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MICS Data Processing Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Processing Workshop Overview of MICS Tools, Templates, Resources, Technical Assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "MICS Data Processing Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Processing Workshop Overview of MICS Tools, Templates, Resources, Technical Assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICS Data Processing Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Processing Workshop Overview of MICS Tools, Templates, Resources, Technical Assistance

2 Overview Tools that constitute the survey “package” provided –Based on standard recommendations and guidelines –For customization, while maintaining comparability and underlying principles

3 Indicator List and Questionnaires At the center of all MICS tools are the –Indicator list –Standard Questionnaires And the basic document that describes the process –The technical assistance framework

4 Indicator List

5 Standard Questionnaires

6 Technical Assistance Framework

7 Survey Instruments Survey instruments: –Questionnaires and indicator list and associated documents: –Guidelines for customization

8 Survey Instruments Sampling –Manual for listing (updating the sample frame) –Template for sample size calculation –Household selection template –Sample weight calculation template

9 Template for Sample Size Calculation

10 Household Selection Template

11 Sample Weights Calculation Template

12 Data Collection Supply procurement guidelines Pre-test reporting template Fieldworkers calculation template Training manual Guidelines and toolsfor computer-assisted interviewing Cluster tracking guidelines Instructions for fieldworkers Field check tables and manual

13 Fieldworkers Calculation Template

14 Supply Procurement Guidelines

15 Processing the Data Data entry and export programs in CSPro Imputation programs and guidelines Data editing guidelines Data entry operators calculation template Wealth index calculation

16 Data Entry Operators Calculation Template

17 Analysis Tabulation plan Data quality tabulation plan and manual SPSS programs for tabulations, data quality tables and calculation of sampling errors

18 Tabulation Plan

19 SPSS Programs

20 Reporting and dissemination Summary Report template Final report template, guidelines Archiving tools Package for Final Report launch

21 Archiving Tools

22 Web Childinfo MICS Compiler





27 Technical Assistance Framework A support system providing technical assistance at key stages of the survey From planning, through implementation, to reporting, dissemination, and further analysis Providing quality assurance and ensuring continuous survey progress and flow of information

28 Technical Assistance Framework Regional Experts: In household surveys, sampling, data processing Regional Office: MICS Coordinator/Specialist, M&E Sections UNICEF New York: MICS Team, Statistics and Monitoring Section

29 Technical Assistance Framework Built around 26 steps that every survey goes through From Data Needs Assessment to Further Analysis Some steps are small, some are large Some are overlapping or simultaneous, others are mutually dependent All critical to survey

30 Technical Assistance Framework Not all, but most steps involve a review mechanism Feedback provided until agreement is reached Each review has a response time attached Some steps may require multiple reviews, others may be simple Regional Offices clear reviews until a final review is conducted with Global MICS Team

31 Data processing staff trained on customising data entry template at the MICS Data Processing Workshop Data entry template completed in country and sent to RO for review (within 2 weeks) Consolidated review by Global MICS team (within 2 weeks) Data entry template finalised Step 13: Data Processing Programmes RO mobilises a regional data processing expert to provide technical assistance in country

32 Assistance from regional data processing consultant mobilised by RO to set up data entry system, support data entry, and produce field check tables Field Check Tables produced in country and shared with RO (every week) Step 16: Data Entry Simultaneous Data Entry Conducted

33 Data editing and cleaning conducted. Sampling weights finalised and appended to the SPSS analysis files CSPro files, SPSS syntaxes and datasets shared with RO for review and feedback (within 2 weeks) Consolidated review by Global MICS team (within 2 weeks) Final data sets produced ready for tabulation Step 17: Creating Analysis Files RO mobilises regional data processing expert to provide technical assistance in country

34 Data analysis and complete set of tables produced Tabulations shared with RO for comparative review. (within 2 weeks) Country adapts tabulations based on feedback and share for consolidated review and feedback by Global MICS Team (within 2 weeks) Final tabulations produced for Summary Findings Report Step 18: Data Analysis & Tabulation RO mobilises regional household survey expert to provide technical assistance in country as needed

35 MICS Survey Archive completed and data documented Archives shared with RO for review. Consolidated feedback by Global MICS team provided (within 2 weeks) Archive finalised and uploaded to childinfo Step 24: Completion of Archiving RO/HQ coordinate with IHSN to mobilise consultant to provide support in country as needed

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