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Agenda 4-3-2015 Juniors - Catcher in the Rye Freshmen - Romeo & Juliet SHAKESPEARE.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 4-3-2015 Juniors - Catcher in the Rye Freshmen - Romeo & Juliet SHAKESPEARE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda 4-3-2015 Juniors - Catcher in the Rye Freshmen - Romeo & Juliet SHAKESPEARE

2 Catcher in the Rye Essential Questions ● What is truth? How do our truths compare to society’s? ● What rules must people follow? How our perceptions of ourselves differ from others’? ● What is an individual’s relationship to society? ● How does our environment (people and places) affect us? ● How are observations of our surroundings an important way to understand our place in the world? ● How does experience affect one’s observations?

3 Good Morning 4-3 -2015 Step 1: Please grab your notebook, a copy of The Catcher in the Rye Step 2: Start a fresh page, date it and title it Vocab Define the Following words and then write down the sentences where they come from. Furlough (p.140, ch 18) Conceited (p.135, ch.18) Aristocratic (p.142, ch.19)

4 RESPONDING TO PEERS Step 1: Grab a blank piece of notebook paper and put your name on it Step 2: Read Your Peers Text Step 3: Ask yourself How closely do your views about their paragraph regarding a character from Catcher in the Rye and how it connects with a theme match? This is your chance to voice your opinion in response to a text. You can use the “I” pronoun and use your opinion. It should be in equal length to our Best Paragraph Ever

5 1.Get with the group you worked with last week. 2.Choose one of the themes from your chart. 3.Begin to write a group BEST PARAGRAPH EVER! 4.Get it approved by Mrs O. 5.Transcribe it on to butcher paper.

6 Catcher in the Rye Journal-6 Entry 1: Begin your “Personal Observations/Reflection” portion of the journal project by answering the following questions in your journal tonight. Holden gets all depressed when he thinks about the futures of all the girls in the Biltmore Hotel. Why do you think this depresses him? How does it make you feel to think about other people's futures? About your future? Or...Why don't you think about other people's futures?

7 Catcher in the Rye Journal-7 Entry 1: Begin your “Personal Observations/Reflection” portion of the journal project by answering the following questions in your journal tonight. Holden mentions a bunch of examples from movies and books of people who are phony. Explore the movies you seen (or go see a movie over spring break) and books you've read (or read a book over spring break) and come up with a character Holden would say is phony. Describe why. Analyze whether you think they're phony too.

8 J D Salinger Doesn’t Want to Talk J.D. Salinger (1919- )—the author; the legend: “American novelist and short story writer. Salinger published one novel and several short story collections between 1948-59. His best-known work is THE CATCHER IN THE RYE (1951), a story about a rebellious teenage schoolboy and his quixotic experiences in New York. 1.Is Catcher in the Rye autobiographic? 1.Why do you think that he became a hermit? Why does he keep to himself? 1.Why do you think people have such a connection with Catcher in the Rye? What is the message that leads to violence?

9 Good Morning/Afternoon 4-3-2015 Step 1: Grab your notebook, and ESSAY MATERIALS Step 2: Start a fresh page or continue from where you last were date it and label it DO NOW: Compare & Contrast Essay You have one week until your essay will be due tell me what you plan is for the following week to get it written before Friday night? Step 1: Date: Step 2:Date: Step 3:Date:

10 Comparing & Contrasting R&J to ORB ●Go back to your entry task from a couple days ago. ●Begin to organize your ideas for comparing and contrasting R&J to your ORB. ●Find one piece of TBE for each box.

11 Reading Romeo & Juliet In Class ●For this UNIT the reading in class will become your PARTICIPATION GRADE! ●So that makes up 10% of your grade ●I have a log to mark what you are doing during class. ●You want to participate roughly 5 times/week. ●BUT if you are distracting others or have your phone out while we are working then it will detract from the times when you volunteered.

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