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Coaching Team Captains Creating and Building a Team There is no better way to fight stigma, raise awareness or raise significant dollars than thru TEAMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching Team Captains Creating and Building a Team There is no better way to fight stigma, raise awareness or raise significant dollars than thru TEAMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching Team Captains Creating and Building a Team There is no better way to fight stigma, raise awareness or raise significant dollars than thru TEAMS – specifically Team Captains Your walk title is Walk Manager, but a better title in this segment of your Walk might be TEAM CAPTAIN COACH The success of your Walk depends on the number of successful TEAM CAPTAINS you have Your role is to develop a plan that all of your Team Captains can follow It is your responsibility to COACH them to SUCCESS.

2 Don’t we ALL want to be SUCCESSFUL and be recognized for the SUCCESS of our Walks? TEAM COACHING is one of the basic ways to do this Point them in the RIGHT direction in terms of seeing the bigger picture of their effort – how they can make an impact Give them the TOOLS and RESOURCES they will need to be successful Support them ALONG the way as they strive to succeed

3 LEARNING METHODS – everyone has different ways of learning, but the BEST way to teach something is by example GIVE EXAMPLES of how individuals are succeeding in their Teambuilding and Fundraising efforts REINFORCE these examples/activities with TIPS and SUGGESTIONS on how to do it well You know who your BEST Team Captains are – hold them up as EXAMPLES and allow them to LEAD the way on your behalf

4 STAYING CONNECTED AND COACHING TOP PERFORMERS WILL BRING YOU GREATER REWARDS Granted, you’ll be coaching ALL teams via communication efforts, but coaching your TOP PERFORMERS will pay off for you This might be personal phone calls, personal emails – checking in on their efforts and how you can help them Applaud their successes – find out how they are doing it The more you connect in your communications, in general and one-on-one, the greater success you’ll have in this area of your Walk.


6 COACHING DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE It isn’t that the TEAM CAPTAIN doesn’t want to succeed It may be because they just don’t know how to succeed – they don’t know the EXPECTATIONS of them SO your COACHING them to SUCCESS is crucial - the time and commitment you devote to this will pay off!!! COACHING begins typically around your KOL – that is when the time period really centers on building a team and fundraising. SET YOUR PLAN in place in terms of COMMUNICATIONS AND COACHING - you will see stronger results!

7 TEAM ACTIVITIES Many Ways for a TEAM CAPTAIN to Build a Team thru Instilling Expectations/Setting a Goal Motivating and Inspiring Their Team Making it FUN Providing ideas/tips/activities for Team Captains Can Help the Experience be More Rewarding, More Fun, and in Doing so, You Create - stronger team partnering - stronger commitment to the cause - creating an environment conducive to being FUN

8 ACTIVITIES FOR CONSIDERATION (not in order) Create competition within the Team Have a co-leader help you shape, build and fundraise for the Team Have Team T-Shirts – create a FUN/MEANINGFUL name – get someone to host that expense Create incentive prizes within your Team goals (top fundraiser, top recruiter, top cheerleader, etc.) Host a gathering 3-4 weeks prior to Walk to check in with efforts, provide ideas for greater outreach, share successes Host a pre-Walk gathering the night before the Walk (carb-loading dinner) or host a post-Walk event Have weekend walks leading up to Walk Day – get people ready and excited for the Walk Communicate regularly with all your team – keep them on target with timeline and goals; recognize accomplishments to date Hold a team F/R effort – yard sale, bake sale, block party to add to your team’s goal Make signage for Walk Day, take pictures on Walk Day

9 Work Place Team: - Host an onsite work teambuilding effort – get people signed up early; provide incentives. –Dress down days –Bake sales –Donating cafeteria sales –Selling paper logo’s to support the Walk –Coin collection drive –Skip coffee today, donate to NAMI –Encourage designation of United Way deductions to NAMI –Company matching program –Incentives for team growth and fundraising achievements Coach Your Team Captains To Be Creative in Their Teambuilding Process

10 HOW TO GET WALKERS TO BECOME FUNDRAISERS Ahh, the million dollar question, right? The Strongest Way to Raise Dollars is ….By Telling Your Personal Story – sharing why we’re involved with NAMI, how mental illness has directly or indirectly impacted your life. That’s the KEY! THIS IS THE CONNECTION that must happen when we coach our Team Captains

11 Not only do we NEED TO CONNECT THE DOTS of why NAMI is important in the community we serve, but we NEED TO CONNECT THE DOTS of how their fundraising campaign directly impacts this outcome. It is not just a matter or saying it or putting it in writing, it is our responsibility as a group here to teach these folks how to fundraise. For MANY this may be their first time in the fundraising arena via a Walk event We need to teach them to be comfortable in sharing their story – as this is the clearly the beginning JOURNEY in making an impact

12 You know how we share in life with friends and family about various things in our life: whether it be happy times, challenging times, etc. Well….doing an “ask” is really no different Preaching to the Choir: IF we EXPECT to create fundraisers of our Walkers we MUST be Responsible for showing them how to do it. It goes back to providing examples – what are others doing to be so successful? It’s important to keep your pulse on your Walk’s progress daily, especially when the TB/FR component of your Walk comes to life.

13 Your first step in getting your Walkers to become GREAT fundraisers is to use the INTERNET – to register ONLINE The NAMI National ONLINE Reports show you the POWER AND IMPACT that Online Fundraising has. Between 2006 and 2007, many of our Walk sites doubled their online donations There’s still good growth between 2007 and 2008

14 HOW AND WHY WAS THE JUMP IN ONLINE SO SIGNIFICANT Because ONLINE is a key way of doing business. It’s commonplace, it’s FAST, it’s cheaper, and you get INSTANT gratification. Externally…. you are promoting ONLINE ? What about INTERNALLY ? Last Year: As Walk Leader, did you register online? Form a team, raise funds online – did you coach your own Team? What about your Board and Walk Committee ? They must be onboard – ONLINE – and doing this thing we call “leading by example”

15 Here’s what amazes me: that there are a number of key volunteers that don’t do what you are asking others to do. How odd is that? You are asking your Teams and others in your community to go out and fundraise, yet your top leaders are not doing the same? If you were a walker or team captain wouldn’t you expect the NAMI leaders of the Walk to be doing what they are doing? YES! So, it’s important to get them onboard, coach them – even better, find a Champion on your Board or Walk Committee to take this effort on with that group – thus, allowing you to focus on COACHING other Teams.

16 WHY SHARING OUR STORY CONNECTS THE LINK People typically can relate or react to our story Or, if not, you can at least put a face on either mental illness or why their involvement is important – whether they walk or just make a donation. It’s an opportunity to educate. You know when people register online, a sample email follows from NAMI National (the only communication they receive once they’ve registered) and in that email we thank them for registering (of course) AND we provide an example fundraising letter with instructions on how to use that letter to have a successsful fundraising campaign. So, that’s their VERY first tool to fundraise.

17 Once a Team Captain has registered, you (as Walk Manager) also receive a notice that they’ve registered. So, now it is your TURN (as Team Captain COACH ) to check their team page, team captain personal page and then acknowledge their goals, invite them to the KOL, and offer guidance and support. Basically, it will be your first connection with them. In time, you’ll be able to tell who’s responsive and active in their Team Building and Fundraising efforts. CONNECT WITH YOUR TEAM CAPTAINS FOR RESULTS!

18 So, you have the privilege of being the first one to light the fire under their feet and set the stage for ownership of their Walk outcome and create motivation and excitement for them. Pretty powerful, huh? And exciting! This last leg of your Walk is the KEY AREA that CAN ALLOW YOU TO REACH GOAL. Did you have a great Sponsorship Effort? A Good KOL? A Super Walk Day…. HOW ABOUT YOUR TEAMBUILDING AND FUNDRAISING AREA OF YOUR WALK - did you fall short in this area of your Walk? What percent did you raise?

19 THEN THIS IS A KEY AREA TO FOCUS ON IN 2009 I hope you take away TODAY an enthusiasm and ability to realize that your role as TEAM CAPTAIN COACH is key to your Walk’s overall success This segment of your Walk is the CORNERSTONE to: –Building a Larger Base of Supporters (including businesses) –Bringing in new volunteers –Community Partners –Clearly, it extends our outreach in the community Your Regional Walk Managers will work with you to help you to set the stage, for you to COACH for SUCCESS.

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