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Published byAshlynn Owen Modified over 9 years ago
Foundations of Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking What is It? Why is it Important? How Does it Improve Teaching and Learning?
Critical Thinking is the art of analyzing and assessing thinking in order to improve it. Crit
Critical Thinking is the awakening of the intellect to the study of itself.
John Henry Newman A man may hear a thousand lectures, and read a thousand volumes, and be at the end of the process very much where he was, as regards knowledge. Something more than merely admitting it in a negative way into the mind is necessary if it is to remain there. It must not be passively received, but actually and actively entered into, embraced, mastered. The mind must go half-way to meet what comes to it from without.”
Booth Tarkington, author “ He had learned how to pass examinations by ‘cramming’; that is, in three or four days and nights he could get into his head enough of a selected fragment of some scientific or philosophical or literary or linguistic subject to reply plausibly to six questions out of ten. He could retain the information necessary for such a feat just long enough to give a successful performance; then it would evaporate utterly from his brain, and leave him undisturbed.” On what George Amberson had learned in college, from the Magnificant Ambersons (1918)}
Whitehead, The Aims of Education “The result of teaching small parts of a large number of subjects is the passive reception of disconnected ideas, not illuminated with any spark of vitality. Let the main ideas which are introduced into a child’s education be few and important, and let them be thrown into every combination possible.”
“ The child should make them his own, and should understand their application here and now in the circumstances of his actual life. From the very beginning of his education, the child should experience the joy of discovery. The discovery which he has to make is that general ideas give an understanding of that stream of events which pours through his life.”
Why concern ourselves with thinking?
Whenever we are dealing with human life, we are almost always dealing with thinking.
Thinking is the way that the mind makes sense of the world.
what there is what there is what is happening what is happening what our problems are what our problems are what our options are what our options are what threatens us what threatens us what is important what is important what is unimportant what is unimportant who our friends are who our friends are who our enemies are who our enemies are what our “history” is what our “history” is who we are who we are who loves us who loves us Thinking tells us:
Thinking determines: what we learn what we learn how we learn how we learn what we think is important to learn what we think is important to learn what effort we should expend what effort we should expend what we think is true what we think is true what we think is false what we think is false how things should be viewed how things should be viewed whether our learning is of high or low quality whether our learning is of high or low quality whether our learning is deep or superficial whether our learning is deep or superficial
Everything we know, believe, want, fear and hope for, our thinking tells us.
Most of the world’s problems are caused by, or exacerbated by, problems in human thinking
Consider these problems Humiliation Humiliation Hunger Hunger Poverty Poverty Homelessness Homelessness Global Warming Global Warming Torture Torture Murder Murder Rape Rape
Think of some problem behavior your students engage in. See if you can identify the thinking that leads to the behavior.
When we place thinking at the center of instruction: we approach students as thinkers we approach students as thinkers we continually seek to connect the content we are teaching to the thinking of students – illuminating how and why the content is important to them as thinkers we continually seek to connect the content we are teaching to the thinking of students – illuminating how and why the content is important to them as thinkers we design instruction so that students have to think their way into and through the content. we design instruction so that students have to think their way into and through the content.
Thinking is at the core of human life and human problems
Therefore thinking must be at the core of the curriculum
Content is: Understood by thinking Understood by thinking Constructed by thinking Constructed by thinking Modified by thinking Modified by thinking Applied by thinking Applied by thinking Questioned by thinking Questioned by thinking Assessed by thinking Assessed by thinking
Therefore, to learn content students have to think it into their thinking using their thinking.
Critical thinking provides the tools students need to think through content. Critical thinking is a system of thinking that opens up all other systems of thinking.
What is Critical Thinking?
Critical Thinking is a self-directed process by which we take deliberate steps to think at the highest level of quality.
Substantive Learning Write It Hear It Teach It Apply It Read It Draw It Read, write hear etc
Critical thinking is the way you do everything you do
critical thinking: disciplined, self-guided thinking aimed at living a rational life. Thinking that analyzes thinking Thinking that assesses thinking Thinking that develops within itself intellectual habits thinking that combats its native egocentricity Overview slide
VirtuesElements Standards
Why Critical Thinking? Work in pairs. Concepts and Tools Miniguide. Person A, Person B. Critically read page 1 together, using the following method: Work in pairs. Concepts and Tools Miniguide. Person A, Person B. Critically read page 1 together, using the following method: a. Person B reads one sentence aloud, then states in his/her own words what has been read. In other words, person B interprets the sentence. b. Person A then either agrees with the interpretation or offers a different interpretation, adds to the interpretation, etc. c. During this process, do not critique what you are reading, merely interpret.
d. Person B then reads the second sentence, and the same process occurs. e. Person A then takes the next two sentences, one sentence at a time, reading, interpreting, getting feedback from person B, using the same method. f. Take turns reading and interpreting using this method, each person reading and interpreting two sentences, then switching roles, until the entire page is read.
Red/green thinking
Green Thinking Unconscious Mixture Of High Quality And Low Quality Thinking SpontaneousSubconsciousUncontrolled ImpulsiveSelf protecting Unanalyzed ReflexiveSelf validating Includes ideas that are valid, as well as nonsense, confusion, stereotypes, prejudices. The key is that we cannot distinguish the difference between high and low quality thought in green thinking mode. Green thinking goes without assessing itself.
Red Thinking Red Thinking stops and assesses itself before going forward. Disciplined Seeks the truth Self assessing Critical ThinkingSelf correctingProbing In red thinking mode, we actively work to eliminate prejudices, biases, dysfunctional thinking from our thinking. We actively work on our thinking. We rigorously apply intellectual standards to our thinking.
Your Thinking can either Trap You Free You Hold you Hostage within uncritically held beliefs Open your mind to new ways of thinking Trap or free
The Critical Thinking Mind = The Educated Mind The critical thinking mind is the educated mind
To learn anything, you must actively bring it into your thinking.
The Test: What is Critical Thinking? To be clear in writing: 1) state 2) elaborate (In other words…) 3) exemplify and/or illustrate Write your understanding of critical thinking, in this form: 1) Critical thinking is ….. 2) In other words … 3) For example …
Think for Yourself: 1-1 Beginning to Think About Your Thinking Think for Yourself: 1-1 Beginning to Think About Your Thinking To begin to think about your thinking, make a list of any problems you believe currently exist with your thinking. Try to be as explicit as possible. The more problems you identify the better. For each problem you identify, complete the following statements: To begin to think about your thinking, make a list of any problems you believe currently exist with your thinking. Try to be as explicit as possible. The more problems you identify the better. For each problem you identify, complete the following statements: 1. One problem with my thinking is… 1. One problem with my thinking is… 2. This is a problem because… 2. This is a problem because… 3. If I adequately addressed this problem, the quality of my life would improve in the following ways… 3. If I adequately addressed this problem, the quality of my life would improve in the following ways…
Think for Yourself: 1-2 Critique Your Thinking Consider your thinking in these domains of your life: at work, in personal relationships, in teaching, in intimate relationships, as a reader, as a writer, in planning your life, in dealing with your emotions, in figuring out complex situations. Complete these statements: Right now, I believe my thinking across all domains of my life is of ______________ quality. I based this judgment on _________________. Right now, I believe my thinking across all domains of my life is of ______________ quality. I based this judgment on _________________. 1. In the following areas, I think very well … 2. In the following areas, my thinking is OK, not great, but not terrible either … 3. In the following areas, my thinking is probably of low quality … List at least three areas for each of the above. List at least three areas for each of the above.
The Quality of My Teaching is given in the thinking that I do about my Teaching
What is critical thinking? Concepts and Tools Guide Silently read page 1 – then discuss. Silently read page 1 – then discuss. p. 2 – then discuss. p. 2 – then discuss. p. 318 p. 318 p. 4 p. 4 p. 6 p. 6 p. 9 p. 9 p.12 p.12 p. 19 p. 19 p. 18 p. 18
Robert Reich, former secretary of labor for Bill Clinton Reich identifies four components of the kind of thinking that highly paid workers will increasingly need to master: 1. Command of abstractions 2. Ability to think within systems 3. Ability to evaluate ideas 4. Ability to communicate effectively
What do you know about thinking? What do you know about the connection between thinking and learning?
What have you learned about how you think? What have you learned about how you think? Did you ever study your thinking? Did you ever study your thinking? What information do you have, for example, about the intellectual processes that occur as your mind thinks? What information do you have, for example, about the intellectual processes that occur as your mind thinks?
What do you know about how to analyze, evaluate, or reconstruct your thinking? What do you know about how to analyze, evaluate, or reconstruct your thinking? Where does your thinking come from? Where does your thinking come from? How much of it is of “good” quality? How much of it is of “good” quality? How much of it is of “poor” quality? How much of it is of “poor” quality?
Are you, in any real sense, in control of your thinking? Are you, in any real sense, in control of your thinking? How do you control your thinking? How do you control your thinking? Do you know how to test it? Do you know how to test it? Do you have any conscious standards for determining when you are thinking well and when you are thinking poorly? Do you have any conscious standards for determining when you are thinking well and when you are thinking poorly?
Have you ever discovered a significant problem in your thinking and then changed it by a conscious act of will? Have you ever discovered a significant problem in your thinking and then changed it by a conscious act of will? If anyone asked you to teach them what you have learned, thus far in your life, about thinking, would you really have any idea what that was or how you learned it? If anyone asked you to teach them what you have learned, thus far in your life, about thinking, would you really have any idea what that was or how you learned it?
What does each of these intellectual virtues mean? What does each of these intellectual virtues mean? Why are they important in instruction? Why are they important in instruction? How would you articulate the opposite of each one? How would you articulate the opposite of each one?
Typical day/Typical lessons Teaching strategies Semester design Period of learning and experimentation Roll out across the discipline or school The Idea of Critical Thinking Plan for systematic approach
Analyzing the concept of “Education” What is the purpose of education? What is the purpose of education? What key questions should we be asking in education (that should drive instruction)? What key questions should we be asking in education (that should drive instruction)? What information should we use to determine how we should approach students/instruction? What information should we use to determine how we should approach students/instruction? What key ideas or concepts should guide education? What key ideas or concepts should guide education? If we truly educate students, what are some important implications – for students and society? If we truly educate students, what are some important implications – for students and society? What should we assume, or take for granted, about what it means to be an educated person? What should we assume, or take for granted, about what it means to be an educated person?
Logic of Student Thinking Logic of Critical Thinking Logic of Content
Logic of Student Thinking varies from student to student But with certain identifiable patterns
Student beliefs/habits that affect learning It’s true if the teacher says it is true. It’s true if the teacher says it is true. It is true if my friend’s believe it. It is true if my friend’s believe it. It is true if it agrees with what I already think. It is true if it agrees with what I already think. Learning should be easy. Learning should be easy. Learning should always be fun. Learning should always be fun. If I am not learning it is the teacher’s fault. If I am not learning it is the teacher’s fault. I am too stupid to learn this. I am too stupid to learn this. If I have to ask a question in class, I am dumb. If I have to ask a question in class, I am dumb. I am the only person with a question, so I must be the only dumb person here. I am the only person with a question, so I must be the only dumb person here.
If I finish my work first, I am smarter than everyone else. If I finish my work first, I am smarter than everyone else. If the teacher calls on me more that the other students, it shows I am smarter than them. If the teacher calls on me more that the other students, it shows I am smarter than them. If the teacher calls on me more that the other students, it shows I am dumber than them. If the teacher calls on me more that the other students, it shows I am dumber than them. The only things worth learning are those that will be on the test. The only things worth learning are those that will be on the test. The only things worth learning are the things that will increase my job-earning potential. The only things worth learning are the things that will increase my job-earning potential. All I should do is the minimum to get by. All I should do is the minimum to get by. Since I am smarter than everyone else in the class, I have nothing to learn from them. Since I am smarter than everyone else in the class, I have nothing to learn from them. I shouldn’t have to waste my time teaching other students since it isn’t my problem if they are “slow.” I shouldn’t have to waste my time teaching other students since it isn’t my problem if they are “slow.”
The teacher will explain everything I need to know. The teacher will explain everything I need to know. If other students think I am dumb, I am dumb. If other students think I am dumb, I am dumb. If other students think I am smart, I am smart. If other students think I am smart, I am smart. I am too stupid to learn complicated things. I am too stupid to learn complicated things.
Students need to face these assumptions and habits of mind and deal with them. They need intervention strategies that they create and regularly use, to change these habits.
I understand science when I can think scientifically, when I can: Formulate scientific questions Formulate scientific questions Pursue scientific purposes Pursue scientific purposes Gather relevant scientific information Gather relevant scientific information Make reasonable scientific inferences Make reasonable scientific inferences Follow out logical scientific implications Follow out logical scientific implications Think within a scientific point of view (or multiple scientific viewpoints) Think within a scientific point of view (or multiple scientific viewpoints) Clarify and use scientific assumptions Clarify and use scientific assumptions Clarify and use scientific concepts Clarify and use scientific concepts
Circle – Dots
What things do minds construct…especially habitually? What are students’ minds constructing? Arguments Arguments Values Values Purposes Purposes Concepts, theories Concepts, theories Assumptions Assumptions Prejudices Prejudices Self-delusive narratives Self-delusive narratives Stories about themselves and their friends Stories about themselves and their friends Rationalizations Rationalizations Experiences (as interpretations) Experiences (as interpretations) Half-truths Half-truths
What are we asking students to construct in our classes? What is the value of those constructs for thinking within the discipline? or for living their lives…?
We assume that students are constructing the meanings we intend… But often people listen for: 1. what they agree with. 2. what they disagree with. Or they aren’t listening at all.
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