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1 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 WP2 “Design and implementation of infrastructure capturing.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 WP2 “Design and implementation of infrastructure capturing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 WP2 “Design and implementation of infrastructure capturing energy carbon data” State of advancement Konstantina Papachristopoulou Athens Technology Center S.A.

2 2 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 WP is active for 6 months (End is due for October 2013) Active tasks during this period: – T2.1 Infrastructure capturing & storing energy data (AUEB) – T2.2 Energy consumption of SC processes & PLM data management (DITF) – T2.3 Energy Consumption Reduction Tool (ENEA) – T2.4 Energy Monitoring Tools Design (ATC) WP2 Current Status

3 3 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Overview of activities (1/2) 3 Task Activity / Leader, Contributors StatusComments T2.1 Determining the data-capturing hardware (market survey) / AUEB  T2.1 Designing the middleware handling data streams / AUEB  T2.1 Designing the data models for real & LCI data / AUEB  T2.1 & T2.2 ToC of Deliverable 2.1 / AUEB, DITF, ENEA  T2.2 Identification of relevant phases of the product life cycle regarding energy consumption /DITF  T2.2 Development of the methodology to manage input/output streams for each SC step on product level /DITF  T2.2 Aggregation methodology of LCI data for a product along the whole SC /DITF 

4 4 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Overview of activities (2/2) 4 Task Activity / Leader StatusComments T2.2 Definition of reference characteristics for product types /DITF ongoing The relation with KPIs (ENEA) will be discussed T2.3 Background search (literature review, T1.2 Energy audits, previous experience, etc.) / ENEA ongoing T2.3 Definition of best practices list – Initial version of the guide /ENEA ongoing T2.3 Design & implementation of an interactive guide / ENEA ongoing T2.4 Identification of further requirements for the design of the energy monitoring tools /ATC  Initial technical discussions between ATC, AUEB & INTRA

5 5 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Introduction (Motivation, Approach) High level Architecture (Prerequisites, Data Capturing & Storing Infrastructure) Data Capturing Infrastructure (Proposed data format, Embodying existing Energy Management Systems, Using Open Solutions) Data Storing Infrastructure (XML Parsing & Cleansing, HBase, Hadoop – Aggregation, RDMS) ToC D2.1 (1/2)

6 6 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Security Issues (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability) Energy consumption of SC processes & PLM data management – Mapping of direct and indirect energy consumption to products & processes – Accumulation of energy consumption/carbon emissions across the supply chain ToC D2.1 (2/2)

7 7 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Finalisation of Identification of the project case studies (WP1) Finalisation of the first phase of T2.1 (Setting of the overall infrastructure) and T2.2 (Methods & data management structure) and submission of D2.1 Submission of the initial version of the energy consumption reduction tool (T2.3) Pending Tasks

8 8 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Acquisition and Installation of metering devices at Piacenza Decision on the way the energy data of MC will be transmitted to the Technology partners Drafting and submitting D2.1 (AUEB /DITF, with contributions from ENEA) – Due on May 31 st 2012 Critical pending issues

9 9 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Six months planning (1/3) Task / Leader / Activity May 12 Jun 12 Jul 12 Aug 12 Sep 12 Oct 12 T2.1 / AUEB / Writing the associated parts of D2.1  T2.1 / AUEB / Refinement of technical details of the data capturing infrastructure  T2.1 / AUEB / Testing of the functionality and scalability of the suggested infrastructure in lab environment  T2.1 / AUEB / Pre-pilot testing of the suggested infrastructure on real data, once the hardware/software has been installed at the end users  T2.2 / DITF /Writing the associated parts of D2.1 & contribute in D2.1 with input from MC energy Audits  T2.2 /DITF / KPIs and reference values  T2.3 /ENEA / Contribute in D2.1 with input from Piacenza Energy Audits outcomes 

10 10 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Six months planning (2/3) Task / Leader / Activity May 12 Jun 12 Jul 12 Aug 12 Sep 12 Oct 12 T2.3 /ENEA / Continue with the pending activities after discussion and decisions between the partners  T2.4 / ATC / Energy monitoring tools definition based on the outcomes of WP1 and D2.1  T2.4 / ATC / Drafting of the use case scenarios  T2.4 / ATC / Requirements diagrams and Database design  T2.4 / ATC / Monitor development of D2.2 (1 st prototype of the tools)  T2.5 / INTRA / Secure that real-time access to sensor data (smart meter data acquisition) has been fully specified and provided  T2.5 / INTRA / Secure that the business process of textile production has been modeled with a business process modeling tool and provided 

11 11 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 ARTISAN 1st Plenary Meeting May 8th – 9th 2012 Six months planning (3/3) Task / Leader / Activity May 12 Jun 12 Jul 12 Aug 12 Sep 12 Oct 12 T2.5 / INTRA / Secure that third-party systems integrate with ARTISAN: ERPs (data interfaces?), LCI, SCMs, Product Inventories, EPC services…  T2.5 / INTRA /Development of 1 st prototypes of the tools (initial version –M12) 

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