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Activity Report of the Technical Secretariat and the Steering Committee for Pan- European Corridor X Technical Secretariat Pan-European Transport Corridor.

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Presentation on theme: "Activity Report of the Technical Secretariat and the Steering Committee for Pan- European Corridor X Technical Secretariat Pan-European Transport Corridor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity Report of the Technical Secretariat and the Steering Committee for Pan- European Corridor X Technical Secretariat Pan-European Transport Corridor X REPUBLIC OF GREECE MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT AND NETWORKS INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS DIVISION Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Egnatia Str., 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece, tel.+30 2310 996154, fax +30 2310 996030, Website: 11 th Meeting of the Steering Committee for Pan-European Corridor X Belgrade, 22 January 2010

2 Border crossings   Finalisation of the inventory on border crossings along Corridor X (March 2009).   Submission of the activity report and inventory results to the Joint ITF/UNECE/World Bank Seminar “Overcoming Border Crossing Obstacles” (5-6 March 2009, Paris), as an input and preparation for discussions on the topic at the 2009 International Transport Forum (Leipzig, 29-30 May 2009). The report is available at Activities since the last S.C. meeting (1/4)

3 Technical cooperation with Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for financing motorway projects on Corridor X (Leskovac – Levosoje and Demir Kapija – Smokvica):   Elaboration of two revisions of the Cost Benefit Analysis for Demir Kapija – Smokvica motorway, part of the application for EC/ IPA financing (April 2009 and September 2009).   Participation in various meetings with the responsible ministries and national stakeholders, as well as international financing institutions for the definition of financial plans of the projects.   December 11, 2008, Belgrade: International meeting of donors for Corridor X in Serbia.   February 13, 2009, Athens: Meeting with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and World Bank for Corridor X in Serbia.   March 16 – 18, 2009, Belgrade: International meeting of donors for Corridor X in Serbia. Activities since the last S.C. meeting (2/4)

4 Cooperation with other Corridors in the Region and the South East European Transport Observatory (SEETO):   Participation in the South East European Transport Axis Cooperation (SEETAC).   The Corridor X structures (Chair and T.S.) are Project Partners for the information system development, traffic scenarios formulation and definition of the SEE Transport Axis strategy   The T.S. is Work Package Leader for the definition of priority projects and pilot actions and elaboration of financial plan   Participation in Meetings for the project   Technical meeting in Trieste (July 13, 2009)   Kick-off (SC) meeting in Vienna (September 24-25, 2009)   Partners technical meeting in Rome (January 19, 2010)   Exchange of technical data with SEETO. Activities since the last S.C. meeting (3/4)

5 Cooperation with “ARGE Korridor X – PLUS” partnership of the Corridor X railway organizations:   Exchange of information.   Participation in the General Assembly (Zagreb, July 1, 2009). Horizontal activities:   Monitoring of the state of play of the Corridor.   Follow-up of relevant studies and initiatives.   Database – G.I.S. maintenance.   Dissemination of information (website maintenance, papers, exchange of information with organizations active in the region).   Support to the Steering Committee and the Working Group for border crossings (meetings organization, minutes, etc.). Activities since the last S.C. meeting (4/4)

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