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Scoliosis Case Study Emily Gavlick.

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1 Scoliosis Case Study Emily Gavlick

2 Description of Individual
14 Female 5’4”, 112 lbs.  BMI = 19.2 Injuries: scoliosis w/ neck, back, and left LE pain and limited ROM on left side Exercise History: does not have a RT program; runs track (meets aerobic ACSM requirements) w/ some stretching Activity Preferences: willing to try RT; prefers running outside to a treadmill

3 Description of Individual
Obstacles: current pain limits exercise time; has pain with standing for >45 min Goals: decrease pain, increase stability to back per RT, increase flexibility (left) Time Constraints: school, church Social Support: parents willing to help Misc: has access to gym at school

4 What is Scoliosis? Lateral curvature of the spine Cause:
functional (b/c of another problem) neuromuscular (birth defects, cerebral palsy)

5 What is Scoliosis? 30% of Americans have some severity Risk factors:
Medical condition Age: adolescent form is most common Gender: 66% of those diagnosed are women (progresses enough to need treatment) Genetic factors: hereditary Rhythmic Gymnastics: 10% more likely

6 What is Scoliosis? Treatment Options: Bracing Physical Therapy Surgery

7 Exercise Prescription
Aerobic: Runs every weekday with track team Resistance: Should go to the gym at her school twice a week, focusing on these exercises: Machines(60% of 1RM): back extension, seated rows, lat pulls, leg extension / flexion Other: squats, lunges, straight leg lifts

8 Exercise Prescription
Flexibility: focus on left side, 3 times per week, static stretching, focus on these areas Neck (flexion, extension, lat. flexion, rotation) Back (same as neck) LEs (groin, iliotibial band [ITB], tensor fasciae latae [TFL] )

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