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∙ Who discovered it? It was discovered by French Physicist Henri Becquerel. ∙ What is it? It’s a producing of energy from Uranium through an atomic fission.

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Presentation on theme: "∙ Who discovered it? It was discovered by French Physicist Henri Becquerel. ∙ What is it? It’s a producing of energy from Uranium through an atomic fission."— Presentation transcript:

1 ∙ Who discovered it? It was discovered by French Physicist Henri Becquerel. ∙ What is it? It’s a producing of energy from Uranium through an atomic fission Reaction. Nuclear Energy Co-finanziato Dal Programma LLP dell’Unione Europea L’autore è il solo responsabile di questa comunicazione. L’Unione europea declina ogni responsabilità sull’uso che potrà essere fatto delle informazioni in essa contenute.

2 The supply of electricity can be altered depending on the demand. There is a plentiful supply of uranium, enough to last hundreds of years. Nuclear energy releases very low amounts of greenhouse gases. It reduces the dependency on oil, coal and gas producing countries. Nuclear waste can be safely stored underground. The technology to make nuclear power already exists. Advantages

3 * There is always the risk of nuclear accidents like the Chernobyl accident in the Ukraine * There is a risk that nuclear power stations will become terrorist targets or that nuclear material will fall into the hands of terrorists. * Countries can use nuclear technology to make nuclear weapons. North Korea and Iran have both been accused of doing this. * Transporting nuclear material and nuclear waste is risky and expensive. * Nuclear power stations only have a limited life period and the cost of decommissioning them is expensive. * There is a belief that living next to nuclear power stations can increase the risk of cancers (leukemia). * People don't want nuclear power stations built near where they live i.e. NIMBY * Mining for uranium is dangerous and can be polluting. * Nuclear waste remains radioactive for thousands of years (it has a very long half life) Disadvantages

4 Nuclear plants in the world:

5 In 1986, the explosion of the nuclear power plants of Chernobyl caused drastic consequences on people, public health and environment. Some disasters caused by nuclear..

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