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Strengths – Great looking store. Live demos. Very futuristic look.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengths – Great looking store. Live demos. Very futuristic look."— Presentation transcript:


2 Strengths – Great looking store. Live demos. Very futuristic look.

3 Weaknesses – Did not ask for the business. More lifestyle questions needed, plant seed for multi sales and insurance etc TED and more handset features relevant to my lifestyle FAB

4 Opportunities – Multi sales and sell more: Grow the business which in turn would increase bonuses, wages etc

5 Threats – Lose business which would affect everyone, other stores bonuses, wages, morale in store etc

6 30 Days First I would work hard to lay some good foundations. A team meeting would be held, quite informal, introductions and team expectations. Week 1 - Analyse the business and also the staff. Sit down with each member of staff and get a bit of motivation into them, basically stating I'm there to benefit the store and to get everyone earning more etc Week 2 - I would review the staff, their strengths and weaknesses. Also I would start coaching; this could also be done with other strong members of the team, myself and the assistant manager.

7 Week 3 - Constant coaching and increasing skill levels. Reviewing KPI and all other areas of the business. Week 4 - Identify will/skill issues. Lead by example. Growth on growth week. Staff praise and celebrate shop success. This is quite important to do as we want to be proud of our results and hard work. Monthly team meetings to discuss the last month and the month ahead.

8 30-60 DAYS Week 5/6 - Ongoing reviews and coaching. Incremental targets. At this point I would expect the staff to be knowledgeable about the business, knowing their figures, daily targets and store targets etc. Week 7/8 - Celebrate success and a monthly team meeting again. These meetings would be an open box meeting, where staff can talk freely and can always welcome new ideas as well as issue which may be of concern.

9 60-90 DAYS A quarterly review would be done at this point with aims and expectations going forward and also reviewing the previous months. Keep up morale in store and repay hard work, an example of this would be if we were having a good week to supply team with sweets, incentives for example 10 minutes of the shift for over achieving daily targets.

10 SUMMARY – Future Projections Increase business – GROWTH WEEK ON WEEK Improve NPS Constant monitoring and coaching of staff and business. Increase conversion. Maximise every sale – add ons, insurance, sim only, MBB, Ipads, partners and family etc

11 Few methods of coaching: Apples for Apples. Open ended questions, avoid yes and no answers. What happened and what are they doing with their old phone? TED, FAB, CLOSE, SWAN Soft close, option A/B, colour etc 2 ears and 1 mouth. Lifestyle questions people buy of people, this also helps plant the seed for insurance etc Role plays.

12 Thank you for your co-operation and time.

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