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Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project.

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2 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 1 Desired Results for Children and Families A Project of the California Department of Education, Child Development Division with Desired Results T&TA Project

3 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 2 How far have you gone? Color in the steps you have taken since DR Training Day 2, as your agency implements the Desired Results System. 2 Feb-14

4 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Desired Results Training Day 3 Feb-14 3 Welcome Back

5 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Day 3 Agenda Welcome Program Self-Evaluation Summarizing Desired Results Data Analyzing data for continuous improvement Summary of Findings/Program Action Plans Challenges and Strategies Taking It Back to the Agency, Q & A, and Evaluations Feb-14 4

6 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Intent of Day 3 Using data for continuous improvement Writing agency level Summary of Findings and Program Action Plans Knowing how to complete the Program Self-Evaluation (PSE) Feb-14 5

7 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 6 The Program Self-Evaluation (PSE) requires that the Desired Results system data be compiled and summarized for the: DRDP © (2010) DR Parent Survey Environment Rating Scale Feb-14

8 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Program Self Evaluation Guides programs by examining all three components of the Desired Results system Determines program strengths Determines areas of improvement Establishes program goals for the upcoming year 7 Feb-14

9 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 The PSE requires: Completion of Summaries of Findings for Parent Survey and Environment Rating Scales Completion of the the DRDP Summary of Findings/Program Action Plan which includes educational goals for each age group in each contract To be at the Child Development Division by June 1st Feb-14 8

10 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 How do we get there? 9 Feb-14

11 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 10 The PSE requires programs to compile data for analysis 10 Feb-14

12 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Data is compiled to assist programs in building a clear picture of group strengths and areas for improvement. Remember that summarizing data is only helpful when the results are shared with teachers! Feb-14 11

13 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Group data is compiled to inform: Curriculum planning Teaching practices Parent/family services Environment design Supervision Feb-14 12

14 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 13 DRDP © data is compiled… by individual child, by classroom, by site (recommended), by age group by contract

15 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 14 ERS data is compiled… …by classroom or family child home by site (recommended) by contract

16 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 15 Parent Survey data is compiled… …by site (recommended) by contract

17 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 16 Programs are ready to compile data when: Teachers/FCC network managers have completed a DRDP for each child or Parent Surveys have been distributed and returned or Each classroom/FCC home has completed an ERS Profile

18 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 17 Suggested ways to summarize the data include… By hand Using a tally sheet Using a computer spreadsheet (Excel) Using DRDP Tech © Using a commercial software program Feb-14

19 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Use the appropriate DRDP © Group Data Summary Tally or Excel file for: Infant/Toddler DRDP - Birth - 35 months Preschool DRDP - 36 months - Kindergarten School age DRDP - Kindergarten - 12 years Feb-14 18

20 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Preschool DRDP © Group Data Tally Summary Feb-14 19 Or use tally marks Or use tally marks

21 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 DRDP © Group Data Summary Excel Files Feb-14 20

22 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 DRDP © Group Data Summary Excel Subtotals Feb-14 21

23 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 DRDP © Group Data Summary Excel Tabs Feb-14 22 Tabs at the bottom of the Excel Screen allow you to view different worksheets. The first worksheet title is the age level for the file, the second contains the overview of data for the class or group. Tabs at the bottom of the Excel Screen allow you to view different worksheets. The first worksheet title is the age level for the file, the second contains the overview of data for the class or group.

24 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 DRDP © Group Data Summary Excel Overview Feb-14 23 Average ratings for all of the measures within a domain Average ratings for all of the measures within a domain

25 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 DRDPtech © Feb-14 24

26 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 DRDPtech © Feb-14 25

27 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Data from Parent Surveys is also compiled by: Hand using a tally sheet Using a computer spreadsheet - Excel file Using commercial software program Feb-14 26

28 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 27 Parent Survey Group Data Tally Sheet

29 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Parent Survey Group Data Summary Excel File Feb-14 28

30 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 29 Compile Data by site (recommended), by contract

31 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 30 Data from the Environment Rating Scale is scored on the Classroom/Family Child Care home ERS Profile form:

32 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 31 Data from the Environment Rating Scale is scored by agency through combined ERS Profile subscale score averages: 1. Average the ERS sub-scale scores for all classrooms/FCC homes in the contract. 2. List all sub-scale names and scores for averages below 5 on the agency contract ERS Summary of Findings.

33 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 To compute ERS contract average subscale: Add each classroom average and divide by the number of classrooms. Feb-14 32

34 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 After compiling the data during the appropriate time periods for the: DRDP © Parent Surveys ERS You are ready to complete the Summary of Findings. Feb-14 33

35 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 34 Writing a Summary of Findings And a program action plan! Feb-14

36 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 35 A Summary of Findings... Identifies the Key Findings based on the data Describes Action Steps to address Key Findings Identifies who will complete the Action Steps and completion dates Describes follow up as needed Feb-14

37 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Purpose of Agency Summaries of Findings The Summaries of Findings identify the what, how, who, and when that will be addressed in the agency. This process: –assists programs in supporting childrens development –provides easier-to-access data for reflection and planning to improve programs Feb-14 36

38 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 37 Step 1 Identifying Key Findings Feb-14

39 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Key Findings are identified by the data from: Desired Results Developmental Profiles © Parent Surveys Environment Rating Scales Feb-14 38

40 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 39 Key Findings are the trends or important information found when analyzing data from the assessment tools on the previous page. These findings are used to improve the quality of the program resulting in better outcomes for children and families.

41 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 DRDP © Summary of Findings/Program Action Plan Feb-14 40

42 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Identifying Key Findings What does the data tell you about the children? What data stands out? Is some data unexpected? Feb-14 41

43 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 DRDP © Summary of Findings/Program Action Plan Feb-14 42 You have identified a finding. What educational goal for children could you add? Provide Key Findings in percentages.

44 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Use care in analyzing DRDP © data For example, many 3 year olds may appropriately rate Not Yet at First Level or Exploring on the Preschool DRDP ©. However discovering a high number/percentage of 4 and 5 year olds with Not Yet at First Level or Exploring may indicate a more immediate problem that requires a plan of action. Grouping students by age is recommended as best practice in summarizing and analyzing collected DRDP © data. Feb-14 43

45 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Foundations Describe typical development at certain ages Feb-14 44

46 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Foundations and the DRDP © The Preschool Learning Foundations and the DRDP are aligned. Look at the domain identified from the data. Dig deeper…What areas need improvement? Feb-14 45

47 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 46 What does the data tell us? Look at domain Look in foundations Think about what the data reflects Language and literacy is the domain with 45% of children at the developing level. Within the domain, measures 17, 18, 20 and 21, 70% of the children are at the developing level. 46 Feb-14

48 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Educational Program Goals.. Address important issues regarding the educational needs of children identified in the program findings Are based upon the DRDP findings Remember to choose only one or two goals per age group. Feb-14 47

49 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Brainstorm the goal. The goal is the result toward which effort is directed. 48 Discussion Feb-14

50 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Activity As a table group, come up with one key finding and one educational goal using the data provided or your own data. Feb-14 49

51 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 50 Write Key Findings and an Educational Goal for each age group in your program Infant/Toddler Preschool School-age

52 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 DR Parent Survey Summary of Findings Feb-14 51

53 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Activity Now as a table group, write Key Findings for a Parent Survey Summary of Findings using the data provided or your own. Feb-14 52

54 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 ERS Summary of Findings Feb-14 53 List all sub-scale score averages below 5. List all sub-scale score averages below 5.

55 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale Data Feb-14 54

56 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Activity As a table group, write Key Findings for the ERS Summary of Findings. Feb-14 55

57 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Step 2 Writing Action Steps 56 Feb-14

58 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Action Steps Action steps are the what and the how May include resources Be specific and outline all steps Feb-14 57

59 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 DRDP Summary of Findings/Program Action Plan Action Steps Action Steps may address how parents will be involved in reaching the program goal. CDE/CDD publications such as the Curriculum Frameworks are suggested resources. Feb-14 58

60 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Action Steps What actions will support childrens development in the Key Findings? What actions will support families? What actions will support staff? Feb-14 59

61 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 60 Consider a variety of strategies including: Pedagogical approaches Professional development Curriculum Materials required Staff or program schedules Child-staff interactions Program or classroom use of space Parent education, or community outreach Suggested resources 60 Feb-14

62 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Whats in the frameworks? Feb-14 61 Infant/Toddler coming soon! School-age frameworks available on CDE Web site

63 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 62 What does the framework do? Created as a companion to the California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volume 1, this framework presents strategies and information to enrich learning and development opportunities for all of Californias preschool children. p. v Feb-14

64 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 63 Discover ideas for: Environments Building on childrens play Materials Teacher-guided learning activities Feb-14

65 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 64 The Curriculum Framework strategies are: Developmentally appropriate Reflective of thoughtful observation and intentional planning Individually and culturally meaningful Inclusive of children with disabilities and other special needs Feb-14

66 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Whats first??? Guiding Principles, pp. 100-103 Environments and Materials, pp. 103- 108 Summary of the Strands and Substrands, pg. 109 Feb-14 65

67 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 66 Vignettes Each chapter has numerous vignettes to illustrate typical classroom scenarios Vignettes are in italicized typestyle and are identified in the column to the left with the word VIGNETTE in bold. Feb-14 66 Page 111

68 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 67 Interactions and Strategies Interactions and Strategies can be found in the paragraph immediately following each Vignette. Feb-14 67 L&L Domain, pg. 131 L&L Domain, pg. 132 ELD Domain, pg. 211

69 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 68 Research Highlights Research highlights are in shaded boxes set off from the rest of the text and headed with the words Research Highlight. Feb-14 68 L&L Domain, pg. 138 ELD Domain, pg. 216

70 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 69 End of Each Domain Bringing it All Together pg 154 Engaging Families pg 155-156 Questions for Reflection 157 Feb-14 69

71 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 70 Finally… Each chapter ends with: Teacher Resources References Endnotes Feb-14 70

72 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 71 Dont overlook… Appendices – Volume 1 Appendix A. California Early Learning and Development System (p. 303) Appendix B. Reflections on Research: Phonological Awareness (p. 304) Appendix C. Reflections on Research: Alphabetics and Word/Print Recognition (p. 313) Appendix D. Resources for Teachers of Children with Disabilities or Other Special Needs (p. 319) Glossary – Volume 1 Feb-14 71

73 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 General Strategies for Dual Language Learners in Chapter 5 Support and use the childs first language and culture-give them time Combine words with actions or gestures Plan for vocabulary development Model and act out Language rich environment Match questions to the childs proficiency level Expand and extend -Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1 Feb-14 72

74 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 73 Strategies for Dual Language Learners Throughout the Framework Strategies specific to a domain are embedded in each chapter. -Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1 73 Feb-14 L&L Domain, pg. 143

75 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 74 Strategies for Children with Special Needs throughout the Framework 74 Feb-14 L&L Domain, pg. 145

76 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 How to Use the Framework with the Summary of Findings Process Feb-14 75

77 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Summary of Findings Feb-14 76

78 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 77 The purpose of the Summary of Findings is to increase program quality to improve results for children and families; it is a reflection process. Remember to involve the teachers!

79 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Writing Action Steps Action steps are the what and how, of the Summary of Findings. The action steps significance gives the agency the necessary steps for improving outcomes for children and families. Be sure to consider your educational goal action steps also! Feb-14 78

80 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Activity Write action steps for your DRDP Summary of Finding/Program Action Plan. Be specific. Use the resources available on table. Address staff development, family education, supervision, environment and materials if needed. Feb-14 79

81 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Summary of Findings Feb-14 80

82 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 DRDP Summaries of Findings/Program Action Plan: Are there any steps in the Parent Survey or ERS Summary of Findings that should be included in the DRDP Summary of Findings/Program Action Plan? Feb-14 81

83 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 82 Step 3 Completion Date and Person Responsible Feb-14

84 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Completion dates and person responsible Feb-14 83

85 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 84 Step 4 Follow-up Feb-14

86 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Follow-up Periodically review the action steps, completion dates, and who is responsible. Modify the summary of findings/program action plan as needed. What else may be needed to complete the action step? Record additional steps as needed. Feb-14 85

87 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Practice Writing a Program Action Plan 86 Feb-14

88 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Program Action Plan STEP 4 Add the expected time frame and who will take leadership Share the plan with all participants. Implement the plan. Follow up as needed. Document follow up on plan. Feb-14 87

89 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Reflecting back… In table groups, discuss the following: What did the Summary of Findings show and how will it inform what you do at the beginning of next year? How do you involve teachers and administrators in the agency Summary of Findings and Program Action Plan? Feb-14 88

90 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Then what??? The Program Action Plan being developed now is for use all next year (until a new action plan is developed). Periodically monitor progress and note needed follow up or completion. When gathering data for next year, review current plan to compare. Feb-14 89

91 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 What needs to be completed for the Program Self Evaluation? Agency Annual Report Program Action Plan DRDP, Parent and Environment Rating Scale Summary of Findings Attestation of Qualified Staff Personnel Report Feb-14 90

92 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 91 What needs to be sent to CDD by June 1st? The PSE Annual Report The DRDP Summary of Findings/Program Action Plan 91 Feb-14

93 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Program Self-Evaluation Annual Report Feb-14 92

94 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 93 DRDP Summary of Findings/Program Action Plan Form 4001A 93 Feb-14

95 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Available Information from CDD Management Bulletin (MB) 12-03 from the Child Development Division (CDD) was released in March 2012 detailing required Program Self Evaluation forms. A CDD Webinar reviewing MB 12-03 is available for viewing on the Desired Results Website - Feb-14 94

96 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Keep it Alive! Keep up the continuous improvement process and implement the plan. Keep all documents on file-and alive!!! Make sure all teachers know the plan and continue to reflect and refine. Theyll make it happen. Feb-14 95

97 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Sticky Note Chart Feb-14 96 Staff members responsibilities and activities that reflect the agencys Program Action Plan

98 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Sticky Note Responsibilities Feb-14 97 From the ERS Summary of Findings Include cooking utensils, relevant photos, multicultural dramatic play materials From the DRDP Summary of Findings Math focus; Block play- 1) bridges, 2) enclosures, 3) towers From the Parent Survey Summary of Findings Send out block letter to parents. Translate letter into Spanish From the DRDP Summary of Findings: Worms: caring for them; body parts; oxygen; breathing; Why they come out in rain?

99 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 A Teams Reflection Feb-14 98 Megan video

100 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Challenges and Strategies 99 Feb-14

101 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Challenges Choose a recorder. Choose a reporter. Go to chart and record challenges. You have 10 minutes! Feb-14 100

102 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 What are the challenges? Feb-14 101

103 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Strategies Brainstorm important strategies that worked. Reporter will stay at chart to answer questions or clarify what is on the chart. Feb-14 102

104 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 103 What are the important strategies that worked? Feb-14

105 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 What did others say? Reporter will answer questions Review chart For new challenges that you have a strategy for, add it to the chart. At the signal, move to the next chart. Feb-14 104

106 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 105 What did we see? What were the common challenges? What is a strategy you might try? Feb-14

107 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 106 Q and A

108 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Taking it back Reflect on what you have seen and heard today. Write down two ideas you can take back. Feb-14 107

109 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Feb-14 108 Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection. - Mark Twain Source: Google Images

110 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 109 Evaluation Please take a few minutes to complete the Training Evaluation Form by going online to s/C10day4 Feb-14 109

111 Copyright ©2012 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results T&TA Project. Desired Results Desired Results Day 3 Thank you for your participation! Feb-14 110

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