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Protists Chapter 21 P 459-474. Characteristics of Protists  Variety in types of movement  Variety in types of nutrition  Variety of environments needed.

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Presentation on theme: "Protists Chapter 21 P 459-474. Characteristics of Protists  Variety in types of movement  Variety in types of nutrition  Variety of environments needed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protists Chapter 21 P 459-474

2 Characteristics of Protists  Variety in types of movement  Variety in types of nutrition  Variety of environments needed for life  Variety of reproduction methods  Do not have specialized features

3 Diversity of Protists  Amoebas and forams are protists that move using cytoplasmic extensions called pseudopodia  Diatoms are unicellular protists with glasslike double shells  Flagellates move with the use of flagella

4 Algae  Are strictly photosynthetic protists that can be multicellular or unicellular.  Are classified according to the type of phototsynthetic pigment they contain

5 Protist Diversity  Ciliates are unicellular protists that use cilia to move  Cellular slime molds normally live as individual cells  They can aggregate during times of stress

6 Protist Diversity  Plasmodial slime molds live as colonial organisms and form sexual reproductive structures that form and spread spores.  Oomycetes are molds that live as saprophytes or parasites  All sporozoans are parasitic and have complex life cycles.

7 Protista Phyla  See Table 1 (page 461)

8 Ameboid Movement  Organisms include Amoebas and Foraminifera  Use pseudopodia to move  Have unicellular bodies and are heterotrophs

9 Algae  Strict phototrophs  Types:  A. Green Algae  B. Red Algae  C. Brown Algae

10 Diatoms  Photosynthetic unicellular protists  Move by gliding  Diatoms get smaller as they reproduce  Need to get a new shell

11 Flagellates  Types:  A. Dinoflagellates  B. Euglenoids  C. Kinetoplastids

12 Ciliates  Most complex and unusual protists  Have large numbers of cilia which enables movement  Two types of nuclei a micronuclei and a macronuclei

13 Protista Molds  Types:  A. Cellular Slime Molds  B. Plasmodial slime molds  C. Water molds  D. White Rusts  E. Downy Mildews

14 Sporozoans  4, 500 species in the Apicomplexa phylum  Has both a sexual and an asexual reproductive life cycle  Table 2 page 471

15 Protist Diseases  Table 3 page 472  Life cycle of Plasmodium page 473

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