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BURSTING STEREOTYPES Stereotypes, Prejudices, Generalizations.

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Presentation on theme: "BURSTING STEREOTYPES Stereotypes, Prejudices, Generalizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 BURSTING STEREOTYPES Stereotypes, Prejudices, Generalizations


3 DEFINING ˝STEREOTYPE˝  How are people stereotyped?  Who forms stereotypes?  When is a stereotype formed?  Why are stereotypes given to particular groups of people?  What is a stereotype?

4 DEFINING STEREOTYPE  noun: An overly simplified picture or opinion of a person, group, or thing. EXAMPLES  [ All ] old people are forgetful.  Men are better than women at math.  African-American men make the best basketball players.  If you wear glasses, then you must be smart.

5 DEFINING STEREOTYPE a set of inaccurate, simplistic generalizations about a group of individuals which enables others to categorize members of this group and routinely treat them according to these expectations







12 What is your image of a typical boy from Africa? Hunger Malnutrition Disease Violence Uneducated


14 HEAVEN AND HELL Heaven is where the French are the chefs the Italians are the lovers the British are the police the Germans are the mechanics and the Swiss make everything run on time Hell is where the British are the chefs the Swiss are the lovers the French are the mechanics the Italians make everything run on time and the Germans are the police

15 DO YOU FIT THE STEREOTYPE? General meaningExamples  Lacking spontaneity and individuality  Firemen are courageous  Females are less aggressive than men  Nordics are tall and blond  Italians are noisy  Finns are silent  Rich people are highly civilized  Poor people are intellectually inferior



18 TOP 10 NATIONAL STEREOTYPES ABOUT AMERICANS  Americans s_____ their n_____ where they don’t belong.  Americans are v_____.  Americans are m_____.  Americans are d_____ the p_____.  Americans are a_____ and s_____.  Americans are un_____.  Americans are r_____.  Americans are a_____ to p_____ s_____.  Americans are ob_____ with c_____.  Americans are f_____ and l_____.

19 STEREOTYPING AMERICANS  Outgoing and friendly  Informal  Loud, rude, boastful  Immature  Hard working  Extravagant and wasteful

20 STEREOTYPING AMERICANS  Racially prejudiced  Ignorant of other countries  Wealthy  Generous  Promiscuous  Always in a hurry

21 PREJUDICE  What is prejudice?  Why are prejudices formed against particular groups or nationalities?  Racial prejudice was mentioned in the list. Can you provide concrete examples from what you know about American history?

22 …ABOUT THE U.S.A.  Why are Americans so ignorant of the rest of the world?  How can such a rich country have so many poor people?  How can you talk so much about human rights when you have racial problems in the U.S.?

23 …ABOUT THE U.S.A.  We’ve heard about how easy your schools are. How can such a great nation have such a poor educational system?  Why do you put your old people in nursing homes? Don’t you care about your elderly?

24 …ABOUT THE U.S.A.  Why are you always trying to force your form of government on everyone else?  The U.S. is well known to us from TV and films. With the proliferation of sex and drugs in the U.S., you must be immoral.

25 …ABOUT THE U.S.A.  Americans don’t respect marriage. Divorce for you is as simple as going to the market.  Do you own a gun?

26 GENERALIZATIONS  How has it become recognizable?  Who is saying it?  Which audience is being addressed?  What were the circumstances at the time the generalization was made?




30 STEREOTYING SLOVENES  Slovenes are jealous, selfish and stingy.  Slovenes complain a lot.  Slovenes are cold and introverted.  Slovenian men are immature.  Slovenian men are controlled by their mothers.  Slovenes are want-to-be Westerners.  Slovenes are good singers.  Slovenes live in the same apartment/house from birth until death.  Slovenes are melancholic and romantic.  Slovenes are disciplined.  Slovenes are honest.  Slovenes are hard-working.  Slovenes are good at learning languages.

31 STEREOTYING SLOVENES  Slovenes love poetry and reading books.  Slovenes love music.  All Slovenes know how to play a musical instrument.  All Slovenes know how to swim.  All Slovenes go mountaineering.  Every Slovene has climbed Triglav.  Slovenes eat beef soup on Sundays.  All Slovenes are culturally knowledgeable.  Slovenes love to drink wine and beer.  Slovenes cannot think for themselves.  Slovenes are economically conscious and socially responsible.




35 …ABOUT SLOVENIA  Is Slovenia somewhere near Slovakia?  Do they speak English in Slovenia?



38 THE DANGER OF A SINGLE STORY  _story/transcript?language=en _story/transcript?language=en

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