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Regional Freight Planning Presentation to SINC September 16, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Freight Planning Presentation to SINC September 16, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Freight Planning Presentation to SINC September 16, 2015


3 CMAP  Created in 2005 at urging of local elected officials and business leaders  Comprehensive planning for economic prosperity and quality of life

4 GO TO 2040  Adopted in 2010 after three years of development and public outreach  Updated in 2014 per federal requirements


6 Freight in GO TO 2040  Federal policy  CREATE program  Regional trucking improvements  Organization and public policy  Integrating freight into infrastructure prioritization


8 Freight and national policy  Regional Freight Leadership Task Force  Federal freight policy

9 Freight and economic development

10 Freight and local planning  Transportation and land use  Freight-supportive land use  Truck routing and OSOW permitting

11 Related work in tax policy  Fiscal and economic impacts of local land use decisions  Local economic development incentives  Property tax classification


13 Freight Plan Development Existing conditions analysis Evaluate projects and programs Develop final recommendations

14 Existing Conditions Analysis  Role of the Chicago region in goods movement  Extent and use of the freight transportation system  Locations of bottlenecks and other deficiencies  Local regulation of freight activity

15 Existing Conditions Analysis  Role of the Chicago region in goods movement  Extent and use of the freight transportation system  Locations of bottlenecks and other deficiencies  Local regulation of freight activity

16 Existing Conditions Analysis  Role of the Chicago region in goods movement  Extent and use of the freight transportation system  Locations of bottlenecks and other deficiencies  Local regulation of freight activity

17 Existing Conditions Analysis  Role of the Chicago region in goods movement  Extent and use of the freight transportation system  Locations of bottlenecks and other deficiencies  Local regulation of freight activity

18 Existing Conditions Analysis  Role of the Chicago region in goods movement  Extent and use of the freight transportation system  Locations of bottlenecks and other deficiencies  Local regulation of freight activity

19 Next Steps  2015-16: Understanding existing conditions.  2016-17: Explore specific topics in more detail and evaluate projects and programs.  2017-18: Make final recommendations.

20 Stay Connected  CMAP Policy Updates  CMAP Freight Committee  CMAP website:

21 For more information: Alex Beata, Senior Policy Analyst 312-386-8706

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