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1 welcome to a ‘concept trip’ crossroads in communication studies.

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Presentation on theme: "1 welcome to a ‘concept trip’ crossroads in communication studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 welcome to a ‘concept trip’ crossroads in communication studies

2 2 ‘‘let me introduce myself…’’ office hours: Tuesday: 15:30 – 18:30 room: 508 email: tweet on: @PVatikiotis what about you?

3 3 the course probes into historical and normative accounts of communication theories and models examines main research parameters of the communication process: mass media power; mass communication effects; media organization and production; media recepetion; relation between technology/media and society/culture; new media

4 4 suggestions consider the course as a virtual tour to the world of communication and media theory and have fun of it consider theories and concepts to be tools to understand the intersection of media, technology, culture and society the most important objectives of the course deal with understanding, analysis, and critique; take advantage of it

5 5 the structure lecture seminar reviews workshop

6 6 - the lecture presentation of key approaches of media and communication studies key words: theories, traditions, contexts

7 7 - the seminar thought questions follow-up discussion additional material (newspapers, magazines, internet sources) key words: freedom of expression, interactivity

8 8 - reviews presentation of key issues, ideas, and questions addressed by selective passages of communication paradigms (related to the subject of each week) key words: participation, reflection

9 9 - the workshop work in groups organize the agenda of different topics critically evaluate them key words: have fun

10 10 assessment Attendance & Participation (10%) Presentation (20%) Mid-term Exam (30%) Essay (take-home) (40%) key words: keep the deadlines

11 12 a vision of students today … R9o

12 13 coming next week …  Theories & Traditions

13 14 thank you for your attention

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