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Desired Results for Children and Families
Mar-13 Desired Results for Children and Families A project of the California Department of Education, Child Development Division with Desired Results Training & Technical Assistance Project Display the title screen to let participants know that they are in the correct location for the Desired Results training. 1
Desired Results Update
Mar-13 Desired Results Update Welcome Back
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From participant box, click on red X To clear red X, click again Desired Results training is the result of a desire on the part of the California Department of Education, Child Development Division to improve and standardize program quality across the state. In Session I, an overview of the system’s components will provide preliminary information on the Desired Results for Children and Families system’s goals and structure. Later, additional details and information will be provided to give participants knowledge about each element of the DR system.
Quick Guide To open Chat Box:
Go to green bar at top of screen, drop down menu appears Click on chat Type comment into lower box Assign a sender and click enter
Please use chat box for general comments and questions
Mar-13 CHAT BOX Please use chat box for general comments and questions
Mar-13 How far have you gone? Color in the steps you have taken since DR Training Day 2, as your agency implements the Desired Results System.
Agenda Welcome Program Self-Evaluation
Mar-13 Agenda Welcome Program Self-Evaluation New requirements for 2013 process Summary of Findings/Program Action Plans Taking It Back to the Agency, Q & A, and Evaluations Describe the day’s training plans. Read the agenda from the slide. Refer participants to the handouts in the folder.
Mar-13 Intent of Webinar Understand what is new in 2013 Program Self-Evaluation (PSE) Process • We will explain what is new in the process and what needs to be sent June 3rd.
Mar-13 The Program Self-Evaluation (PSE) requires that the Desired Results system data be compiled and summarized for the: DRDP DR Parent Survey Environment Rating Scale As you know, the PSE requires data be compiled and summarized.
Program Self Evaluation
Mar-13 Program Self Evaluation Guides programs by examining all three components of the Desired Results system Determines program strengths Determines areas of improvement Establishes program goals for the upcoming year This process allows programs to reflect on progress over the year, and make a plan for ongoing improvement. Remember, the plan you develop now is for next contract year.
The PSE requires completion of:
Mar-13 The PSE requires completion of: DR Program Action Plan Reflection on Action Steps (CD 3900)* Program Self Evaluation Annual Report (CD 4000)* DRDP Summary of Findings and Program Action Plan (CD 4001 A)* ERS Summary of Findings (CD 4002) Parent Survey Summary of Findings (CD 4003) Due to CDD by June 3rd at 5:00 pm This year ERS (CD 4002) and Parent Survey Summary of Findings (CD 4003) must be completed, but are not mailed in to CDD. Remind participants to read the directions on the forms.
PSE Forms Each CD form has a sheet of instructions.
Mar-13 PSE Forms Each CD form has a sheet of instructions. Please read the instructions of each form.
The PSE requires all teachers to:
Mar-13 The PSE requires all teachers to: Complete the DRDP for each child twice a year Summarize classroom data Complete classroom Summary of Findings (CD 4001B) Refer to form CD 4001B. Have participants read first three paragraphs with elbow partner. Although this is not a required form, as it states in the instructions, alternate forms must include all the same information (key findings, action steps, completion date and person responsible, follow up and reflection). Please realize that at any time a CDD consultant may request this information.
Mar-13 CD 4001B
Mar-13 PSE new step: Contractors now have new step to provide a brief narrative reflecting on action steps from FY2011/2012 program Action Plan (CD 4001A) to the new form CD3900. This reflective process will help contractors identify accomplishments and lessons learned to use in future planning for program quality. Use the CD 3900 form to describe the successful implementation of each action step and/or modifications to the action steps. Explain how the action step was revised and the outcome of the modification. This will be discussed more later.
Mar-13 Programs are to… Reflect on last year’s Action Plan being implemented this contract year Consider educational goals: Identify what went well Identify what still needs improvement Complete one CD3900 form for each contract type by age group Have participants use their program action plans from last year to reflect on their progress. Refer to lavender handout in blue folder
The PSE requires programs to compile data for analysis
Mar-13 The PSE requires programs to compile data for analysis After completing each child’s DRDP, receiving completed Parent Surveys, and evaluating classrooms and FCC homes, the next task is to compile the data. Data is compiled in order to analyze and make programmatic decisions. Data is compiled to know what went well and what still needs to be addressed
Group data is compiled to inform:
Mar-13 Group data is compiled to inform: Professional Development Curriculum/Materials required Staff or Program Schedules Child-Staff Interactions Parent Education/Community Outreach Program or classroom use of space
DRDP Summary of Findings/Program Action Plan
After collecting the data, staff will review the data to determine Key Findings. The first one to observe is the DRDP Summary of Findings (in the white folder). This form and the other summaries of findings are used to write the Program Action Plan. - Identify developmental and/or curricular trends or patterns (key findings) based on the group information. - Write 2 or 3 key findings in the first column. A review of the data will help programs identify group strengths to celebrate and areas that require improvements. The areas that require action are listed in the first column.
DRDP data is compiled… …by program, …by age group, …by contract
Mar-13 DRDP data is compiled… … by site, …by program, …by age group, …by contract THIS IS NEW!! Refer to CD 4001A. Allow participants 3-5 minutes to read instructions. Have participants share with elbow partner. Each teacher has compiled classroom data and completed a Summary of Findings (CD 4001B). Now we are looking at the program level. Programs are required to take all of the classroom data and compile by age group it at the site level or FCCHEN designated teachers case load, and then compile the data at the program level by age group and contract.
Comparison of Forms CD4001A vs. CD4001B
Mar-13 Comparison of Forms CD4001A vs. CD4001B Place forms CD4001A and CD 4001B side by side. Type a difference or similarity between the forms in the chat box.
Comparison of Forms CD4001A vs. CD4001B
Mar-13 Comparison of Forms CD4001A vs. CD4001B 4001A 4001B Program Action Plan Action steps geared towards teaching staff to impact children Educational goal Classroom Summary of Findings Action steps geared towards direct impact on children Follow up section Ask participants to please highlight the differences
ERS data is compiled by age group at the …
Mar-13 ERS data is compiled by age group at the … …classroom/family child home …site …contract Refer to instructions in CD4002. Allow participants 3-5 minutes to read and highlight important information No matter the size of a program or agency, data is compiled at the classroom level for the Environment Rating Scale. Each program is responsible for the ERS data to be grouped by: 1st – classroom/ FFCHEN home 2nd – site / FFCHEN home 3rd - program or agency compiled by age group and contract. Compile all of the ITERS, ECERS, FCCERS and SACERS. Write a Summary of Findings for each one or write it by type on one sheet of paper.)
Parent Survey data is compiled…
Mar-13 Parent Survey data is compiled… …by site (recommended) …by contract Refer to CD Allow participants 3-5 minutes to read instructions and highlight important information. No matter the size of a program or agency, Parent Surveys are summarized at the contract level, although agencies may choose to compile it at the site level. Agencies group the data by: 1st - site (ONLY a recommendation; site summary is not required.) 2nd - program or agency This data will be used to write Summaries of Findings which will be analyzed again to determine a COMPREHENSIVE Program Action Plan for the agency.
Writing a Summary of Findings
and a program action plan!
A Summary of Findings... Identifies the Key Findings based on the data
Describes Action Steps to address Key Findings Identifies who will complete the Action Steps and completion dates Describes follow up as needed Explain that the process is the same for Parent Surveys and ERS Summary of Findings. Participants will work in age level and program type groups (Infant/Toddler and Family Child Care Home Network programs; Preschool; and School age) for the next session on Determining Key Findings and Writing Action Steps. 8
Step 1 Identifying Key Findings
Mar-13 Explain that we will cover what the differences.
Mar-13 Key Findings are the trends or important information found when analyzing data from the assessment tools on the previous page. These findings are used to improve the quality of the program resulting in better outcomes for children and families. Read slide. The Key Findings are those trends identified when analyzing the data, from DRDP’s, parent surveys and ERS These findings are important enough to write action steps about. These findings will make an impact on children and families in the program.
DRDP Summary of Findings/Program Action Plan
Provide Key Findings in percentages. Share slide. Direct participants to sample of DRDP summary of findings/program action plan, provided by Field Service Office … point out the focus of Action Steps In completing the DRDP Summary of Findings/Program Action Plan for the program by age and by contract, consider professional development and curriculum that the children needed support in the mathematical domain. They had experience and knowledge about math for early learners, but wondered where to access research and guidance in planning the action steps for the Summary of Findings and the agency Program Action Plan. You have identified a finding. What educational goal for children could you add?
Educational Program Goals..
Mar-13 Educational Program Goals.. Address important issues regarding the educational needs of children identified in the program findings Are based upon the DRDP findings Choose only one or two goals per age group.
Mar-13 Write Key Findings and an Educational Goal for each age group in your program Infant/Toddler Preschool School-age You will need to write Key Findings and Educational Goals for each age group.
Step 2 Writing Action Steps
Mar-13 We know the action steps are a way to focus efforts to improve outcomes for children and families.
Action Steps Are the what and the how May include resources
Mar-13 Action Steps Are the what and the how May include resources May address how parents will be involved in reaching the program goal Be specific and outline all steps Think about the possible actions to take that support children’s development in this area. Think about professional development, parent materials, supervision, environment and materials.
Consider a variety of strategies including:
Mar-13 Consider a variety of strategies including: Pedagogical approaches Professional development Curriculum Materials required Staff or program schedules Child-staff interactions Program or classroom use of space Parent education, or community outreach Suggested resources These categories have been updated on your new form. These are the things you are to address. Please note on your sample summary of findings/program action plan these categories are listed under action steps
Use Frameworks as a Resource
Mar-13 Use Frameworks as a Resource The Curriculum Framework chapters provide information to support children's learning in the areas described in the California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volumes 1 and 2. Note to trainer: Chart page numbers for following slides. School-age frameworks available on CDE Web site
What’s in the frameworks?
Mar-17 What’s in the frameworks? Infant/Toddler coming soon! School-age frameworks available on CDE Web site The Curriculum Framework chapters provide information to support children's learning in the areas described in the California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volumes 1 and 2. Note to trainer: Chart page numbers for following slides. Trainer Notes: Identify what domain each icon represents. Volume 1 contains the first four domains (the first four icons reading from the top of the page). Volume 2 contains the next three domains (visual/performing arts, physical development, and health), and Volume 3 will contain the last two domains (history/social science and science). The icons and their colors are used to identify domain sections inside of the book. We will look at the sections of the book on the next slide.
What does the framework do?
Mar-17 What does the framework do? “Created as a companion to the California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volume 1, this framework presents strategies and information to enrich learning and development opportunities for all of California’s preschool children.” p. v
Discover ideas for: Environments Building on children’s play Materials
Mar-17 Environments Building on children’s play Materials Teacher-guided learning activities Click to reveal each in turn: Setting up environments, Encouraging and building on child's self-initiated play, Selecting appropriate materials, and Planning and implementing teacher-guided learning activities.
The Curriculum Framework strategies are:
Mar-17 The Curriculum Framework strategies are: Developmentally appropriate Reflective of thoughtful observation and intentional planning Individually and culturally meaningful Inclusive of children with disabilities and other special needs Click to reveal each in turn
What’s first??? Guiding Principles, pp. 100-103
Mar-17 Guiding Principles, pp Environments and Materials, pp Summary of the Strands and Substrands, pg. 109 Skim through the introductory matter of the domain until you find a section titled, “Guiding Principles.” Find and highlight the section heading, “Guiding Principles.” After all have been found, continue to next step. Each chapter includes domain specific guiding principles that supplement the overarching principles explored in Chapter 1. In each chapter after the guiding principles, find a section on “Environments and Materials.” Find and highlight the section heading, “Environments and Materials.” After all have been found, continue to next step. Each chapter includes suggestions of environments and materials to support children’s growth and development in that domain. Domain chapters end with a summary of strands and substrands that align with the strands and substrands in the Preschool Learning Foundations. Locate this feature in the chapter and highlight the section heading.
Vignettes Each chapter has numerous vignettes to illustrate typical classroom scenarios Vignettes are in italicized typestyle and are identified in the column to the left with the word VIGNETTE in bold. Page 111 Mar-17
Interactions and Strategies
L&L Domain, pg. 131 Interactions and Strategies can be found in the paragraph immediately following each Vignette. L&L Domain, pg. 132 Following each vignette are suggested interactions and strategies to support children’s growth and development. After participants have highlighted the paragraph, provide a few moments to read the bolded paragraph headings that follow (not the whole section, just the bolded paragraph headings). ELD Domain, pg. 211 Mar-17
Research Highlights Research highlights are in shaded boxes set off from the rest of the text and headed with the words “Research Highlight.” L&L Domain, pg. 138 ELD Domain, pg. 216 Although this volume concentrates on practice and not research, the content is research-based. Mar-17
End of Each Domain Bringing it All Together pg 154
Engaging Families pg Questions for Reflection 157 Bringing it All Together begins with a vignette that integrates the substrands into one scenario. Following the Vignette is an explanation of what the teacher did and why. Engaging Families has ideas for teachers to pass on to families in conferences, workshops, newsletters, etc. Finally, Questions for Reflection guides teachers to reflect on their practice and plan for implementation of new strategies learned in the strand section. Mar-17
Finally… Each chapter ends with: Teacher Resources References Endnotes
Participants may locate these features at the end of the domain chapter. Inform them that the Teacher Resources have been contributed by California’s Early Childhood community. Mar-17
Step 3 Completion Date and Person Responsible
Mar-13 Record any follow up needed to complete the action step. This would take place after the next data collection.
Completion Dates and Person Responsible
Mar-13 Completion Dates and Person Responsible When Who Step 3: • Expected Completion Date column - List the when and who takes on responsibility for completing the action steps. • Follow Up column – At the second assessment next contract year, review collected data and determine if the action steps taken resulted in improvements in the Parent Survey findings, and ERS scores. Add any new action steps to take or extended time needed. Remember the follow up column will be blank when it is sent to CDD by June 3rd. For the DRDP Summary of Findings/ Program Action Plan, the follow up section has been removed. Complete form CD3900 at this time next year. If modifications are unnecessary, note those changes in the expected completion column of DRDP Summary of Findings/ Program Action Plan.
Step 4 Follow-up Mar-13 Record any follow up needed to complete the action step. It remains blank for now.
Mar-13 Summary of Findings PSE requires completion of all three Summary of Findings, but only the Program Action Plan is to be turned in on June 3rd.Follow up sections are on ERS, Parent Survey and DR classroom Summary of Findings
What needs to be completed for the Program Self Evaluation?
Mar-13 What needs to be completed for the Program Self Evaluation? DR Program Action Plan-Reflection on Action Steps (CD 3900)* Program Self Evaluation Annual Report (CD 4000)* DRDP Summary of Findings and Program Action Plan (CD 4001A)* ERS Summary of Findings (CD 4002) Parent Survey Summary of Findings (CD 4003) Remember each classroom/FCCHEN needs to complete CD 4001B
Program Self Evaluation Annual Report CD 4000
Mar-13 Program Self Evaluation Annual Report CD 4000 Remember each contract needs a CD4000. The description of the process can be cut and pasted into the space provided.
What needs to be sent to CDD by June 3rd?
Mar-13 What needs to be sent to CDD by June 3rd? Remember you need to complete all of the Program Self Evaluation-but only the three documents mentioned need to be sent. The rest should be on file. PSE Annual Report (CD4000) DRDP Summary of Findings and Program Action Plan (CD4001A) by age and contract (Programs do not need to report on School Age, unless it is your only contract.) DRDP Program Action Plan Reflection on Action Steps (CD 3900)
Available Information from CDD
Mar-13 Available Information from CDD Management Bulletin (MB) from the Child Development Division (CDD) was released in March 2013 detailing required Program Self Evaluation forms. The forms discussed today are needed for the Program Self Evaluation. remind participants to register to receive management bulletin s
Mar-13 Keep it Alive! Keep up the continuous improvement process and implement the plan. Keep families involved and aware!!! Make sure teachers know the plan and continue to reflect and refine. They will make it happen.
Mar-13 Q and A Pull parking lot post-its and answer questions.
Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection. - Mark Twain
Source: Google Images
Desired Results T&TA Project Contact Information Web: Phone number: Explain that the DRT&TA Project members are happy to address questions and concerns. They can reach us by phone or .
Thank you for your participation!
Mar-13 Thank you for your participation! Thank the audience for their attention and participation during the training.
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