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Presentation on theme: " Numbers and Patterns: laying foundations in mathematics Mercia Lee and Lisa Guest Primary Maths Team 24 th June, 2 nd July, 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Numbers and Patterns: laying foundations in mathematics Mercia Lee and Lisa Guest Primary Maths Team 24 th June, 2 nd July, 6 th July, 7 th July

2 Aims: To become familiar with the ideas, guidance and resources in Numbers and Patterns To consider and explore key themes and steps in learning about numbers and counting To consider how the guidance can support the transition between YR and Y1

3 The contents of the materials: Introduction Observation, assessment and planning Steps in learning Enabling environments Role of the adult Supporting material

4 Introduction The materials are for practitioners and teachers working in EYFS and lower KS1 They will support : planning for mathematics provision and assessment of children’s learning the needs of individuals, groups or class children in securing key mathematical ideas they will use throughout the rest of their lives children’s engagement with numbers as labels, counting, quantifying and calculating

5 The focus of the materials is on key aspects of Numbers as Labels and for Counting and Calculating in the EYFS Development Matters guidance and emphasises the importance of children recognising, using and memorising patterns in number names, rhymes and visual links. The two themes are: Number words and numerals the ability to say number names in order Counting sets the ability to count objects, in order to find out how many there are in a set

6 Do children have a reason to count? Research by Penny Munn indicates that young children rarely have a reason for counting! We need to give them one! Why do I need to count? Name 5 real reasons for counting.

7 I need… 3 eggs… 2 cups of flour… 1 cup of sugar… half a cup of currants… Cooking

8 Keeping score How many times can I get the ball through the hole in 1 minute?

9 Counting money Have I got enough money for 2 rolls?

10 Shopping Have I got the right number of items in my basket?

11 How many conkers… leaves… stones… cones… acorns… can you fit into the bag? 5 I wonder if you can find groups of 5 things for the 5 bag? Collecting

12 Counting for fun! Hide things inside or outside and discuss the numbers found Only 1 more to find… we hid 5 and we’ve found 4… Where’s the last one?

13 Countdowns How many sleeps until..... Christmas..... my birthday?

14 “the brain thrives on patterns” Lucas (2001)


16 “Pattern is of fundamental importance not only in mathematical thinking but in thinking in general.” Pound (2008) Visual

17 ‘subitising’ Play ‘spot’ games


19 “It is important that children are encouraged to explore every area of learning and development.” Pound (2008)

20 Observation, assessment and planning This section gives guidance on: how to observe children’s mathematical learning – formal and informal what skills to look for when assessing their progress Planning their next steps – long, medium and short- term

21 Steps in learning This section includes: a chart outlining the learning focuses within the six phases of the two themes a chart illustrating potential difficulties which children commonly experience within the two themes, together with possible learning and teaching approaches guidance on key models and images that can support the development of children’s early skills in number

22 Watch the following video clip Using the steps in learning section, consider: What do the children already know and understand about number words and numerals? What are they not yet confident with?

23 Role of the adult This section is the heart of the materials. It emphasises the crucial role adults play in stimulating and supporting children in their mathematical learning, through modelling and use of the language of mathematics It contains examples of activities that provide starting points when working with children within the phases and assessment opportunities

24 Watch the following video clip Using the role of the adult section, consider: What activities would you plan for Hanza? Why?

25 Matching 1:1 using number words is more important than matching objects one-to-one Gesture is important to teaching cardinality Number – cardinality 1 2 3 4 5

26 Each set of activities follows the same format: An overview of the phase suggesting key vocabulary, effective practice and opportunities to look, listen and note An overview of the focuses of the activities Some examples of activities There is also an example of developing mathematics through a theme of ‘Having a party’ Role of the adult

27 Number words and numerals Phase 1 Page 9 Use the cards to play games, for example: play in pairs put the cards in a bag take turns on your turn, decide whether the card you take out will show ‘one’ or ‘lots’ if your guess was right, you keep the card Adapt the game – play as a group, cards spread on the table, photos of specific numbers to match with numerals, children sort the cards using own criteria

28 Transition issues See chapter 7 on Transitions in the ‘Children Thinking Mathematically: PSRN essential knowledge for Early Years practitioners’ document. It contains practical guidance on: Effective practice Building on what children already know and understand Moving from EYFS to Key Stage 1 Continuity into Year 1 National Strategies Early Years document December 2009

29 Transition issues What works well at your school in terms of transition between R and 1? Even better if...... Choose 1 idea to implement to ease transition.

30 Action Points! What are the actions you need to take? Become more familiar with the resource? Feedback ideas to colleagues? Reflect on current provision and opportunities children have for learning about number word, numerals and counting sets? Plan to use/adapt the activities to the developmental needs of your children? Review what you have done at the end of term and plan for next year? Something else?


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