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Expectations & Procedures Expectations & Procedures Mr. Jones 5 th Grade Room 13.

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Presentation on theme: "Expectations & Procedures Expectations & Procedures Mr. Jones 5 th Grade Room 13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expectations & Procedures Expectations & Procedures Mr. Jones 5 th Grade Room 13

2 What are Procedures? Why Should We Have Procedures in Our Classroom?

3 Procedures are a part of life. They allow complex operations to run smoothly with minimal confusion, low stress, and less wasted time. Airports Driving Restaurants Movies Where else are procedures practiced?

4 Classroom Expectations Review Love and Logic Poster Expectations: Each student has the right to learn Each student has the right not to be interrupted or kept from learning I have the right to teach without being interrupted

5 I expect students to do the following things to make sure the classroom runs smoothly: Attend class, and arrive on time Have materials ready with in 2 minutes of change over Listen when others are speaking Follow directions the first time they are given Get permission before speaking Be polite and respectful toward each other Stay on-task and focused on learning

6 Other Expectations Follow teacher’s directions and complete assignments Work hard and enjoy the process Do your best Do not complain; it poisons the atmosphere

7 What are your expectations of me?

8 Daily Procedures

9 Voice Levels (VL) Voice Level DescribeWhen do we use this voice level VL0Totally Quiet VL1Talking between two people VL2Talking in a small group of a few people VL3Answering questions in the classroom so other students can hear what you are saying

10 Getting the Class’ Attention I will clap two times, raise my hand, and count down from 5. When you see my hand raised you are to: 1) Stop what you are doing (VL0) 2) Raise your right hand, count down to 5 with me, and look at me 3) I will keep my hand raised until the class is silent (If it takes the class longer than 15 seconds to become quiet we will practice this skill during the next recess until I feel you understand the procedure.)

11 Class Opening Procedures I. When arriving in class: A. Put coat away &/or hang-up backpack B.Fill up water bottle & sharpen pencil C. Go to your desk and fill out your planner D.Teacher takes attendance, lunch account, and checks on individual students as needed E.Ticket Meister will hand out tickets E.Listen to announcements and participate in the Pledge F.When your planner is done and the teacher has checked it, you may start your personal reading

12 Daily Schedule Language Arts Prep Time Reading Math Writing Science

13 Tardy Procedure Enter the classroom quietly, put personal items away and join in the classroom activities with minimal disruption.

14 Absence Procedure When you are absent, check with your table group to find out what you missed (during recess). Do not ask the teacher unless no one knows what was missed If you are missing work from an absence, the teacher will let you know what you are missing and provide the materials needed You will have as many days you were absent to complete your missed work

15 Listening to/Responding to Questions When we are having class discussions, raise your hand to be called on and actively listen to whoever is speaking Teacher will give specific instructions when students are to call out answers without first raising their hands Ask only questions that are relevant to the lesson. Be respectful of all comments and ideas, even if they differ from yours

16 Working Together in Groups Each student in a cooperative group will have a task which will be assigned by teacher or determined by group members Example of tasks: - recorder - presenter - materials person - clean up person - encourager - leader–keep group on task

17 Transition Time Procedures Return to your seat and check the white board for instructions If there are not written procedures get out your personal reading book until instructed by the teacher on what to do Once you have received instructions you have 15 seconds to get ready for the next instructional period

18 End of the Day Dismissal Procedure 1.Put away materials; make sure desk area is neat and trash is picked up 2.Place chairs on the desk and make sure everything will be put away in your box (you may leave water bottle and pencil box on your desk) 3.When the bell rings, stand behind your seat and look at the teacher (All students must be ready to go before anyone leaves). Teacher dismisses class

19 Walking in the Hall Procedure When we are walking in the hallway (to and from fire drills, lab, assemblies, PE., etc.) Get in lunch line order and stay in line Go quickly and quietly to the destination (voice level 0)

20 Recess Procedure When the bell rings the teacher will direct you to get ready for recess When directed, stand quietly behind your desk until you are dismissed (chair under the desk) When recess is over wait by the east- center door until directed to return to class When returning to the classroom, walk quietly (VL0)

21 Students Leaving the Classroom Get permission from the teacher without disrupting class Do not interrupt the teacher if he is teaching

22 Bathroom Use The best time for bathroom use is during recess. You should not leave class to use the bathroom unless it is truly necessary. You must get permission from the teacher without disrupting class. Only one person at a time will use the bathroom.

23 Student’s Sudden Illness Tell teacher where you are going. Go to the nurse or restroom. Follow up with the teacher when you are better. Note: You should not be “suddenly ill” very often.

24 When you finish work early... Quietly read your personal book or work on homework

25 Consequences There are both positive and negative consequences for behavior What do you think some negative consequences might be? What do you think some positive consequences might be?

26 Classroom Consequences (negative) Verbal warning Seating change Send to buddy room Send to office Conference with teacher Call parents Other: Behavior contract/interventions, ISS, OSS

27 Behavior Intervention Sit in safe seat Sent out of the classroom Calls to parents Office referral Work with others to develop a behavior plan Create action plan to determine a better behavior

28 Classroom Consequences (positive) Verbal recognition from the teacher Use of the computers Use of the iPad Phone home Extra recess Extra tickets Reduced or no homework Free reading Free art time Other as decided between the teacher & student

29 How do I earn Tickets 1-Blue ticket: Arrive to class on time, turn homework in, complete daily planner, and start reading by 8:55 a.m. Other

30 More Tickets Misc. Ticket Getting caught doing a good deed Answering selected questions Getting caught being on task Helping other students quietly Other

31 Even More Tickets 25/50/100/200/400 Blue Tickets: Rewards

32 How do I lose Tickets Potty Pass during class: 1 Blue Ticket New Pencil:1 Blue Ticket Water Break during class: 1 Blue Ticket Late homework: 1 Blue Ticket per day late Violating L&L Rule #1: 1 Blue Ticket Caught by another teacher/staff breaking a school rule/policy: 10 Blue tickets Other:TBD

33 Safety Drills Where do you go in case of a fire drill?

34 Fire Drill Exit through the south door (take coat when cold) Go the field and line up in Lunch line order Wait until we are called back inside. Walk quickly and quietly back to the classroom (Voice level 0) Get seated and quickly return to the classroom task

35 Tornado Stay in the classroom Take shelter under desks if necessary Wait for directions from teacher When drill is over, quickly return to the learning task

36 Safety Drill Teacher locks door Students stay in room Students wait for further instructions Students return to learning task

37 More Procedures

38 Classroom Visitors You may smile and you may say hello if it is appropriate and if it does not disrupt the class Continue to work in class as you normally would Remember to make a good impression for visitors. We want to impress them.

39 Guest Teacher Be polite and respectful. The teacher is a guest and we want to make a good impression Continue to work in class as you normally would Remember, we want to impress all visitors in our classroom

40 If the Teacher is away from the Room Step 1: Be seated and start working on the homework or personal read as usual Step 2: Sit quietly, be patient, and use the time to work on other academic assignments Step 3: Contact another teacher in a nearby room if there is a problem

41 Other Procedures

42 Test taking procedures Using the computer lab Textbooks Listening to announcements Science experiments What other procedures should be added to our classroom list?

43 Meisters (Experts) Ober/Unter Meister: Door Meister: Book Meister: Lunch Count Meister: Lunch Count to-the-office Meister: Lunch Box Meister: Ticket Meister: Gopher Meister: Board Meister: Supply Meister: Other Meister:

44 Thank You!!! Thank you for following the classroom procedures and meeting expectations This will allow us to have a wonderful, creative, and productive year in 5 th grade class with minimal stress and wasted time


46 Bellwork (QW) Procedure 1.After the morning announcements or 9:00 a.m. (which ever is later): 2.Read the bellwork assignment on the whiteboard and start working 3.Do not wait for the teacher to tell you to start 4.If you finish the bellwork/QW assignment early, take our your AR Reading book and read.

47 What is bellwork? What ever is listed on the white board to include: Reading assignment Writing assignment Math assignment Science assignment Social Studies assignment

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