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Children Clothing People he trusted People he trusted Diet Rules Wives Hampton Court Hampton Court Hobbies.

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3 Children Clothing People he trusted People he trusted Diet Rules Wives Hampton Court Hampton Court Hobbies

4 In 1514, in the parish of Hampton, Thomas Wolsey Archbishop of York began building a magnificent palace on the bank of the River Thames. Wolsey had water for his new palace running from Coobe Hill in surrey through lead pipes which traveled to Hampton Court. Not much of Wolsey's original building remains due to the rebuilding and remodeling by Henry VIII and later kings. Part of the Great Hall is probably from Wolsey's palace, and the structure of the Base Court looks much like it did in Wolsey's time. The parts of the kitchens from the original building are also very much as they were in Wolsey's first building, but it is now used to cook a lot more pies and meat. The kitchen was 36,000sq foot. People believe Hampton court place is haunted. More Hampton Court Info,

5 Hampton court is Henry the VIII summer palace. Hampton court had over 500 rooms. Hampton court palace was built in 1514 by Thomas Wolsey for Henry VIII, his right hand man. Wolsey later fell from favour and the king took back Hampton Court Palace for his own. Queen Victoria opened up the palace to the public in 1838. there was a massive kitchen that made all of Henrys massive pies! More Hampton Court Info,

6 Did you know that one part of the garden had 4 mazes. They were great places to meet in secret gossip and get lost. One of the mazes still survives. In Hampton court there was always tulips. There are one thousand rooms in Hampton court Did you know that the river Thames went around Hampton court. Most of the gardens were for hunting. There's more than a thousand rose in Hampton court. King Henry the 8 th had a velvet toilet. Also had a tennis court. Only important people were only aloud to go in the great hall. Hampton court has the oldest vine in the world. Gorge the 2second was the last king to live at Hampton court.

7 Wives Anne Boleyn’s great grandmother Was the same as Jane Seymour’s! Catherine of Aragon No.1 Jane Seymour No.3 Anne Boleyn No.2 Anne of Cleves No.4 Kathryn Howard Katherine Parr Born: 16/12/1485 Married Arthur: 14/11/1501 Married Henry: 11/6/1509 Divorced: 1533 Died: 7/1/1536 Born: 1500-1509 Married Henry: 25/1/1533 Executed: 19/5/1536 Born: 1508-1509 Married Henry: 25/1/1533 Died: 24/10/1537 Born: 22/9/1515 Married Henry: 6/1/1540 Divorced: July 1540 Died: 16/7/1557 Born: 1521 Married Henry: 28/7/1540 Executed: 13/2/1542

8 Henry the Eighth loved eating meat. He had loads of feasts. He loved eating pies especially meat pies. Every year at Hampton Court, they killed 8,200 sheep 2,330 deer 960 cows He had special servants to check his food to make sure that it wasn’t poisoned. More diet info,

9 He would eat thirteen dishes a day and a pork dish was known to be eaten most. The kings diet consisted mainly meat dishes which include pork, lamb, chicken, beef, game, rabbit and a different variety of birds such as peacock and swans. During the Tudor times, a bird pie would have been made, of live birds that would have been put in a pie base and then a cover of pastry over them and cook them alive in the oven. This was for amusement but another bird pie would have been made also. He had a spit boy that roasted meat on a spit. The usual meat was boar and pigs and only rich people could afford. In one year the royal kitchen would produce 8200 sheep, 1240 oxen, 760 calves, 2230 deer, 53 wild boar and 1870 pigs.The total of animals was 12430, plus It was also estimated that every man in the court would eat 23 animals a year, plus they had grilled beaver tails, whale meat, whole roasted peacock, internal organs, boar head and wine and ale. The boar head wasn’t for eating it was for show to show that you were rich. They 600,000 gallons of ale and it was enough to fill a Olympic sized swimming pool, however they had 75,000 gallons of wine.

10 Ridiculous Rules Ridiculous Rules Henry Vlll’s Laws Henry Vlll’s Laws Click one of these Boxes to learn all About Tudor laws Rampaging Rules Rampaging Rules

11 Henry Vlll had many Ridiculous Rules, but here are some of his normal laws that he created during his rein. Ridiculous RulesRidiculous Rules If you were one of the highest in rank you were ordered to wear purple clothing or gold. However if you were a peasant or less important man you would be forced to wear dirty rags and dark colours. Also people who worked for the king (chefs) wore green. If you were one of the highest in rank you were ordered to wear purple clothing or gold. However if you were a peasant or less important man you would be forced to wear dirty rags and dark colours. Also people who worked for the king (chefs) wore green.

12 Henry Vlll had lots of ridiculous laws here are some of them: Women were forbidden to wear gold or silver lace clothes or shoes even if there rank was high (not queen obviously though) Women were forbidden to wear gold or silver lace clothes or shoes even if there rank was high (not queen obviously though)

13 Henry vIII was a good king but he had some gruesome rules! For example for women were not aloud to wear: red, gold, purple or silver. Also they weren’t aloud to wear silk. Men were more free with there choice of what they wore. They weren’t aloud to wear the royal colours but were aloud to wear anything else.

14 Mary I, who’s nickname is bloody Mary and became queen in 1553, was Henry VIII 1 st child. Mary’s mom was Catherine of Aragon. She also thought if you weren’t catholic you would go to hell, so she put hundreds of people on a bon fire and set them alight because she thought she thought she was saving them! The second child (from Anne Boleyn) was Elisabeth I.

15 In the Tudor times, hats were essential. Royalty colours were purple, red and gold and if you were not royalty and you wore those colours you would be executed. Tudor men wore hats, fine coats, sleeves, doublets (standard male upper body garment) and hose (long socks). Tudor women wore head-dress (head piece), corset (tight vest), gown and kirtle (an under dress). Posh Tudor men wore ruffs (collars), fine jackets, doublet and hose. Posh Tudor women wore ruffs, bodice (square t- shirt), farthingale (skirt puffer) and skirt.

16 His hobbies were jousting, archery, music, hunting, wrestling and athletics. His favourite sport was tennis, he was probably the best at tennis during his time. He also spoke French, Spanish, Latin and a bit of Italian. Henry VIII enjoyed music, some people said he wrote a song. Henry the eighth owned many instruments : 5 bagpipes 78 recorders 78 flutes and a mechanical virginal.

17 One of the people Henry VIII trusted was Cardinal Thomas Wolsey. He was a government minister and lost his trust when Henry the VIII and Catherine of Aragon divorced. He and Henry tried to make friends with France. Thomas More was Catholic and didn’t believe in the Church of England.He helped poor people. He didn’t go to Anne Boleyn coronation.

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