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People and environment. Human Ecology.. Human Ecology - a comprehensive interdisciplinary research direction, which examines patterns of populations of.

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Presentation on theme: "People and environment. Human Ecology.. Human Ecology - a comprehensive interdisciplinary research direction, which examines patterns of populations of."— Presentation transcript:

1 People and environment. Human Ecology.

2 Human Ecology - a comprehensive interdisciplinary research direction, which examines patterns of populations of human interaction with the environment, problems of population during this interaction, problem focused management maintenance and development of public health, improve the species Homo sapiens.


4 Antropoeko system - a territorial system, whereby a homogeneous (urban, rural, etc..) Population together with a relatively homogeneous environment and performance criteria of its functioning is a high level of health.


6 The subject of Human Ecology is the study of biotic interactions in the human population level of the organism and the environment in order to ensure a high level of health

7 The object of the study of Human Ecology believes the system "man - environment" in which a person acts as organism, and at the population level, and the concept of "environment" includes natural, technological and socio-cultural environment.

8 The main objective of Human Ecology is the forecasting of possible changes in the characteristics of the level of human health (population) under the influence of environmental change and the development of scientific and reasonable standards of correction in the relevant parts of the life support systems with regard to forecasts and analysis anthropological and ecology tension. Environment - the combination of natural and modified natural living conditions and production of human society.

9 Environment - the combination of natural and modified natural living conditions and production of human society. Natural Agriculture Model Environment Artificial

10 Environmental factors - is any physical, chemical, biological or psycho emotional component of the environment, natural or anthropogenic, can affect human health as a direct factor.


12 Classification of the environmental factors Natural Anthropogenic

13 Potentially dangerous environmental factors physicalchemica l biological including natural human habitat industrial consumer

14 Environmental factors Factors of physical environment factors of social environment

15 The natural environmental factors include macro-and microclimate, noise, vibration static electricity, electromagnetic fields of different frequencies, infra- ionizing radiation and ultrasound, light, high or low pressure. The chemical environmental factors include steam, gases, aerosols, liquids that contain different chemical compounds. The biological environmental factors include pathogenic microbes, viruses, worms, fungi.

16 Factors of social protection social social economic cultural factors

17 Types of influence of environmental factors Combined action - is the total effect of several factors, one of nature, such as multiple chemical compounds or several physical factors. Combined effect - the overall effect is simultaneously two or more factors of different nature, such as chemical and physical factors. A comprehensive action - this is such an action in which the same substance enters the body from different environments of the biosphere, or the simultaneous action of a chemical that enters the body in several ways (oral, respiratory, through the skin).

18 effect of factors combinedadditivesynergisticantagonistic

19 Some chemicals can enhance or alter the course of the disease immunology and biological resistance of the organism (paratoxyc effect) or cause the development of pathological processes after it has ended up poisoning (metatoxyc action). Natural factors are essential or natural background of the biosphere, which ensures the relative constancy of its composition and circulation of substances in nature

20 Reaction of body 1) mortality 2) morbidity 3) physiological and biochemical signs of disease 4) changes in an organism of unknown aetiology 5) the accumulation of pollutants in the organs and tissues

21 The human adaptation to the new natural and operating conditions - a combination of social and biological properties of i features necessary for a sustainable existence of the organism in a particular ecological environment.

22 Stages of Adaptation Syndrome The first - phase alarm - includes a call to mobilization of body defences, in response to external influence. The second phase - phase of resistance - is characterized by the achievement of a dynamic stability in the ratio of organism- environment and stabilize the core functional systems. The third phase - phase depletion, whether it is optional and it occurs when the body is not able to fully compensate for violations that arose during prolonged exposure to extreme factors.

23 Methods of environment studying Methods of environment studying

24 Biorhythm - rhythmic changes in biological processes (daily) (monthly) (annual, seasonal)..

25 In recent years the subject of active study were bio cycle lasting 20-30 days: physical - 23 days, emotional - 28 days, and intellectual - 33 days. «Run" refers to their birthday. Context of transition "positive" phase in "negative" is called critical days: the physical cycle - roughly 11 a day for emotional - and 14-day, for the intellectual - and 16-day. These days, more accidents occur, other adverse effects. consider coincidence 2.3 critical dates. Especially dangerous It is believed that the development of angina attack under the influence of magnetic storms is particularly distinct in the case of coincidence in time with the critical days of individual biorhythms.

26 Programmed of the Biorhythm

27 Biorhythm for Windows

28 Acclimatization - a complex socio- biological process of active adaptation to new climatic conditions.

29 Phases of acclimatization 1) the initial phase - in which there are climate-specific physiological responses 2) phase adjustment of dynamic stereotype - she can take place favourably or unfavourably 3) phase stable acclimatization

30 Health - a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

31 Health of the individual - is a dynamic state of (process) the preservation and development of its physiological functions, optimal performance and social activity with a maximum duration of active life i maintaining maximum functional reserve; Population health - the process of socio-historical development of biological and psychosocial viable population living in a territory, a number of generations, increasing its efficiency and productivity of the collective work, the growth of ecological dominance, improved species Homo sapiens.

32 Methods of Studying of Environmental Influence on Human Organism and Health

33 The first law of hygiene The infringement of level of health of the people (disease, decreasing of the resistance, immunological status, adaptation- compensatory opportunities of organism), caused by physical, chemical, biological and psychogenic etiological factors. can arise only at presence of three driving forces: a source of insalubrity (polluting substance) or the complex of the insalubrities, factor (mechanism) of influence or transfer of this polluting substance and susceptible (sensitive to influence of the insalubrity) organism.

34 The second driving force/ Polluting substance: - air-man; - water - man; - soil - plant - animal - man.

35 The second law of hygiene The second law of hygiene

36 The third law of hygiene The third law of hygiene – is the law of inevitable negative influence on an environment and health of the people of natural ecological accidents (flood, earthquake etc), natural both toxic biochemist provinces and toxic failures (on AES, enterprises, transport).

37 The fourth law of hygiene The fourth law of hygiene – is the law of positive influence on environmental of human society.

38 The fifth law of hygiene The fifth law of hygiene is the law of inevitable negative influence of the muddy environment on health of the population.

39 The sixth law of hygiene The sixth law of hygiene is the law of positive influence of the factors of a natural environment on health of the population.

40 Groups of indicators health Medical health (morbidity, mortality and general child, physical development, disability); Social Health (demographic, health and hygiene indicators of the environment, lifestyle, level of medical care, social and health indicators); Mental Health (incidence of mental illness, frequency of neurotic states and psychopath, psychological climate).

41 Criteria of social welfare a) percentage of gross national product allocated to health needs; b) availability of primary health care; c) the coverage of safe water; d) the percentage of people immunized against six common especially among people in developing countries, infectious diseases (diphtheria, whooping cough, Tetanus, measles) e) the degree of service women trained personnel during pregnancy and childbirth; i) The percentage of children born with low weight (less than 2500 g); f) the average length of life coming; j) the level of literacy among the population.

42 Drugs - is the same poison, and the difference between these two types of biologically active compounds is determined mainly by their quantity (doses). In relatively small doses of drugs exhibit their therapeutic effect in large, they become toxic to the body, behave as a poison.

43 To narcotic substances include tobacco alcohol narcotic neuroleptics doorman


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