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Chapter 5 Characterizing Genetic Diversity: Quantitative Variation Quantitative (metric or polygenic) characters of Most concern to conservation biology.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Characterizing Genetic Diversity: Quantitative Variation Quantitative (metric or polygenic) characters of Most concern to conservation biology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Characterizing Genetic Diversity: Quantitative Variation Quantitative (metric or polygenic) characters of Most concern to conservation biology are those Related to reproductive fitness such as: Number of fertile offspring contributed by an Individual that survive to reproductive age.

2 For endangered species, quantitative variation for reproductive fitness is involved in the major genetic concerns in conservation biology, namely: Reduction in reproductive fitness due to inbreeding inbreeding depression (inbreeding depression) Loss of evolutionary potential due to small population sizes.

3 Impact of crossing between different populations heterosis on fitness, whether beneficial (heterosis) or outbreeding depression deleterious (outbreeding depression). Effects of translocating individuals from one environment to another. Correlations between molecular and quantitative measures of genetic diversity are low. Therefore, molecular measures of genetic variation provide, at best, only a very imprecise indication of evolutionary potential.

4 Quantitative characters typically have continuous, approximately normal distributions and include characters such as reproductive fitness, longevity, height, weight, disease resistance, etc. It is not possible to directly infer genotype from observed phenotype for quantitative characters. Individuals with the same genotype may have different phenotypic values and individuals with the same phenotypic values may have different genotypes.

5 Underlying genetic basis to quantitative characters is that they are affected by a number of loci, each possessing alleles that add to or detract from the magnitude of the character. Loci affecting quantitative characters, individually, show usual Mendelian properties of segregation and linkage.

6 A major challenge in the study of quantitative genetics is to determine how much of the observed variation is due to genetics and how much is due to environment. One of the central concepts of quantitative genetics heritability is heritability. Heritability Heritability is the proportion of the total phenotypic variance in a population due to genetic differences among individuals.

7 Algebraically, we can define the phenotypic value Of an individual as the consequence of the alleles It inherits together with environmental influences As: P = G + E Where P = phenotype, G = Genotype, and E = Environment.

8 The genetic component can be partitioned from the environmental component as: V P = V G + V E + 2Cov GE Where, Cov GE is the covariance between genetic and environmental effects. The covariance for this component is expected to be 0 if conditions for different genotypes are equalized by randomly allocating individuals across the range of environment, which is difficult to achieve in wild populations.

9 For example, in territorial species of birds and mammals, the genetically fittest parents may obtain the best territories. Offspring inheriting the best fitness genotypes also inherit the best environments. This results in a genotype X environment correlation that increases phenotypic resemblance among relatives.

10 Differences in performance of genotypes in different environments is referred to as Genotype X Environment Interactions Genotype X Environment Interactions. These develop when populations adapt to particular environmental conditions, and survive and reproduce better in their native conditions than in other environments. Genotype X Environment Interactions Genotype X Environment Interactions are of major significance to the genetic management of endangered species as follows:

11 Reproductive fitness of translocated individuals cannot be predicted if there are significant Genotype X environment interactions. Success of reintroduced populations may be compromised by genetic adaptation to captivity. For example, superior genotypess under captive conditions may perform relatively poorly when released to the wild.

12 Mixing of genetic material from fragment populations may generate genotypes that do not perform well under some, or all, conditions. Knowledge of genotype X environment interactions can strongly influence the choice of populations for return to the wild. Genotype X Environment interactions must be distinguished from the genotype X environment covariances and correlations.

13 Genotype X environment correlations occur when genotypes are non-randomly distributed over environments. By contrast, genotype X environment interactions are detected by comparing all genotypes in several common garden environments; if their relative performances differ in the different environments there is a genotype X environment interaction.

14 Likelihood of genotype X environment interaction increases with the magnitude of both genetic and environmental differences. Thus, it is more likely to be detected in species with wide geographic, ecological, or altitudinal ranges. Further, quantitative traits closely associated with reproductive fitness appear to be more prone to genotype X environment interactions than characters more peripheral to fitness.

15 Quantitative genetic variation has contributions from the average effects of loci V A, from their dominance deviations V D, and from interactions (epistatic) deviations among gene loci V I as: V G = V A + V D + V I These are referred to as additive genetic variance (V A ), dominance variance (V D ), and interaction variance (V I ). Each of these has major conservation implications as follows:

16 V A and especially the ratio V A /V P (heritability) reflect the adaptive evolutionary potential of the population for the character under study. V D reflects susceptibility to inbreeding depression. V I influences the effects of outbreeding, whether beneficial or deleterious.

17 V P = V G + V E = 2Cov GE Therefore, V P = V G + V E = 2Cov GE More specifically, V P = V A + V D + V I + V E + 2Cov GE

18 Evolutionary Potential and Heritability Conservation genetics is concerned with the evolution of quantitative traits and how their ability to adapt is affected by reduced population size, fragmentation, and changes in the environment. Immediate evolutionary potential of a population is heritability determined by the heritability which is defined as the proportion of total phenotypic variation h 2 = V A /V P. due to additive genetic variation or h 2 = V A /V P.

19 Heritabilities range from 0 to 1. Heritabilities of 0 are found in highly inbred populations with no genetic variation. Heritabilities of 1 are expected for characters with no environmental variance in an outbred population if all genetic variance is additive. Heritabilities are specific to particular populations living under specific environmental conditions.

20 Heritability and V A are fundamentally measures of how well quantitative traits are transmitted from one generation to the next. Unfortunately, very few heritability estimates exist for endangered species and there clearly is need for many more estimates of heritability in threatened and endangered species.

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