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Assessment Results & Recommendations TAMU OD CONSULTING GROUP PROJECT.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Results & Recommendations TAMU OD CONSULTING GROUP PROJECT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Results & Recommendations TAMU OD CONSULTING GROUP PROJECT

2 Agenda Organizational Context Assessment Methods & Approach Summary of Results Recommended Interventions –Finding #1 – Authority/Accountability –Finding #2 – Core Values –Finding #3 – Interpersonal Skills –Finding #4 – RTA Process Conclusion

3 Organizational Context International Oil & Gas; 75,000 employees reported in 2013 –Corporation is committed to being the world's premier petroleum and petrochemical company. To that end, we must continuously achieve superior financial and operating results while simultaneously adhering to high ethical standards. –$88 million on training expenditures yearly Upstream Division – 5 functional companies all headquartered in Houston, TX (Exploration, Development, Production, Research, Gas & Power Marketing); approx. 26,000 employees Technical Training Support Organizations –CLO Corporate Learning Organization –UTT Upstream Technical Training

4 UTTC Upstream Technical Training - Houston

5 Organizational Context Cont. Primary Client: CLO –Supervisor Upstream Course Delivery: Trent Bailly –Team leads: Gail Kuzan & Tammy Hays –Primary Role: LDC’s Learning Delivery Coordinator (15 FTEs – 13 Houston & 2 Thailand) Responsible for coordinating: food service, A/V, room set-up, reprographics, computing, etc. Recently moved into CLO from UTT – restructured for efficiency

6 Organizational Context Cont. UTT Upstream Technical Training –2013: courses 237, classes 558, students 11,481, student days 48,220 –Course Managers: supports technical job family/skill area curriculum programs (6.5 FTE) –Course Development: adult learning and instructional design expertise (2.5 FTE) –RTA Coordinator: manages approval process for “Request to Attend” process (1 FTE) RTA process allows non-employees to attend technical training classes - Export Controls legal implications

7 Assessment Methods & Approach CLO Upstream organization UTT people involved with RTA process Appreciative Inquiry approach Interviews 1 protocol CLO Upstream OD questions & RTA process RTA process involved parties (supervisors, course coordinators, managers, etc.) Surveys 2 instruments delivered electronically Approved through Data Privacy Process

8 Assessment Methods: Survey Details RTA Survey 11 likert 2 multiple choice 1 comment LDC Survey RTA survey 24 likert 2 comment 1= strongly disagree 5 = strongly agree

9 Assessment Summary Participation –Phase 1 Interviews Conducted 10 interviews 100% participation –Phase 2 Surveys LDC survey; 7 out of 7 completed (100%) RTA survey; 7 out of 13 completed (54%) Limitations of Process –Limited time with client (part-time vs. full time) –Client hand-picked survey participants; didn’t get feedback from every type of group member

10 LDC by Experience Summary

11 RTA by Location Summary

12 Recommendations from CLO – LDC Organizational Assessment

13 Recommended Intervention: Internal Review Process Responsibility without Authority –Survey results indicated a need for the authority to oversee the internal vendor system –“more authority in my role” –“training delivery role should have more authority”

14 Recommended Intervention: Internal Review Process –Lack of authority might stem from internal vendor process –Intervention goals: Internal vendors held accountable for meeting needs Give some feedback measure to LDC’s Allows for positive and constructive feedback

15 Recommended Intervention: Linking Actions to Values Core Values Inconsistencies –An inconsistency was found in the answers provided by the interviewees in regards to how they put their work values into practice. –“General interest of the business. Not the specific team, person or group.”

16 Recommended Intervention: Linking Actions to Values Goal: To link or align the values of your organization to the actions of your employees. Description: For every value the employee defines, they should provide a sentence or two describing what that value looks like in action or identify specific actions that demonstrate their and your company’s commitment to it. –Quality Circles –Informal meetings –Workshop Possible implications: –Limited time –Low participation

17 Recommended Intervention: Interpersonal Skills Training Job requires strong interpersonal skills – training is not currently being provided.

18 Possible Actions: Interpersonal Training- This training helps to enhance communication especially at time of RTA approvals or interfacing with other service personnel. Courses Available (classroom & webinar) : –Collaboration and Positive Influence –Effective Teams & Cultural Essentials –Fundamentals of Communication

19 Possible Actions: Coaching and developing others – Encourage employees to start giving feedback to the team members and helping others to their current job. –Coaching (level 1-3) class for supervisors is available

20 Recommendations from UTT - RTA process Organizational Assessment

21 Are those involved in the RTA process held accountable in their roles? Strongly Agree Length of Service with ExxonMobil

22 Recommended Intervention: Open Systems Mapping ALL IN: Holding Employees Accountable –Less than half (42.86%) of participants believe others are held accountable in their role within the RTA process –Accountability: Part of the larger system of process management

23 Recommended Intervention: Open Systems Mapping Description: Utilizes a group to identify specific changes required within a system by examining past, present, and future states with emphasis on a system, influence, nature of relationships, and feelings. Determine steps to close gap between what is and what is desired of the process –Explore system impact May include people, Accessibility, Time Constraints

24 Example: Present Mapping SYSTEMINFLUENCE NATURE OF RELATIONSHIPFEELINGS RTA Process Customers Remote, uninvolvedContent Course Coordinators Friendly, supportive Satisfied Upper Management Demanding but unproductive Frustrated *The example provided above does not reflect actual accounts from the client organization.

25 Example: Future Mapping SYSTEMINFLUENCE DESIRED FEELINGS NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP RTA Process Customers Satisfied Working an learning together Course Coordinators Satisfied, hopeful Friendly, supportive, productive Upper Management Powerful Professional, no nonsense, effective *The example provided above does not reflect actual accounts from the client organization.

26 Recommended Intervention: Enhanced Communication Methods Effective communication is a major issue. Interview & survey data supports this claim

27 Recommended Intervention: Enhanced Communication Methods Recommended Actions: –Add visual significance to email communications (red text, exclamation points) –Include in bold print the implications of not executing the process properly –Stress & Clarify the importance of the timeline for the process

28 Project Conclusions Need more time with client and more data to be conclusive about recommendations. –Need feedback from all LDC staff –Need closer involvement with RTA process Overall nothing is completely dysfunctional – teams and processes just need tweaking through proposed interventions

29 Next Steps.. Review for client tomorrow 10:00 Client complete evaluation form by May 5 Crystal to follow-up with CLO & UTT on process recommendations

30 Thank You

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