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Human Computer Interaction CSC 4730-100 User System Interface CSC 8570-001 Class Meeting 5 September 25, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Computer Interaction CSC 4730-100 User System Interface CSC 8570-001 Class Meeting 5 September 25, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Computer Interaction CSC 4730-100 User System Interface CSC 8570-001 Class Meeting 5 September 25, 2012

2 Research Project Short presentation – One spokesperson – Five minutes – Hypotheses, variables, initial experimental design Questions and comments from the audience

3 Research Teams Aspen: Ken, Kevin, Kristin Bailey: Andrew L, James B, Shishir Conifer: James N, Mike Durango: Andrew D, Chris, Donald Estes Park: Anthony, John, Tyler

4 Research Project Issues Add to bibliography – goal is at least 15 references Design experiment Create experimental tools Complete IRB form – Remember to edit sample consent form making it describe your project Start writing Introduction and Background sections Dates – IRB form finished no later than 10/9. Hence, – Experimental materials finished no later than 10/9 – Progress Report 1 due 10/30

5 Summary of Some Ideas User goals Mental models GUEPs Cognitive dimensions

6 User Goals Based on inferences from last week’s discussion and other sources, here’s a list of user goals. Do you take these as your goals? Users want systems that: 1.Are powerful, meaning fast and efficient 2.Have proper functionality 3.Minimize the possibility for (tragic) errors 4.Allow easy recovery from misdirected actions 5.Are easily learned and easily relearned

7 User Goals (2) 6.Fit a cognitive model based on past experience 7.Are easy to maintain, including set-up 8.Are flexible 9.Are unobstrusive 10.Stimulate creative problem solving 11.Are personally satisfying

8 GUEPs and CDs GUEPs (Generative User Engineering Principles) GUEPs CDs (Cognitive Dimensions) CDs

9 Relating GUEPs and CDs Match the 14 cognitive dimensions to the 9 GUEPs looking for overlapping and orthogonal ideas. Summarize the results by creating a 14 by 9 array whose cell entries describe the relationship between the i th CD and the j th GUEP

10 Mental Models As theories: Constructed by humans Based on their world experience What they believe to be true about particular domains, devices, or systems

11 Mental Models As problems spaces Mental structures (ideas, concepts, virtual worlds) Contain possible states Searchable so that users can plan their behaviors (paths from one state to the next converging on a solution)

12 A Lengthy Example iPods at the ready What is your mental model of an iPod? – What do you believe to be true about an iPod? – How would you describe the problem space associated with an iPod?

13 iPod (2) What tasks do you want to accomplish with an iPod? Described in high level terms In a different context, “I want fresh tomatoes from my garden on my salad.” [No specifications about planting, tending, picking or preparing the tomatoes.]

14 iPod (3) What operators are available? Physical keys or widgets Virtual widgets on the interface

15 iPod (4) What notation do we use for widget interaction? Do we need to expand Card & Moran or Raskin & Beck?

16 Leave Behind Concept map of the Edge and Blackwell paper

17 Next Time Continue work on research project: experimental material and IRB form due on 10/9 Catch up on reading

18 Research Team Meetings

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