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Chapter 6: Continuous Distributions. LO1Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution. LO2Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6: Continuous Distributions. LO1Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution. LO2Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6: Continuous Distributions

2 LO1Solve for probabilities in a continuous uniform distribution. LO2Solve for probabilities in a normal distribution using z scores and for the mean, the standard deviation, or a value of x in a normal distribution when given information about the area under the normal curve. LO3Solve problems from the discrete binomial distribution using the continuous normal distribution and correcting for continuity. LO4Solve for probabilities in an exponential distribution and contrast the exponential distribution to the discrete Poisson distribution. Learning Objectives

3 Continuous distributions are constructed from continuous random variables They are generated from experiments or processes that create outcomes that are measured as opposed to counted. For continuous distributions probabilities are defined in terms of the likelihood of the event or variable (measurement) occurring in an interval. It is always the area under the probability density function in a specified interval The probability of a single point, for a continuous distribution is zero. P(x = 5) =0 because it has no area under the curve. This is not the case for the discrete distributions Continuous Distributions

4 The Uniform distribution is a continuous probability density function It is defined for the continuous random measures or points occurring with the identical probability, f(x),in a specified closed interval, say [a b] The shape of the distribution is rectangular with height = f(x) = 1/(b-a) and width = (b-a) The Area under the curve is The mean and standard deviation of the uniform distribution are: The Uniform Distribution

5 Uniform Distribution

6 Determining Probabilities in a Uniform Distribution of Lot Masses

7 Uniform Distribution Probability Distribution of Lot Masses


9 Uniform Distribution Assembly of Plastic Modules

10 The height, mean, and standard deviation.

11 Uniform Distribution Assembly of Plastic Modules

12 One of the most widely known and used among all distributions is the normal distribution. It applies to many characteristics associated with the elements of a wide range of statistical populations In human populations, variables, such as height, weight, length, speed, IQ scores, scholastic achievements, and years of life expectancy, among others tend to be normally distributed. Many things in nature such as trees, animals, insects, and others have many characteristics that are normally distributed. Normal Distribution

13 Normal Distribution in Business and the Economy Many variables in business and industry are also normally distributed. Examples are: annual cost of household insurance, the cost of renting warehouse space, managers’ satisfaction rating of support from ownership, amount of fill in soda cans, etc. Because of the many applications, the normal distribution is an extremely important distribution.

14 Discovery of the normal curve of errors is generally credited to mathematician and astronomer Karl Gauss (1777 – 1855), who recognized that the errors of repeated measurement of objects are often normally distributed. Thus the normal distribution is sometimes referred to as the Gaussian distribution or the normal curve of errors. In addition, some credit were also given to Pierre-Simon de Laplace (1749 – 1827) and Abraham de Moivre (1667 – 1754) for the discovery of the normal distribution. Normal Distribution of Errors

15 The normal distribution exhibits the following characteristics. It is a continuous distribution. It is a symmetrical distribution about its mean. It is asymptotic to the horizontal axis. It is unimodal. It is a family of curves. The area under the curve is 1. Normal Distribution

16 Graphic Representation of the Normal Distribution As Bell Shaped

17 Creating A Family of Normal Curves Keep either μ or σ constant and varying the other

18 Standardized Normal Distribution In the real world there are a large number of examples of data that can be summarized by the normally distributed. Theoretically, there is an infinite number of combinations for  and , hence we can generate an infinite family of curves. Because of the above, it would be impractical to deal with all of these normal distributions. Fortunately, a mechanism was developed by which all normal distributions can be converted into a single distribution called the z distribution. This process yields the standardized normal distribution (or curve).

19 The conversion formula for any x value of a given normal distribution is given below. It is called the z-score or normal z. A z-score gives the number of standard deviations that a value x, is above or below the mean. By way of interpretation, z is a standardized measure of the extent to which things differ from the norm or what is expected for a population. Standardized Normal Distribution

20 If x is normally distributed with a mean of  and a standard deviation of , then the z-score will also be normally distributed with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Since we can covert to this standard normal distribution, tables have been generated for this standard normal distribution which will enable us to determine probabilities for normal variables. The tables in the text are set up to give the probabilities between z = 0 and some other z value, which is depicted on the next slide. Standardized Normal Distribution

21 Probability Density Function of the Normal Distribution

22 Standardized Normal Distribution

23 Z Table

24 Applying the Z Formula




28 The normal distribution can be used to approximate binomial probabilities. Procedure – Convert binomial parameters to normal parameters. – Does the interval   3  lie between 0 and n? If so, continue; otherwise, do not use the normal approximation. – Correct for continuity. – Solve the normal distribution problem. Normal Approximation of the Binomial Distribution

29 Conversion equations Normal Approximation of Binomial: Parameter Conversion Conversion example:

30 Normal Approximation of Binomial: Interval Check

31 Graph of the Binomial Problem: n = 60, p = 0.3

32 Normal Approximation of Binomial: Correcting for Continuity

33 Normal Approximation of Binomial: Computations

34 Continuous Family of distributions Skewed to the right X varies from 0 to infinity Apex is always at X = 0 Steadily decreases as X gets larger Probability function Exponential Distribution

35 Graphs of Some Exponential Distributions

36 Exponential Distribution: Probability Computation

37 COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Access Copyright (The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency) is unlawful. Requests for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his or her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The author and the publisher assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein.

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