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Nutrition Nutrition is a continually changing field of information.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition Nutrition is a continually changing field of information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition Nutrition is a continually changing field of information

2 Nutrient: Defined as a chemical substance obtained from food which supplies the body with energy and regulate the body processes

3 Things to remember: Over 60 different nutrients Found in natural sources No 1 food provides all needed nutrients Nutrients work together to accomplish their goals for the body

4 Six classes of nutrients: Protein* Carbohydrates* Fats* Water Vitamins Minerals ***these nutrients give the body calories***

5 Protein 4 calories per gram Function is to build, repair and maintain body cells Protein molecules are made from amino acids There are 23 ESSENTIAL amino acids Complete protein have all essential amino acids (animal foods) Incomplete proteins lack one or more of the essentials (plant foods)

6 Carbohydrates Three types: – Complex – Simple – Fiber *Found mostly in plant foods and should make up approximately 50% of daily calories

7 Complex Carbohydrates Starches: bread, tortillas, noodles 4 calories in each gram A serving is usually 1-2 ounces (size of 1 slice of standard sandwich bread, or ½ cup cooked rice) Whole Grains have more fiber and B vitamins

8 Simple Carbohydrates Chemical structure is sugar molecule Fructose, sucrose, lactose maltose Some are naturally occurring some are processed, or refined Natural source: fruits and juices Natural sugars are more easily metabolized and not stored as easily as body fat 4 calories a gram

9 Fiber Very low in calories per serving (4 per gram) because of high levels of water Found in plants, especially vegetables Important for digestive health

10 Fat Most concentrated source of energy (9 calories per gram) Needed to absorb fat soluble vitamins Builds nerve tissue coverings Makes hormones Helps prevent hunger pangs

11 Water Transports nutrients Takes away waste Cools the body Many other functions!

12 Vitamins Act as catalysts in chemical reactions in the body Help release energy form the food that is eaten Water soluble: B vitamins and C mainly Fat soluble: A,D,E,K

13 Minerals Also work to release energy from foods that are eaten Some minerals are needed in fairly large amounts: ex, calcium, iron – Lack of iron= anemia (tired and pale) – Lack of calcium= osteoporosis (low calcium in bones) Others are needed in small amounts: TRACE minerals, for ex, zinc

14 Too Much or not enough of any nutrient can have negative effects on the body

15 Vitamin A Lacking vit. A leads to rough skin and night blindness Found in yellow and orange vegetables

16 Vitamin B Lack: Nerve Damage, abnormal appetite Found in: Grains

17 Vitamin C Lack: Bleeding gums, easily bruise, leads to scurvy Found in: Citrus fruits and berries

18 Vitamin K Lack: blood won’t clot Manufactured by the body Infants are given an injection immediately after birth

19 Vitamin D Lack: leads to rickets, cannot absorb calcium into the cells Found in: sunshine

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