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Sep. 21-22, 2006 v FME Worldwide User Conference - Vancouver SpatialDirect in a European Cross Border Project Mark Doering & Christian Heisig, con terra,

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Presentation on theme: "Sep. 21-22, 2006 v FME Worldwide User Conference - Vancouver SpatialDirect in a European Cross Border Project Mark Doering & Christian Heisig, con terra,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sep. 21-22, 2006 v FME Worldwide User Conference - Vancouver SpatialDirect in a European Cross Border Project Mark Doering & Christian Heisig, con terra, Germany

2 con terra GmbH 2 con terra  Founded in 1994  A spin-off of the Institute of Geoinformatics, University of Münster  65 Employees  mainly computer- & geoscientists  Münster, Germany  Karlsruhe, Germany  Warsaw, Poland  Revenue 2005  5,5 Mio. EUR

3 con terra GmbH 3 con terra  Software Development  Using Standard Software Products and Open Source Components  Professional Services  Consulting  Training  Support  Sales of Standard Software Products  ESRI, Safe Software and con terra‘s own technology (e.g. sdi.suite, GISPAD)  Active Members of ISO/TC 211, OGC, INSPIRE  Principal Member of 52°North (

4 con terra GmbH 4 FME-History of con terra  1997 – Inquiry for interfaces for DGN, DXF, SHP, MIF  1997 – First tests of FME 2.0  1998 – Use of FME 2.1 in WAGIS-Project  1998 – Reseller Agreement with Safe Software  1999 – FME-Betatest-Program  2001 – First Joint Exhibition on INTERGEO, Germany  2002 – FME-Service Center for Europe - Strategy  2003 – Development of the first localized Version of FME (German)  2004 – First German Speaking User Meeting (www.fme-  2005 – Grips-Reader PlugIn  2006 – CityGML-Writer PlugIn

5 con terra GmbH 5 FME - Service Center  1st-Level Support for FME-Users  Delivery of Evaluation License Codes  Organization of Joint Exhibits with Safe Software  Hosting the yearly FME User Group Meeting in Germany  Integration of FME technology  Development and Maintenance of the German FME Version  Development of 3rd-Party PlugIns (e.g. GRIPS-Reader, CityGML-Writer)  FME-Professional Services  Training (Consulting)  Support (1 st and 2 nd Level)

6 con terra GmbH 6 con terra  Professional Services/Software Development Solution

7 con terra GmbH 7 The LoG-In-Project  INTERREG IIIb Project, supported by the European Union  Client Consortium  Intercommunale Leiedal, Belgium  Landkreis Rotenburg- Wümme, Germany  Norfolk County Council, UK  +35 lower city authorities  Vendor Consortium  ESRI-Belux, -Germany, -UK and con terra

8 con terra GmbH 8 Project Goals of the LoG-In-Project  The main goals of the LoG-IN project are …  to improve the information exchange between local and higher government levels  to build a generic information infrastructure  to focus on service based infrastructures and interoperability  ICT forms an important dimension of the project. LoG-IN wants to understand how to use ICT to (i) Improve local government processes (e-administration); (ii) Improve service development and distribution (e- services) and (iii) Improve public- private interaction (e-society).

9 con terra GmbH 9 The LoG-In Project The challenges are… to find a common denominator for all partners and sub- partners involved to understand and subsequently build an infrastructure that has an added-value to internal/external processes that take place within different legal and administrative systems to support a multitude of formats, systems and applications currently used and in place within the local authorities involved to build an interoperable Spatial Data Infrastructure  WMS, WFS but also files in different formats need to be supported

10 con terra GmbH 10 Three Tier Architecture 1. Generic information infrastructure - The Data Tier is the technical framework to store information and to manage access to information 2. The Tools Tier includes sdi.suite-, ArcGIS Server- and FME technology 3. The Application Tier refers to the applications that will be built using Data Tier and Tools Tier The investment for the data tier and the tools tier will be shared; the application tier will be developed by each project partner individually

11 con terra GmbH 11 Three Tier Architecture InformationUser DataSpatial Data Data Tier Tools Tier sdi.suiteArcGIS ServerSpatial Direct GIS Clients HTML Clients WMS / WFS Application Tier SAP/CRM/ERP

12 con terra GmbH 12 sdi.suite coponents  serviceMonitor  securityManager Tools-Tier sdi.suiteArcGIS ServerSpatial Direct

13 con terra GmbH 13 ArcGIS Server 9.2  Solve the GIS-functionality-specific tasks  Scalable  using standards (SOAP/XML)  Perfect for integrating GIS-components into enterprise architectures  Useful for internal and external processes of the governments  Multi user enabled Tools-Tier sdi.suiteArcGIS ServerSpatial Direct

14 con terra GmbH 14 ArcGIS Server

15 con terra GmbH 15 ArcGIS Server

16 con terra GmbH 16 FME Server  Harmonization of spatial data  Coordinate-transformation  Format-translation (DXF, Shape, SQD, …)  Quality ensurance (plausibility check, consistency)  ArcSDE-Import  Data Manipulation  Creating a new database modell (ArcSDE)  Automated Geoprocessing on server site  Intergration of spatial information into business processes (statistical analyses ) Tools-Tier sdi.suiteArcGIS ServerSpatial Direct

17 con terra GmbH 17 SpatialDirect  Providing Spatial Data (Intranet/Internet)  Download Data (Shape, DXF, SQD)  Upload Data (Shape, DXF into ArcSDE)  Quality ensurance for upload data and the data integration processes Tools-Tier sdi.suiteArcGIS ServerSpatial Direct

18 con terra GmbH 18 SpatialDirect Translation Servlet QServer FME Server (Server-Mode) result Qserver API- Call result FME API Call Web Server Monitor LoG-In-Spatial Data Data Transfer Web-Browser HTML Interface HTTP Request (URL) Result Download-Link Download DXF Shape FME Mapping Files

19 con terra GmbH 19 FME-Server  Extended version of FME Communication with QServer over TCP/IP- Port  Operates in server mode with mapping files (control files)  Processes requests for data translation  Fully Scalable could be installed on a separate server  Dataflow in both directions (Download/Upload) Translation Servlet QServer FME Server (Server-Modus) result Qserver API- Call result FME API Call Monitor

20 con terra GmbH 20 Q-Server (API)  Management-Layer-Application (queues translation requests)  Implemented in Java (API for Java, C, C++)  Load Balancing (load balances requests if more than one FME is installed)  Performance Monitoring Translation Servlet QServer FME Server (Server-Modus) result Qserver API- Call result FME API Call Monitor

21 con terra GmbH 21 Translation-Servlet (API)  Front-End of SpatialDirect  Translates the requests HTTP request (URL, TCP/IP)  Implemented in Java  Provides results to the Q-Server and Web-Client (URL)  Result implementation into HTML- Templates Translation Servlet QServer FME Server (Server-Modus) result Qserver API- Call result FME API Call Monitor

22 con terra GmbH 22  Step 1 Clip: Users select the section of the map they’d like to receive in the format and projection of their choice.  Step 2 Zipped: Data is Zipped!  Step 3 Shipped: Data is shipped to your desktop! 1 2 3 Clip, Zip and Ship!

23 con terra GmbH 23 Final Architecture Monitoring DataUser Identities Data-Tier User RightsSpatial Data Tools-Tier HTML Admin Client HTML Clients WMS / WFS Application-Tier GIS / CAD Clients ArcEditor Client AdminUser HTTP securityManager HTML Admin Client serviceMonitor ESRI ArcGIS Server serviceMonitor HTTP securityManager ESRI ArcSDE SOAP Web Services OGC WMS OGC WFS Web Authentification Service SpatialDirect / FME Log-IN Server Framework

24 con terra GmbH 24 Conclusion The combination of sdi.suite components, ArcGIS Server and FME/SpatialDirect technology are…  ideal components for a modern SOA  providing complementary functionality  fully scalable (adds processing functionality as needed)  cost effective - no client licenses required

25 con terra GmbH 25 More Information… /

26 con terra GmbH 26 Thank You! Gesellschaft für Angewandte Informationstechnologie mbH Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24 48155 Münster, Germany Tel: +49-251-7474.0 Fax: +49-251-7474.100 e-mail: Mark Döring Christian Heisig

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