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ITU’s Cooperation with Relevant Organizations Ebrahim Al-Haddad ITU’s Regional Representative to the Arab States.

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Presentation on theme: "ITU’s Cooperation with Relevant Organizations Ebrahim Al-Haddad ITU’s Regional Representative to the Arab States."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITU’s Cooperation with Relevant Organizations Ebrahim Al-Haddad ITU’s Regional Representative to the Arab States

2 ICT Toolkit A Joint Project between ITU and infoDev

3 The ITU and infoDev launched a new online Regulation Toolkit designed to address the complex regulatory challenges emerging from a rapidly evolving ICT industry

4 This is an update and expansion of infoDev’s influential print publication Telecom Regulators’ Handbook (issued in 2000), the new web-based toolkit is aimed at national and regional regulatory agencies, ICT policy-makers, and other stakeholders with an active interest in ICT regulation

5 The toolkit is conceived as a permanently evolving resource. It consists of a series of modules on key regulatory issues in the rapidly converging ICT sector.

6 The first module, which is available on line, deals with the authorization of telecommunication services. It addresses: -- Overview Of Authorization - General Authorization - Individual Licenses - Competitive Licensing Process - Fees - Authorization Practice and Procedures - Special Authorization Procedures


8 By Feb. 2006, there should be 4 more Modules added to the site. These will deal with: 1. Regulating Spectrum Management 2. Legal and Institutional Aspects of Regulation 3. New Technologies and Their Impact on Regulations 4. Regulating Competition, Prices and Interconnection

9 By the End of 2006, there is a plan for 2 more other Modules. These will deal with: 1. Universal Access- Extending Services Beyond the Market 2. Overview and Introduction to the ICT Toolkit

10 Spectrum Management 1. Overview 2. Policy and Planning 3. Authorization 4. Pricing 5. Monitoring and Compliance 6. International Affairs 7. Developing Management Capacity

11 Legal and Institutional 1. Introduction 2. Why Regulate? 3. Legal Context of Regulatory Reform 4. Indicators of Effective regulation 5. Organizational and Institutional Approaches to regulation 6. Functional Aspects of regulation 7. Regulatory Processes

12 New Technologies 1. Technological Trends 2. Market and Regulation 3. A New Regulatory Paradigm

13 Competition Module 1. Overview: Putting ICT regulation in Context 2. Competition Policy and the ICT Sector 3. Regulating for Interconnection 4. New Paradigms: VoIP and IXPs 5. Regulating Prices


15 Experience Sharing Amongst Regulators








23 Thank you very much

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