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Symbol use in Early Years. Curriculum for Excellence: Early Years active, experiential learningactive, experiential learning a holistic approach to learninga.

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Presentation on theme: "Symbol use in Early Years. Curriculum for Excellence: Early Years active, experiential learningactive, experiential learning a holistic approach to learninga."— Presentation transcript:

1 Symbol use in Early Years

2 Curriculum for Excellence: Early Years active, experiential learningactive, experiential learning a holistic approach to learninga holistic approach to learning smooth transitionssmooth transitions learning through playlearning through play ‘…promoting better continuity and progression of learning across the sectors’.

3 daily routine meet and greet on arrival play time together time snack time large group time small group time outside time tidy-up time story/song time home time

4 The early years curriculum offers many opportunities for… schedules/timetables ‘now/next’ visual cues – shared understanding supporting transitions resource labelling introducing new vocabulary making choices comment/discussion learning and understanding rules and routines and routines

5 How symbols improve staff communication with children provide visual stimulusprovide visual stimulus support speaking and non-speaking childrensupport speaking and non-speaking children help reduce number of words used – short, simple sentenceshelp reduce number of words used – short, simple sentences slow rate of speech downslow rate of speech down

6 improve comprehensionimprove comprehension help to promote consistencyhelp to promote consistency help children to listenhelp children to listen improve behaviourimprove behaviour support self confidence and independencesupport self confidence and independence How symbols improve staff communication with children

7 Why symbols and not other visuals? too fussy – colours, fonts, shapes - often only text although nice to look attoo fussy – colours, fonts, shapes - often only text although nice to look at not always available to all or be consistent throughout the nurserynot always available to all or be consistent throughout the nursery

8 meaning can be unclear …remember a visual is only as good as it’s message – can’t read!!!

9 How can we use them? as visual tools to help organise the environment and support visual tools to help organise the environment and support understanding. environmental labelling

10 song/rhyme/storyboards routines

11 choice boards symbols or scanned images

12 visual timetables


14 self regulation

15 shared understanding of behaviour expectations



18 Restorative scripts

19 Give consistent prompts for discussion / resolution…

20 What happened and how did it feel…

21 Who was affected and how can we make it better… can we make it better…

22 Where to start? Introduce symbols in key areas: labelling areaslabelling areas snack time – routine and choicessnack time – routine and choices song/story choicesong/story choice sequences e.g. wash strips, painting routinessequences e.g. wash strips, painting routines visual timetable/schedulesvisual timetable/schedules

23 Useful extras ‘now’ and ‘next’ strips to help transition ‘surprise’ for unusual events, changes or activities individual supports where appropriate e.g. choices of activities; routines … visual home/nursery diaries to prompt conversation with context visual supports for stories, rhymes and song

24 Do’s and Don'ts do be consistent with the symbol choicedo be consistent with the symbol choice do involve the children when starting todo involve the children when starting to use symbols do share with othersdo share with others do think about the size and position of symbolsdo think about the size and position of symbols don’t try to do too much at oncedon’t try to do too much at once don’t change the symbol when they need replaceddon’t change the symbol when they need replaced

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