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Connecting with Today’s College Students Maxwell’s Silver Hammer: Resources for Career Counseling 2009 Counseling and Library Science Faculty Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting with Today’s College Students Maxwell’s Silver Hammer: Resources for Career Counseling 2009 Counseling and Library Science Faculty Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting with Today’s College Students Maxwell’s Silver Hammer: Resources for Career Counseling 2009 Counseling and Library Science Faculty Development Institute Rita Jones Chancellor’s Office Statewide Advisory Committee for Career Development

2 Chancellor’s Office Statewide Advisory Committee  Who are we?  Why do we do what we do?  How are we funded?  WIFY?

3 Getting to Know You 1. Counselor or faculty? 2. What do you hope to get out of today?

4 What I hope to accomplish!  Share some of the best resources that we have developed to help you get better connected to students on your campus.

5 Three Goals for Today Find out …….  Who are they?  What do they need?  How do we reach them? Life has greater meaning when you reach out and strive for your goals.


7 T he“Next” Generation Born Between 1980 and 1999  Millennials  Screenagers  Echo-Boomers  Wired Generation  Dot-com Generation  Entitled Generation

8 Getting to Know Them………….  Raised on Technology  Open-minded about globalization  Raised to “play”  Instant gratification/ coddled  Improved Literacy  Work well on teams

9 An Ambitious Generation  The Clueless  The Aimless  The Motivated but Directionless  The Motivated and Directed

10 What do they need?

11 Generation Y Generation Y  High need for high tech but still personal touch  Reflection/Exploration are the KEYS missing pieces in work, education, career exploration and life

12 How do we reach them?

13 Use their devices  Ipod: podcasts - skill building  30 second clip on cellphones  Websites like Myspace and Facebook using Banner ads: edgy, catch attention  Use lots of different media, YouTube etc.

14 CareerClues.Org

15 Searching for Direction: #1 Find Your Strengths! click here to print lesson guide Did You Know? After studying over 2 million people, The Gallup Organization found that top achievers in virtually every profession, career, and field of achievement built their lives upon their unique strengths and natural talents. Do you know what you do well naturally? Surprisingly, most people have a difficult time articulating their own strengths and talents. If you are “in touch” with what you do well, you can use the information to find a career you will enjoy and excel in.The Gallup Organization Your Talent and Strengths Author Richard Koch believes that you can be 16 times more successful by focusing on and using your personal strengths. Watch this video clip from Pritchett Net to learn about your 20% spike and how you can use clip By developing your strengths and natural talents, you will find greater success. Answer these three questions to help you identify what you do well: o What activities or skills have you learned easily and naturally and with great enjoyment? o What are the things you get completely absorbed in, so that you lose track of time? o What do friends, family, colleagues compliment you for or take for granted you’ll do well? For More Insight Take JASPER, Monster’s fun, job assets and strengths profiler, to glean more insight into your talents, work preferences, and values. This assessment takes some time, but we think it’s worth it!JASPER Added Clues Review your free Jasper Profile. √ What type are you? √ How can you use this information to help you find career success? If you are looking for some additional clues, describe your 5 Lives using this form from Stanford University’s Career Center.5 Lives “ The secret to success is to become more of what you already are. ” Marcus Buckingham The secret to success is to become more of what you already are.


17 Your Talent and Strengths – Richard Koch Answer the following questions to help you identify what you do well

18 What activities or skills have you learned easily and naturally and with great enjoyment? What activities or skills have you learned easily and naturally and with great enjoyment?

19 What are the things you get completely absorbed in, so that you lose track of time?

20 What do friends, family, colleagues compliment you for or take for granted you’ll do well?




24 Build Your Support Network Did you know? For every person who finds a position through Monster or Jobster, at least ten more find theirs through the people they know. In fact, most job opportunities are never even advertised because organizations look first at people they know and people who come recommended by people they know when it comes time to hire someone. People are the most important source of information about new jobs and career opportunities. Building and maintaining a good personal network will serve you well as you make your way in the working world. Why Networking Works Watch this 4 minute video clip on the five reasons Why Networking Works. Then complete the chart on your guide to further explain each key point.Why Networking Works 1.Gets You in Front of People 2.People Really Want to Help 3.It’s Self Perpetuating 4.Gain Information about Yourself 5.Leaves a Lasting Impression Make a Networking Introduction Because people are busy, it is important to develop a networking introduction that will quickly identify who you are, what you want. You will want to grab a person’s attention and make a good first impression in your initial contact. You want to make a 1,2,3 connection. Fill out your networking introduction on your guide. 1.Who are you and how are you connected? My name is Jack Jones and Mark Peter’s and I went to school together. He suggested that I contact you. 2.What do you want? I am looking for an entry level accounting position with a large accounting firm. 3.What is your background? I will be graduating from Orange Coast College with an AA in Business, and I am have completed an internship with Parker and Post. Your Networking Report Card Connecting with people and learning to nurture and grow relationships will help you throughout your career. With the reliance on new technologies, many young grads do not realize how important networking is and how to go about building a personal network. Harvey Mackay is a top selling author who has built a career advising successful people. In his book, Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty, he has a Networking Report Card. See how you perform as you answer and score your responses.answer and score Who you know gets you into the door, what you know keeps you there!


26 Career Clues Booklet


28 An opportunity to develop InterpersonalSkills

29 Missing Major Booklet

30 Five Things to Help Them Succeed! Five Things to Help Them Succeed! 1. Know Their Strengths 2. Identify Obstacles 3. Explore and Reflect 4. Learn to Network 5. Practice and Build Skills




34 Insert Missing Major slide



37 Remember…….. Students who have made decisions about their majors and careers are our most motivated students. They stay in school longer and get better grades.

38 Time to share  What has worked on your campus?

39 Questions? Rita Jones

40 Simple metaphor to help your students….. Thanks to Matt Weinstein and Luke Barber Gently Down the Stream: 4 Unforgettable Keys to Success

41 Row, row, row your boat Get involved

42 Row, Row, Row Your Boat “If you want to be successful in life, then you must be willing to take an ongoing and energetic role in making it happen.” ongoing and energetic role in making it happen.”

43 Gently down the stream, Go with the flow,

44 Gently Down the Stream “There must be a flow to your life. If you just relax into it, the path to success will be revealed.” Pay attention to opportunities that come your way….

45 Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Have fun

46 Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily “To be successful, you must bring more laughter, play and fun into your life. Your life will become more joyful and productive.” When you enjoy something and are having fun, you tend to do it more often, when you do it more often, you get better at it, when you get better at it, you enjoy it more and therefore are more successful!

47 Life is but a dream. And create a vision

48 Life is But a Dream “People who are successful know that our choices always move us closer or farther away from what we really want in life. “You can choose to make your life a nightmare or a dream” ps. You don’t have to have it all figured out… just plan the “next step”

49 It really works!

50 Career Development is Everyone’s Job!

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