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Bell Question Write a short paragraph of what Means to you.

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1 Bell Question Write a short paragraph of what Means to you.

2 video.html What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world, to explain events in the natural world, and to use those explanations to make useful predictions.

3 In order for an idea to be considered a part of “Science” it must begin with a scientific question. Sci – knowMulti – manyStasis - stay Bio – lifeA – notEvol - change Logy – study ofMeta – change Uni – one, singleHomeo – same, alike

4 What is Biology? Biology is the study of LIFE!

5 What do Biologists do? Some study how the environment affects plants or animals. Some work at the molecular level studying what types of chemicals are needed by living organisms. Some work at the cellular level studying how the cells of organisms function. Some study populations of organisms and how they related to each other.

6 SCIENTIFIC QUESTION = can be studied through observation, testing, and analysis. 1. Based on observations. (information gathered using our senses of sight, sounds, touch, etc.)

7 2. Can be measured. (Measured using standard measurement tools and units.) RULER GRADUATED CYLINDER BALANCE

8 3. Usually begins with one of these phrases: What is…? What causes…? How does…? When…? How long…? Why…? What happens if…? Which is…?

9 Q.Which of the following are good scientific questions? a.Why are you angry with him? b.How many mice can that cat eat in one day?! c.Where did you loose your glasses? d.What kind of food does a panda eat? e.How beautiful is the view? f.Do you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream? No Yes No Yes No EOC Practice Question : 1. A scientist observes crickets chirping. Which of the following would be the best scientific question? a.Do the crickets chirp more in the morning or in the evening? b.Do the crickets chirp because they are happy? c.Are crickets larger than grasshoppers? d.Are the crickets angry with the grasshoppers?

10 Question: What is Spontaneous Generation? It is the idea that was held for centuries for the sudden appearance of life from Non-living organisms. ex’s: 1> maggots came from meat 2> mice came from wheat 3> beetles came from Cow Dung

11 Read the last paragraph on page 8 and read page 9 about Francesco Redi Questions From Text Book For Figure 1-8

12 ent/animations/content/scientificmeth od.html Superb Video on

13 Characteristics of LIVING THINGS Living things are made up of CELLS. Unicellular = single celled (one cell). Multicellular = having more than one cell. Specialized = having cells that do specific jobs.

14 Living things REPRODUCE. Sexual Reproduction = two gene donors. Asexual Reproduction = one gene donor.

15 Living things are based on a UNIVERSAL GENETIC CODE.

16 Living things GROW and DEVELOP.

17 Living things obtain and use MATERIALS and ENERGY. Metabolism = chemical reactions which act to break down materials for life processes.

18 Living things RESPOND to their environment. Stimulus (stimuli, pl.) = causes a reaction. Response = the reaction.

19 Living things maintain a STABLE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT. Homeostasis = balance of internal body. Feedback = responses to signals. Example (chills, thirst, hunger, etc.)

20 Taken as a group, Living Things CHANGE OVER TIME. Evolution = change over long periods of time.

21 Levels of Organization in Living Things Atoms Molecules Cells Tissues Organs Organ systems Organisms Population Community Ecosystem Biosphere Atoms Molecules Cells Tissues Organs Organ systems Organisms Population Community Ecosystem Biosphere


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