument provides a framework including a number of developmental levels that serve in monitoring children’s progress throughout the program year.

6 DRDP serves as a way to… determine how children are benefiting from programs. The DRDP© findings provide information for agencies to use to improve programs. Information is shared with families during parent conferences to support parents in supporting the child’s progress. Information can also be shared with the community to demonstrate how children benefit from involvement in the program.

7 DRDP also serves as a way…
to assist providers in meeting each child’s developmental needs in each classroom or family child care home. The DRDP© documents the kind of work that quality programs are already doing every day. As teachers learn more about the children in their care, the DRDP information assists them in adapting and modifying curriculum plans and activities for the individual child, as well as activities for small and large groups.

8 DRDP provides… a “snapshot” of the child’s development.
Children grow and change quickly, so a completed DRDP© is a “snapshot” (i.e., a representative moment in time) of a child’s development. All succeeding observations will document changes that result from growth and progress.

9 framework for showing children’s progress over time.
The DRDP provides a There are four age-level instruments from birth to 12 years to assess children’s progress: IT - birth to 35 months PS - 36 months to Kindergarten SA - 2 versions to choose from: first, the DRDP-R which has all 35 measures ; second, the DRDP-SA©(2010) which has 2 domains with 13 measures. The DRDP-SA©(2010) was simplified because the other areas were already being assessed during the school day (e.g., reading, math, etc.). CDD felt it was still important to assess Self and Social Development as well as Heath and Safety. Each profile provides guidance in documenting observations that reflect the developmental growth for each age group. framework for showing children’s progress over time.

10 DRDPaccess: The Assessment Tool for Children with Disabilities
It is an observation-based assessment tool that can be used for preschool-age children, ages 3-5 years of age, who have a disability. For more information: : Trainer note: Participants may have additional questions about DRDP Access. They are encouraged to visit the website listed on the screen to get additional information. Some of the support materials on the DR Access website are: DR access mini measures Guidelines for IEP teams Guidance for assessing with disabilities who are English learners

11 CDE Guidance Management Bulletin July 2010
Effective July 1, 2010, all children, those with and without IEPs, are to be assessed by their child development teachers in CDD-funded programs by using the DRDP©(2010) assessment instrument. For infants and toddlers: DRDP- IT© (2010) For preschool-aged children: DRDP-PS© (2010) For school-aged children: DRDP-SA© (2010)

12 CDE Guidance Management Bulletin July 2010
Local special education staff are responsible for initiating and completing an assessment for each child with an IEP using the DRDP access. CDD recognizes that this will mean a child with an IEP will have 2 different assessment instrument used during the program year.

13 CDE Guidance Management Bulletin July 2010
The management bulletin can be downloaded from the CDD website at: Take 5 minutes to read the bulletin and use the highlighter as you read. Trainer note: Direct participants to read the bulletin and use a highlighter as they read it. The entire bulletin provides information on collaboration between ECE staff and the special education provider. Take five minutes to read the bulletin. We recommend that you provide this bulletin to your staff or share it at a staff meeting.

14 “Dear Abbey - Version 1” Activity: Dear Abbey

15 60 calendar days and every 6 months thereafter
DRDP Guidelines An age-appropriate version of the DRDP© must be completed within 60 calendar days of the child’s enrollment and every six months thereafter. 60 calendar days and every 6 months thereafter An age-appropriate version of the DRDP© must be completed for all children enrolled in a CDE/CDD funded center or family child care home network. The education code was changed so that all ages, including infants and toddlers, now are only required to complete it twice a year. Refer to management bulletin. Trainer note: Clarify how often and when DRDPs are required to be completed. Emphasize 60 calendar days from the enrollment date of children. Enrollment is typically determined to be the first date the child receives care. 60 days

16 Teachers and staff need to…
become familiar with the DRDP©. Get to know the Desired Results, developmental domains, measures, definitions, developmental levels, and descriptors. The DRDP tool kit ideas, such as the mini-measures, are on the DR website and helpful in becoming familiar with the DRDP. Trainer note: Share samples if available. Announce that tomorrow morning will be spent looking at the DRDP© (2010) in depth.

17 The DRDP© (2010) was developed by the:
California Department of Education, Child Development Division WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies University of California, BEAR Center With valuable input from teachers and directors who participated in the research study WestEd and BEAR aligned the instruments and developed new measures. BEAR provided overall direction for the study and summarized the data. BEAR is the Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research Center.

18 Why was the DRDP-R revised?
To align with the Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations To align with the California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volume 1

19 What was aligned? Infant/Toddler Foundations
Social-Emotional Development Language Development Cognitive Development Perceptual & Motor Development Preschool Foundations, Vol. 1 Social-Emotional Development Language and Literacy English-Language Development Mathematics

20 Why was it important to align the DRDP-R to the foundations?
To ensure we assess what we want children to learn and that it is aligned to what is appropriate for children of this age The state has taken care to build a cohesive system. The foundations describe children’s learning and development. Thus it is important that we are assessing what we want children to learn, and that we align it to what is appropriate for children of this age.

21 What is the relationship between the DRDP and the foundations?
The foundations tell us what children, with adequate support, typically learn and develop. The DRDP provides a structure and a tool for recording an individual child’s development and documenting progress. Both the Infant/Toddler Learning & Development Foundations and the Preschool Learning Foundations, Volume 1, provide the research base for the DRDP© (2010). The developmental domains work in an integrated fashion to support all four Desired Results. Ways to use the foundations and DRDP© (2010) together: Read foundations at the beginning of the school year to understand development in a general way. Complete the DRDP© (2010) twice each year to see children’s progress. Foundations provide the overall developmental landscape or backdrop. The DRDP© (2010) helps determine where an individual child is on that backdrop.

22 Compare and Contrast Activity: Compare and Contrast

23 Navigation Map Measure Developmental Domain Definition Descriptor
Developmental Level The back side provides the terms and definitions. On the preschool navigation map, there is additional information on what is meant by each developmental level: Exploring, Developing, Building and Integrating. The Desired Results are in the front of the instrument on page I in the Directions section. The DRDP© (2010) is organized around the foundation domains. The term indicators, which were aligned to the Desired Results, has changed to developmental domain to align with the foundations. This may have implications for your data collecting process, which we will discuss later. Example

24 DRDP© (2010) at a Glance This is DRDP© (2010) at a Glance.
The DRDP© (2010) at a Glance shows the developmental domains and number of measures in parenthesis for all three age-level instruments. The number of measures on the IT are the same. The DRDP- PS© (2010) has 39 measures which is the same number as the PS DRDP-R. Including the ELD measures, there are 43 total. The SA DRDP-R had 31 measures and the DRDP-SA© (2010) has 13.

25 LOOK to the 4 Ds to know the intent of each measure
Developmental Domain Definition Descriptor These are the four components of the DRDP – the 4 Ds. Trainer note: Review them and emphasize that reading these components can assist staff in knowing the intent or purpose of the measure. Developmental Level

26 The Examples Listed… are only a few ways a child might demonstrate a particular developmental level. The purpose of the examples is to help teachers clarify where the skills could be demonstrated; e.g., “Some ways a teacher might see the behavior.” Encourage staff to add examples of what they observe for the developmental levels. DRDP© examples activity to do with staff is in the binder.

27 Taking it Back to the Agency
Participants may now use calendar pages to plan when they will: Train staff to complete the DRDP© Complete the first and second DRDPs, complete each Child’s Developmental Progress Form, and schedule parent/teacher conferences Group the DRDP data Complete the DRDP© Summary of Findings per classroom and agency

28 The Power of Observation
“Getting to know children as people and as learners gives you the information you need to be an effective decision maker in the classroom.” The Power of Observation Trainer note: Share quote and show book, The Power of Observation ,if available. Click to next slide.

29 The Power of Observation
“With the information you learn from observing, you can select the: • right materials, • plan appropriate activities, • ask questions that guide children in learning to understand the world around them.” The Power of Observation CDD requires programs to use the DRDP© for assessment as a motivator. The real reason we use observation is to get to know children. Through observation, we get to know how children learn best, as well as their strengths, need for support materials, and language. In addition, it helps teachers plan engaging activities to help them progress in their development. Observation is a skill that can be learned and gets easier with practice. The observations we are making should provide good information that can inform our ratings on the DRDP©. The next activity will assist in writing meaningful anecdotal notes.

30 Collect Information Observing Recording Collecting Evidence
Before teachers can rate the DRDP© , they need to collect relevant information about the children. Once teachers know the “what”, “when” and “how,” they are ready to plan to observe, record, and collect evidence on children’s typical behaviors.

31 Develop Methods for Recording Observations and Collecting Evidence
Anecdotal records Photography Audio and video records Running records Sketches Work samples Daily log Frequency count Teachers and staff can collect a wide variety of documentation to provide evidence of children’s mastered developmental levels across all of the measures, such as anecdotal notes, work samples, use frequency count sheets, take photos, and other forms of evidence. Enlist all classroom staff, support staff, and parents to contribute documentation to the child’s portfolio. Trainer note: Remind participants to look at the gallery during breaks for samples.

32 Noticing Descriptions and Interpretations
Activity: Noticing Descriptions and Interpretations

33 Still Photo Observation
Trainer note: Keep this slide up during the activity. Adapted by permission, The Art of Awareness © 2000 Deb Curtis and Margie Carter, Redleaf Press. St. Paul, Minnesota,

34 Definitions: Descriptive and Interpretive
What are the specific details? What you actually… Observed Read Heard Example: He is holding shirt with one hand and pen in other hand. What were your initial reactions? How you felt about what you… Observed Read Heard Example: He looks worried This is a reminder of what quality notes have.

35 Completing the DRDP© (2010) Form
The next section of the presentation provides the steps to completing the instrument.

36 Complete the Information Page
One of the first things teachers will do is to copy and fill out an Information Page for each child in the class or group. Ensure that the date of assessment at the top of the page is within 60 days of the child’s enrollment (listed #4 on form). Complete a new information page for each assessment period. A tutorial on completing the Information Page is available on the DR web site.

37 Developmental Level Activity
Where are you in your development… as a cook? Trainer note: Explain that now the training will move to learning more about developmental levels in the DRDP. Read slide… “Where are you in your development…as a cook?” This practice model is a playful creation to assist staff consider how circumstances may change behaviors - not just developmental progress.

38 Trainer note: Ask participants to raise hands or stand up to show pride for the level of “mastery” attained. It does not matter where the participants are on the continuum, each one is making continuous progress towards the desired result!

39 Developmental Level Activity
Prepare an activity to do with your staff or … Participate in the tutorial on the Desired Results website. Trainer note: Hold up the developmental level activity and show. Remind participants the website was displayed yesterday.

40 Review the collected evidence and reflect on the child’s development
As the due date to complete the DRDP© nears, review the collected evidence to ensure documentation exists to support the developmental level the child has mastered.

41 How do children demonstrate a developmental level is mastered?
A developmental level is mastered when the child typically demonstrates the behavior(s): Easily and confidently, Consistently over time, In different settings. Trainer note: Read slide. Give pause to let participants think about the criteria for “mastered.” Suggest participants make poster to put around center to help staff learn this as a mantra.

42 Based on observations, fill-in one bubble that best describes the child’s highest developmental level mastered. 1. Mark the highest developmental level the child has mastered. Not yet at first level Exploring Shows awareness when others are unhappy or upset Developing Offers simple assistance when he or she thinks it is needed - even if not really needed Building Accurately labels others’ feelings, and may offer assistance Integrating Uses words or actions to demonstrate concern for what others are feeling Click to have developing bubble fill- in.

43 If a child has NOT YET mastered the first developmental level, fill in the “Not yet at first level” bubble on the Preschool and School-age DRDP©. 1. Mark the highest developmental level the child has mastered. Not yet at first level Exploring Shows awareness when others are unhappy or upset Developing Offers simple assistance when he or she thinks it is needed - even if not really needed Building Accurately labels others’ feelings, and may offer assistance Integrating Uses words or actions to demonstrate concern for what others are feeling The complete term is “not yet at first level.” “Not yet at first level” means children are not displaying mastery of skills or behaviors that would allow a teacher to mark mastery for first developmental level. • Explain that the “not yet at first level” bubble is not available in the infant/toddler instrument because it begins with the reflexive stage which is typically evident at birth.

44 After marking the developmental level mastered, ask “Is the child emerging to the next level by demonstrating behaviors from the next developmental level, but are not yet typical or consistent?” If so, fill in the # 3 bubble. 1. Mark the highest developmental level the child has mastered. Not yet at first level Exploring Shows awareness when others are unhappy or upset Developing Offers simple assistance when he or she thinks it is needed - even if not really needed Building Accurately labels others’ feelings, and may offer assistance Integrating Uses words or actions to demonstrate concern for what others are feeling Review the directions with participants. Click to animate arrow and bubble at #3 and #4. 2. Record evidence for this rating here Mark here if child is emerging to the next level 4. If you are unable to rate this measure, explain why. In the rare circumstance that you are unable to rate a child on a specific measure, explain why at #4 .

45 English Language Development Measures
Measure 23: Comprehension of English (receptive English) Measure 24: Self expression in English (expressive English) Measure 25: Understanding and response to English literacy activities Measure 26: Symbol, letter, and print knowledge in English 45

46 Instructions for Using the Language and Literacy Development (LLD) and English Language Development (ELD) Measures Find an elbow partner. Name selected partner A and B. A reads the first paragraph under Instructions for Using the LLD and ELD Measures on p. vii and B paraphrases. 4. Alternate until finished with p. viii. 5. Together look at the chart on page viii, check for understanding with one another. Trainer note: Refer to the LLD and ELD Directions activity sheet on page DRDP-133. Participants join with an elbow partner. One of the pair is an A and the other B. Pairs have one minute for partners to choose designations. Ask As to show hands, then Bs. Monitor to ensure partners have chosen designations. With a co-facilitator or participant, model the process with the first paragraph of the Instructions for Using the Language and Literacy Development and English Language Development. A will read and B will paraphrase. Participants have about 7-10 minutes to partner read page vii and viii.

47 Key points for ELD and LLD
LLD is used with all children to measure progress in language and literacy development. Children may master levels in English, home language, or through alternative communication. ELD is used with dual language learners learning to speak English. Consider only responses to or communications in English. All dual language learners do not progress at the same rate. Children can show progress in home language, English, or through other methods of communication. In domains other than ELD, teachers should speak child’s home language or seek support. The ELD foundations are different from the other foundations because dual language development is not tied to age. Therefore, Beginning, Middle, and Later is used rather than at around 48 months or 60 months. A child who is the oldest child in a family that speaks only Spanish or Chinese will have a different level of experience with English than a child who is the youngest child who has older siblings attending school and speaking and reading English.

48 Trainer note: Go through the process with participants.
Ask the question, “Is English the only language spoken in the child’s home?” If “yes,” read the left column. Then go to ELD 1 Measure 23. Look at the number one (1) directly below Measure 23 where it says “Mark the highest developmental level.” Next, continue on that line and find “Not yet at first level.” Last on this line is “Child’s home language is English.” If the initial question was answered “yes,” bubble this last choice in and nothing else. Look at the chart again. If the answer is “no,” read the right column providing directions to complete all LLD and ELD measures. Even if a child appears to be a monolingual English speaker and another language is spoken in the home, research shows that they ARE learning a second language. Some children may have social English but concept development has been in their primary language from home. Teachers are not being asked to do a language assessment but simply to answer the question.

49 Completing a Developmental Profile
Activity: Completing a Developmental Profile

50 Work time DIRECTIONS: Review all evidence.
Reflect on what the evidence tells. Complete the DRDP.

51 BREAK • Upon return, time will be spent learning how to be skilled observers and anecdotal writers. Take a 15 minute break. 51 51

52 The Child’s Developmental Progress form is designed to…
Describe the child’s development to parents Engage parents as partners in supporting curriculum objectives for the child Assist in determining curriculum objectives to support the child’s development Complete twice per year prior to the parent conference A progress form is used during parent conferences to describe children’s development and growth. The progress form provides a review of the child’s strengths, areas that need improvement, and goals for developmental growth in the program and at home. The information teachers write on the form is based on the DRDP©, observations, work samples, and other evidence from the child’s portfolio, as well as information provided by parents. 52

53 Child’s Developmental Progress Form
This format may be used to encourage a conversation with parents about their role as the child’s first and most important teacher, as well as stressing the importance of the parents’ involvement and participation in the process of the child’s learning and growth. Scheduled parent conferences are to occur at least two times each program year. 53

54 Completing the Child’s Developmental Progress Form
DIRECTIONS: 1.Summarize DRDP© findings. 2.List 3 strengths and 1 area for improvement. 3. A way the program helps. Activity: Completing a Child’s Developmental Progress Form 54

55 DRDP data is compiled by…
Individual child Classroom Contract Tally sheet Excel spreadsheet DRDPtech© Commercial software programs Data on the DRDP© is collected first at the individual child level, then at the classroom level, and then compiled at the contract level. Summary tools may be downloaded on the DR website The Tally Sheet is a word file that provides a framework for doing a hand count of the number of children scoring in the developmental levels for each measure. There is an Excel spreadsheet for each age level. DRDPtech, when completed, will provide an online system of tools for summarizing DRDP data. Many large programs also use commercially prepared software programs. Although the individual child and classroom data is kept on site and is not sent to CDD, it will be reviewed during your CPM/CMR. This data is also compiled and used to complete the Agency Program Action Plan. This data is also compiled and used by the agency to complete the Program Action Plan (part of agency’s annual program self-evaluation).

56 DRDP Group Data Summary Excel File Worksheet
This is an example of the DRDP© Group Data Summary Excel file. Children’s names are added and an “x” is used to mark the child’s mastered developmental level for each measure. Subtotals breakdown the data by number and percentage. The file automatically calculates an overview worksheet which shows the number of children who have mastered each developmental level for each measure. The overview also provides an average rating for each developmental level for all the measures within an indicator.

57 DRDP Group Data Summary Excel Tabs
Tabs at the bottom of the Excel screen allow you to view different worksheets. The first worksheet title is the age level for the file. The second contains the overview of data for the class or group. • The tab with the age-level title is where to begin typing in children’s names and marking the highest developmental level they have mastered for each measure. This is the ONLY WORKSHEET in which to input this information. • Click the tab titled “Overview” to see the overview or summary of the class or group’s DRDP© findings.

58 DRDP Group Data Summary Excel Overview
Average Ratings for all of the measures within the Domain The Overview sheet provides the number of children who have demonstrated mastery in the developmental levels for each measure. The Overview sheet also provides the average ratings for all of the measures within an indicator. The average ratings are in yellow. If preferred, percentages may be found in the sub-total bar in the first worksheet.

59 DRDP Summary of Findings
Programs are required to summarize the data both at the classroom and the contract level to determine key findings and action steps. These are trends or main points that require action. Trainer note: After sharing, ask participants to view the sample DRDP© Summary of Findings. These findings will inform administrators and guide them in making continuous program improvements. CDD field service consultants will be checking the DRDP© Summary of Findings forms to make sure programs are starting to use the data to inform the “continuous improvement” process.

60 Writing a DRDP Summary of Findings
DIRECTIONS: 1.Review narrative and DRDP group data summary. 2.Identify key findings. 3. Draft action steps. Activity: Writing a Summary of Findings

61 Use DRDP Findings for Planning
After the DRDP© is complete, each child and group’s findings can be used to inform classroom/group and individual curriculum, planning, and the children’s learning environments. Some participants will be attending an in-depth session on planning. The materials will also be on the website in early November. 61

62 Taking it Back to the Agency
Participants may use calendar pages to plan when they will: Train staff to complete the DRDP© Complete the first and second DRDP’s, complete each Child’s Developmental Progress Form, and schedule parent/teacher conferences Group the DRDP data Complete the DRDP Summary of Findings per classroom and agency

63 Parking Lot Questions

64 What to Bring to March 2013 Training
Group Data Summaries Summaries of Findings drafts Program Action Plan drafts (if desired) Please bring these items to the March 2013 training session.

65 Lunch Break Take a 15 minute break.
Trainer note: Remind participants to check out the gallery.

66 Break 66

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