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Teacher Standards Module Do we need to give participants an idea of how long it should take to complete the module? “For every student in North Carolina,

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Standards Module Do we need to give participants an idea of how long it should take to complete the module? “For every student in North Carolina,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Standards Module Do we need to give participants an idea of how long it should take to complete the module? “For every student in North Carolina, a knowledgeable, skilled compassionate teacher... A star in every classroom.”

2 State Board of Education Mission Every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21 st Century. -Adopted August 2006 Science Savvy Strong Team Contributor Critical Thinker Capable Technology User Health-Focused Life-Long Learner Relationship Builder Literate Consumer of Media Self-Directed Responsible Worker Proficient Reader Knowledgeable Global Citizen Multi-Lingual Financially Literate Citizen Effective Problem-Solver Effective Communicator Skilled Mathematician Curious Researcher Creative/Innovative Thinker

3 Module 6 Objectives and Learner Expectations 1.I can explain the standards in depth to a variety of stakeholders. 2.I can identify practices appropriate for a teacher demonstrating the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards. 3.I can access resources available for using the NC Professional Teaching Standards in a classroom.

4 North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards These standards serve as the basis for teacher preparation, teacher evaluation, and professional development. Click on the picture to access the standards in PDF.

5 North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards STANDARD I: Teachers demonstrate leadership. STANDARD II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. STANDARD III: Teachers know the content they teach. STANDARD IV: Teacher facilitate learning for their students. STANDARD V: Teachers reflect on their practice.

6 Standard I Standard II Standard III Standard IV Standard V

7 Teacher Standard I: Teachers Demonstrate Leadership “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams

8 Teacher Standard II: Teachers Establish a Respectful Environment for a Diverse Population of Students “A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship; and he who plants kindness gathers love.” - Basil

9 Elements of Standard II Standard 2 encompasses everything about the learning environment and attention to diversity. There are 5 elements within this standard. This standard recognizes if teachers do not create caring relationships with students and create conducive environments to support student learning, then sustained learning cannot take place. Most children learn best if they have an inviting, respectful, supportive place for learning.

10 Video

11 Element A: Teachers provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished  Appreciates and understands the need to establish nurturing relationships.  and Establishes an inviting, respectful, inclusive, flexible, and supportive learning environment. ...and Maintains a positive and nurturing learning environment.  and Encourages and advises others to provide a nurturing and positive learning environment for all students. this activity compared to other users.

12 Element B: Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and the world  The second element requires teachers to embrace diversity and create an environment of acceptance in their classrooms. It frames the expectation for teachers to understand and consistently acknowledge the roles that various cultures play in shaping the students they serve. This element does not speak only of acknowledging ethnic holidays, foods and customs, but includes the recognition and incorporation of diversity into the daily instruction and curriculum goals and objectives.

13 Mrs. French’s Fifth Grade Class  Mrs. French has a class of 25 fifth grade students. Six students are identified as academically gifted and receive two hours of instruction by the AIG teacher each day. These students usually return to class during the social studies lesson. There are four students identified as English Language Learners (ELL) who are newcomers to the country and these students receive instruction for an hour at the end of each day.

14 Mrs. French’s Fifth Grade Class Today during a reading activity the AIG students return to class talking with one another and Mrs. French immediately quiets the students down. She directs the AIG students to take out a book and read until the end of the class reading activity. Ten minutes later, Mrs. French announces that it is time for social studies and students should take out their research outlines on the Canadian province. Two of the ELL boys are assigned to work with one of the AIG girls who inform the teacher that the boys cannot find their outlines. Mrs. French tells the AIG girl to help the boys look in their desks for the Canadian province outline.

15 Mrs. French’s Fifth Grade Class  The rest of the students are working on their outlines individually. One of the boys from the AIG group reports that he finished his outline, but he cannot find the outline. Mrs. French tells him to look in his desk and if he cannot find the outline to write another outline saying, “It should be easy for you to do another one.”

16 Mrs. French’s Fifth Grade Class  Several students who have completed the outline want to move on but Mrs. French tells them to find more facts about their Canadian province or read a book until all students have completed the outline because she wants all the students to learn how to make a PowerPoint presentation together.

17 Mrs. French’s Fifth Grade Class  Twenty five minutes into the observation, the two ELL boys have had no luck in finding their outlines and Mrs. French calls the class back together to begin talking about making a PowerPoint Presentation on their provinces.

18 Element B: Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and the world DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished  Acknowledges that diverse cultures impact the world.  and Displays knowledge of diverse cultures, their histories, and their roles in shaping global issues.  and Uses materials or lessons that counteract stereotypes and acknowledges the contributions of all cultures.  and Promotes a deep understanding of cultures through the integration of culturally sensitive materials and ideas throughout the curriculum.

19 Element B: Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and the world DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished  Demonstrates awareness of the diversity of students in the classroom.  Acknowledges the influence of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, socio- economics, and culture on a student’s development and attitudes.  Consistently incorporates different points of view in instruction.  Capitalizes on diversity as an asset in the classroom.

20 Distinguished Suggestion Wall  Reflecting on how you marked Mrs. French’s behavior. Post 2 suggestions to the suggestion box (wall) that Mrs. French could implement to achieve the next highest performance descriptor. Suggestion Box/Wall

21 Element C: Teachers treat students as individuals  The third element says teachers will treat students as individuals. Reflect on how you:  Maintain high expectations for all students  Appreciate differences and value contributions by building positive, appropriate relationships After viewing the following clip respond in your digital journal on what practices you currently have in place and how you can improve upon those practices.

22 Linus or Sally?

23 Journal Reflection  When reflecting on the previous clip would your students view you through the eyes of Sally or Linus? How do you:  Maintain high expectations for all students?  Appreciate differences and value contributions by building positive, appropriate relationships?

24 Element D: Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs.  The fourth element under Standard 2 says teachers will adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs. Does “special needs” assume we mean “students with disabilities”? In this context, every student has a special need, and every teacher will adapt their teaching for their benefit.

25 Mrs. Jones  When Mrs. Jones, an 8 th grade social studies teacher, receives her class list at the beginning of the semester, she is very excited. She finds that she has a wonderfully diverse class with varying abilities and interests. From the 25 students in her class, six of her students are ESL, five are exceptional and three of her students are repeating the class.

26 Mrs. Jones  A few weeks after the beginning of the school year, Mrs. Jones finds that the diverse range of reading abilities among her social studies students is posing an extra challenge for her. Some of her students are having problems with reading assignments, and they can not complete the reading questions that she assigns after each chapter. She decides to introduce new activities that scaffold the learning of the students and to assist them with their reading assignments.

27 Mrs. Jones  Because some of the students’ grades were still not reflecting a great improvement, Mrs. Jones also decides to differentiate her instruction. First, she develops student learning profiles for each student. After gaining the information, she decides to group the students based on their ability levels. Mrs. Jones does not inform the students about the basis for their groupings.

28 Mrs. Jones  Over several weeks, she observes that students in the lower ability groups do not receive the same opportunities to learn as other students and begin to "act out," while the students in the high ability group become non-cooperative and unwilling to work with others. Mrs. Jones also overhears students making comments such as "We’re in the dumb group 'cause we don’t know how to do this stuff." She also hears students in other groups making comments such as "we're the smart ones, why do we have to do this?"

29 Mrs. Jones  In addition, Mrs. Jones notices that the learning groups also reflected the socio-economic differences among the students' families and that the students from working class backgrounds received fewer opportunities to develop critical thinking skills. Determined to resolve the problem, Mrs. Jones began to read about differentiation and discussed with her colleagues the advantages of heterogeneous grouping, which she will introduce next quarter.

30 Element D: Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs. DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished  Recognizes that students have a variety of learning needs ...and Collaborates with specialists who can support the special learning needs of students.  and Understands the roles of and collaborates with the full range of support specialists to help meet the special needs of all students.  and Anticipates the unique learning needs of students and solicits assistance from within and outside the school to address those needs.

31 Element D: Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs. DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished  Is knowledgeable of effective practices for students with special needs.  Provides unique learning opportunities such as inclusion and research based effective practices for students with special needs.  Effectively engages special needs  Adapts instruction for the benefit of students with special needs and helps colleagues do the same for their students.

32 North Carolina Professional Teacher Standards Standard 2: Teachers Establish A Respectful Environment For A Diverse Population Of Students  Teachers provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults.  Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and in the world.  Teachers treat students as individuals.  Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs.  Teachers work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students. 5/26/2016 page 32

33 Element E: Teachers work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students.  For each performance descriptor drag and drop the item that matches. DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished Performance Descriptor Goes Here The scenario would appear here and the user would drag the corresponding descriptor. After successfully matching a new scenario would appear. No more than 6 scenarios.

34 Distinguished Suggestion Wall  How do you work collaboratively with families and significant adults in the lives of your students.  Post only distinguished examples on the wall. Distinguished Suggestion Wall

35 Included in each standard:  Reference other PD modules  Go through at least 1 descriptor-strand at each level (developing, proficient, accomplished, distinguished) and decide the best way to describe to a teacher how this would look in the classroom  Include a question at the end of each standard: (for example) What practices currently exist in your classroom or school that show evidence of this standard? What can be done to improve upon or change these practices?  Reference teacher evaluation document/ PDP process to make connection

36 Ideas?  Have learners rate the scenarios by using an open survey (Google?) so they can see how their rating compares with learners on this module component  Flash drag and drop

37 Questions?

38 Teacher Standard III: Teachers Know the Content They Teach “Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you have something to learn, and this will mean all of your life.” - Henry L. Doherty

39 Teacher Standard IV: Teachers Facilitate Learning for their Students “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires” - William Ward

40 Elements of Standard IV  Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students.  Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students.  Teachers use a variety of instructional methods.  Teachers integrate and utilize technology in their instruction.

41 Elements of Standard IV, cont.  Teachers help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  Teachers help students work in teams and develop leadership qualities.  Teachers communicate effectively.  Teachers use a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned.

42 A look in the mirror… In my classroom, how well do I…  Know how students think and learn?  Understand the influences on student learning?  Differentiate instruction?  Keep abreast of evolving research?  Adapt resources to address the strengths and weaknesses of students?

43 Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students. (Short video clip here - - interview)

44 Element A: Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students. DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished  Understands developmental levels of students and recognizes the need to differentiate instruction.  and Understands developmental levels of students and appropriately differentiates instruction. ...and Identifies appropriate developmental levels of students and consistently and appropriately differentiates instruction.  and Encourages and guides colleagues to adapt instruction to align with students’ developmental levels.

45 DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished  Understands developmental levels of students and recognizes the need to differentiate instruction.  and Assesses resources needed to address strengths and weakness of students. ...and Reviews and uses alternative resources or adapts existing resources to take advantage of student strengths or address weaknesses  and Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the benefit of all students. Element A: Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students. DevelopingUnderstands developmental levels of students and recognizes the need to differentiate instruction. Mrs. Brown is aware that her students have a variety of learning needs. She knows that she must equip them with 21 st century skills for yet-unknown jobs. She sometimes allows students to work in groups during class. Proficient...and Understands developmental levels of students and appropriately differentiates instruction. Assesses resources needed to address strengths and weakness of students. Mr. Kennedy uses a variety of of formative and summative assessment data to inform his instruction. He organizes students into cooperative teams for lab assignments. He demonstrates the use of various technology for his students. Accomplished...and Identifies appropriate developmental levels of students and consistently and appropriately differentiates instruction. Reviews and uses alternative resources or adapts existing resources to take advantage of student strengths or address weaknesses. Ms. Lampley consistently provides individualized assignments and assessments based on students’ needs. Not all students in her class use the same materials to learn a concept. She uses her website and a classroom moodle to facilitate learning. Distinguished...and Encourages and guides colleagues to adapt instruction to align with students’ developmental levels. Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the benefit of all students. Mr. Martin’s students use feedback from their peer and self assessments to improve their products. They use their findings to contribute to and manage a wiki for their district’s robotics team. Mr. Martin recently presented at a conference on how to incorporate problem solving strategies into everyday teaching practices.

46 Teacher Standard Five Teachers Reflect on Their Practice “The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well.” - Henry W. Longfellow

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