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Impact Development in IT have had a major impact on the way organisations operate. Few organisations are able to survive in a competitive market without.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact Development in IT have had a major impact on the way organisations operate. Few organisations are able to survive in a competitive market without."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact Development in IT have had a major impact on the way organisations operate. Few organisations are able to survive in a competitive market without using IT in some way.

2 Technical Infrastructure  This includes producing reports on the effectiveness of the system, analysing performance and making recommendations for improvements. e.g: provide staff training on using software and how those should be done, whether by internal support staff or external training providers.  Re-engineering the system and a proposal would need to justify the reasons for this along with the costs and the benefits to the organisation as a whole.

3 Cost  A budget usually dictates costs to a certain degree  Cut backs may be an option in order for an upgrade to be achieved if the initial plan exceeds the budget.  Management will carry out a cost-benefit analysis to justify any additional spending.  More efficient productivity can result in redundancies.  Cost implication of training staff

4 Impact on procedures  All organisations requires sound and robust procedures in order to function effectively.  External companies to validate their quality procedures and systems  Procedures need to be adjusted to accommodate changes, updates and upgrades.  Time consuming

5 Impact on staff  Up skilling and training  Specialist skills are needed to use IT – programming – web developer  Staff are increasingly expected to carry out their own admin in addition to their own jobs.  Staff may be moved into a job they do not particularity like, there may some resistance  Not everyone adapts to change easily.

6 Dealing with redundancies  Organisations must deal with redundant skills and employees in order to avoid unnecessary costs.  Which is redundant the job role or the employee?  Overhead considerations – office space, resources and company cars.  Redundancy payment – length of time, size of current salary.  Voluntary redundancy

7  Balancing core employees with contractors and outsourced staff.  Core employees are permanently employed by the organisation and receive a regularly salary and are a fixed on going cost to the organisation.  Contractors are not on the payroll and therefore not an on going cost, although they may cost more per hour.  Outsourced staff – temporary contracts – different terms and conditions as those on a permanent contract.  Staffing structure can be flattened – delayering – reduction in the number of levels of staff and managers.

8 Integration of legacy systems  Legacy systems may become redundant if they are not compatible with the updated versions of new technology.  Organisations may choose to replace or increase their technology to support their business practices.  Cost to upgrade against the cost - length of time to impediment, teething problems, out of service for a period of time.  Security – payments systems – virus – hackers – ID – passwords  Legal requirements – Copyright – Data Protection act

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