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Lesson 18 Porpoises. Lesson 22 Knowledge and progress.

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1 Lesson 18 Porpoises

2 Lesson 22 Knowledge and progress

3 Discussion TThe author points out that knowledge is a two-edged weapon that can be used for good or evil, do you agree with him? Can you give any examples?



6  T : Listen to the text (or read it silently) and see if you can answer this question: What would you say is the main characteristic of porpoises?

7  1 What has there long been among mariners? 2 How does superstition say that porpoises will save drowning men? 3 How does superstition say that porpoises will protect drowning men from sharks?  4 Is it probably a mistake to credit dolphins with any motive of lifesaving?  5 Have dolphins pushed unconscious humans to shore? 6 Why might they have done it, according to the writer? 7 What were some porpoises photographed doing in 1928?

8  8 Does the writer say why they did this? 9 If porpoises have protected humans from sharks, what may have attracted them? 10 What may have attracted the sharks? 11 Are porpoises and sharks natural allies? 12 What might have happened to the sharks?  13 What is the porpoise intrigued with?  14 Which sea creatures are porpoises constantly chasing? 15 What do the turtles submit to?

9  16 What did one young porpoise enjoy doing?  17 How does a young porpoise try to turn a 300- pound turtle over?  18 Is this easy? 19 So what might the operation require? 20 In another game, how do the porpoises knock a turtle to the floor of the oceanarium tank?  21 Is the turtle now satisfied merely to stand up? 22 But then what does a porpoise do? 23 The turtle gives up at last. How? 24 And is the game over then?

10  Superstition among mariners  Porpoises will save drowning men or protect them--sharks  Marine Studio biologists: probably not true.  Done out of curiosity or for sport.

11 e.g. pushing a mattress to the shore.  Saving men from sharks: porpoises and sharks: natural enemies.

12  In defensive formation 以防御队形  In attacking formation 以进攻队 形  March in formation 列队行进

13  Credit n. 银行存款 / 学分 / 荣誉  Please deposit this sum of money to my credit.  He took a course for three credits.  Most people are happy to take all the credit, but none of the blame.

14  Credit n.  Do sb credit/do credit to sb. 增加某人的声誉  This work does your credit. 这 项工作是你的光荣。  His smart appearance does credit to his tailors. 他英俊的外 表使他的裁缝们的技艺益为生色。

15  Credit n.  Be a credit to sb / 增加某人的声 誉  The pupils are a credit to their teachers/ schools. 学生为老师们 / 学校增光。

16  Credit vt. 相信 / 信任 / 把 …. 存入  It was hard to credit some of the stories we heard about her.  He credited $ 200 to my account.  It is unwise to place credit in hearsay. 道听途说是不明智的。 n.

17  Credit...with 相信 …/ 具有;信赖  I credit his parents with common sense. 我相信他父亲是 通情达理的。  他相信那件好事是我做的,其实 我根本都没想到。  He credited me with doing the good deed, which in fact I never thought of.

18  Out of curiosity 出于好奇心  I helped him out of kindness.  They did it completely out of ignorance.

19  Photograph…doing sth 拍摄到 … 做 某事  Tom was photographed leaving the building.

20  All the way 一直;自始至终; 毫无 保留  我们从市中心一直走回家。  I’m with you all the way.  我完全支持你。 ..We walked all the way from the downtown to home.

21  Submit to sb/sth- surrender; give in; abstain from resistance  Submit to the enemy  Submit to ill treatment  Submit to separation from one’s family  屈服于敌人  甘受虐待  忍痛与家人分离

22  我们决不屈从于外国的压力。  We never submit to the foreign stress.  Subject to– bring, get (a country, nation, person) under control 使隶属; 使服从  Ancient Rome subjected most of Europe to her rule.  古罗马征服了大半个欧洲。  Subject a man to torture 使人受 折磨 。

23  No sooner … than… --immediately when or after 一 … 就 … 刚 … 就 …  He had no sooner /No sooner had he arrived home than he was asked to start on another journey.  他刚到火车站, 火车就开动了。  He had no sooner /No sooner had he reached the station that the train started to leave.

24  No sooner said than done.  说了就做。

25  Be intrigued with… 对感兴趣  The little girl is intrigued with whatever she sees.

26 Mankind n. (humans in general, especially when talking about their history and development) 人类  Man n. 人类(有性别歧视之嫌)  A human/human being[ 可数 ]. = a person, human beings 人类 一组表示 “ 人类 ” 的词  The human race( all people, considered together as a group) 人类  Humanity n. 人性

27 Thanks !

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