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Slide 1© Prepared by UMI 2013 Wave 18 Findings for ERM Business Energy January 2014 U T I L I T Y. M A R K E T. I N T E L L I G E N C E C U S T O M E R.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1© Prepared by UMI 2013 Wave 18 Findings for ERM Business Energy January 2014 U T I L I T Y. M A R K E T. I N T E L L I G E N C E C U S T O M E R."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1© Prepared by UMI 2013 Wave 18 Findings for ERM Business Energy January 2014 U T I L I T Y. M A R K E T. I N T E L L I G E N C E C U S T O M E R R E S E A R C H I N U T I L I T Y M A R K E T S

2 Slide 2© Prepared by UMI 2013 Overall Satisfaction 87% of ERM customers indicated they were satisfied, which is nearly double the average of the other major retailers. While ERM customer satisfaction has decreased (Top 2 box) over the previous 12 months, this rate of decline is significantly lower than for the other retailers. 6% 11% 12% % Change in Top Two Statements from UMI 2012

3 Slide 3© Prepared by UMI 2013 Accuracy of Your Billing 95% of ERM customers said they were very satisfied or satisfied with the accuracy of their billing, nearly identical to last years results. 1% 4% 6% 17% % Change in Top Two Statements from UMI 2012

4 Slide 4© Prepared by UMI 2013 Billing that Suits Your Systems 91% of ERM customers expressed satisfaction with the flexibility of ERM’s billing system, easily the highest satisfaction rating of the major retailers. 3% 10% 13% % Change in Top Two Statements from UMI 2012

5 Slide 5© Prepared by UMI 2013 Speed in Responding to Your Inquiries Half ERM’s customers are very satisfied with the speed of response to enquiries. Conversely, only 1% of customers are dissatisfied with ERM’s responsiveness, compared with an average of 29% dissatisfaction rating for the other major retailers. 3% 6% 5% 11% % Change in Top Two Statements from UMI 2012

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