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Presentation on theme: " ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Healthcare COI Milestone Meeting #1 John A. Logan College July 12, 2006 1:30-4:30 PM Building a Collaborative."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Healthcare COI Milestone Meeting #1 John A. Logan College July 12, 2006 1:30-4:30 PM Building a Collaborative Regional Economic Strategy Enabled By Broadband Connectivity Leading With Healthcare CONNECT SI Frank Knott, President ViTAL Economy, Inc.

2 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Agenda - Healthcare COI Milestone #1 Meeting 0.00 - Welcome & Introductions of Participants 0:15 - Overview of Connect SI Initiative ……………………………..Slides 3-10 0:45 - Role & Definition of Healthcare COI…………………………..Slides 11-16 1:15 - Break 1:30 - Healthcare COI Implementation Plan…………………………..Slides 18-22 2:00 - Begin Milestone Meeting #1 Work Plan………………………..Slides 22-31 2:45 - COI Call to Action………………………………………………Slides 32-33 3:00 -Adjourn Milestone Meeting *Addendum - VE Process Slides………………………………………Slides 34-43

3 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Connect SI Region 130 Miles East-West 100 Miles North to South Population=423,670 Workforce=195,429

4 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Connect SI: Strategic Goals Create a broadband enabled 20-county economic strategy Build network provider, CED and health COIs for regional economy Communicate enabling economic role of connectivity to region Benchmark impact of healthcare on regional economy Develop connectivity business case for at least 3 Tele-health apps Create GIS broadband demand aggregation map and peering solution Build strategies to improve employee retention & raise wages in SI Establish long-term regional framework to sustain initiative Implement a successful collaborative funding strategy

5 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Greater Egypt COI Strategy Southeastern COI Strategy Southern Five COI Strategy Greater Wabash COI Strategy Connect SI Regional CED COI Strategy Phase 1 Outcomes GIS Asset Maps Broadband Strategy Economic Benchmarks Regional Economic Strategy Healthcare Strategy Regional Economic Framework Five-Year Measurable Goals Implementation & Funding Plan Phase 2 Connect SI 20-County Phase 1 Roadmap Led By Connect SI Core Leadership Team GIS Mapping Team Supports COIs Healthcare Providers COI Strategy Network Providers COI Strategy

6 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. CONNECT SI Draft Rollout Plan Overview Getting Started and Organized Feb 2006 -----> May 2006 Phase 1 Investor RecruitmentFeb 2006 --------------------------------------------------> Jun 2007 Phase 1 COI RecruitmentFeb 2006 ------------------------> Dec 2006 GIS Initiative Mar 2006 ---------------------------------------------> Jun 2007 Healthcare COI Jul 2006 ------> Mar 2007 Connectivity Provider COI Jun 2006 -----------------> Apr 2007 CED COI - Five Milestone Mtgs - Greater Egypt Region Jun 2006 -----------------> Apr 2007 - Southeastern Region Jul 2006 -----------------> May 2007 - Southern Five Region Sep 2006 -----------> Jun 2007 -Greater Wabash Region Oct 2006--------->Jul 2007 COI Input to Regional Strategy Mar 2006 ---------------------------------------------------> Aug 2007 Build SI Regional Strategy Jun 2006------------------------------> Aug 2007 Phase 2 Implementation Plan Approved --------------------------------------------------------------> Sep 2007

7 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Why the Priority Focus on Healthcare? Largest and fastest growing industry of the regional economy Supplies a growing number of higher wage knowledge based jobs Key quality of life attraction component for future work and workers Issues of access to services impacts economic attractiveness of regional economy Economic benchmarking of healthcare industry impact on regional economy can assist industry leaders in connecting issues of healthcare policy and regulation to regions economic growth and prosperity Broadband connectivity can facilitate regions ability to address healthcare issues of m Access to remote resources, limited specialty services & shared information m Critical skills shortage and workforce development m Improved patient and community health outcomes and education m Lost healthcare revenues to Indiana, Missouri and Kentucky

8 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Connect SI Potential Outcomes, VE Sees As Possible, If Measurable Goals are Set and Acted Upon Connect SI Possible Five-Year Measurable Outcome Goals: Create 10,000 new jobs paying $43,500/year plus health benefits=$435 million/year Raise average wage by $3,400/year for regions workforce=$571.6 million/year Reduce region poverty rate to state average of 10.7% from 16.4% affects 22,000 Reverse health service revenue migration to increase revenues by $100 million/year Reduce regions real unemployment rate to state average=6.1% Increase broadband penetration rates by 50% to finance ubiquitous broadband access Projected Five-Year Measurable Outcome Goals versus ViTAL Economy Client History: Job creation goal is 40% of average client experience for comparable employment base Average wage goal is 52% of average client community experience Annual wage creation is 42% of average client community experience Healthcare revenue creation goals are 20% of average client community experience Unemployment rate goal is 50% of average client community experience

9 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Collaborative Investment Builds Regional Ownership of Strategy Healthcare Providers Invest 2006/07 @ $100,000/Year = $200,000 over 2 years Connectivity Providers Invest 2006/07 @ $100,000/year = $200,000 over 2 years Regl Communities invest 2006/07 @ $100,000/Year = $200,000 over 2 years Corporations/Foundations invest 2006/07 @ $100,000/Year = $200,000 over 2 years State/Federal Governments invest 2006/2007 @ $100,000/Year = $200,000 over 2 years ViTAL Economy Recommended Funding Model

10 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. What is Going To Make Your Investment of Time, Talent and Treasure in the Healthcare COI and Connect SI Worthwhile? Your ideas…

11 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. The Healthcare Community of Interest (COI)

12 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Role of the Healthcare Community of Interest? Champion a collaborative Southern Illinois healthcare marketplace Map patient to provider value-chain elements of the regions healthcare industry Prioritize solutions to critical skills shortage and link to workforce development Identify health services & patient outcomes that will benefit from e-health network Create regional strategy for improved healthcare access, outcomes and revenues Develop the business cases for sustainable shared-use of e-health networks Collaborate with other COIs to identify who else benefits from shared access Assess and quantify the impact and import of healthcare on the regional economy Improve through healthcare the attractiveness of SI for work and workers Link the COI strategy to Connect SI strategy for regional economic transformation

13 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Creating a Integrated Southern Illinois Healthcare Marketplace Requires Regional Collaboration Union Williamson Alexander Hardin Hamilton Johnson White Saline Randolph Jackson Pulaski Perry Massac Pope Jefferson Gallatin Franklin Wayne Wabash Edwards

14 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. What is a Healthcare Community of Interest Acute Care Hospitals Nursing Homes & Assisted Living Centers Life Care Communities Mental Health Professionals Medicare and Medicaid 3rd party Payers Managed Care Providers Patients at Home & On the Go Prisons, Jails, Homeland Security Primary Care Givers Mental Health Providers Community & School-Health Clinics Dentists and School of Dentistry Employers Health profession education centers Clinics, Pharmacies, Laboratories GP and Specialized Physicians Primary & Tertiary Care Specialists Schools of Medicine, Nursing, etc State and Federal Regulators Public Health Service Providers

15 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. What Are The Regional and Healthcare Industry Challenges to Collaboration? Your thoughts and strategies to address these challenges…

16 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Examples of Economic Regions With Effective Broadband Enabled Collaborative Healthcare Strategies Western New York Maryland North Carolina Olympic Peninsula of Washington State

17 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Break

18 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Healthcare COI Implementation Plan

19 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Healthcare COI Implementation 1 - Organize COI, Issue ID, Priorities & Goal Setting Jul - Sep 2006 2 - Map COI Value Chain, Conduct Gap Analysis, Oct - Dec 2006 Quantify Economic Impact 3 - ID & Quantify Connectivity Implications Jan - Feb 2007 for Healthcare Providers and Patients 4 - Prioritize & Define 3 Tele-Health Apps Mar - Apr 2007 & Value Propositions 5- Develop Economic/jobs strategy & Connect COI Strategy May 2007 to Region Strategy

20 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Healthcare COI Work Plan Prior To October 2006-1 1. Establish a leadership team to manage the work of the healthcare COI 2. Develop a champion and investor recruitment plan to sustain Connect SI 3. Identify healthcare industry research reports for Connect SI team 4. Clarify how Connect SI could help accelerate/benefit existing initiatives 5. Define what will enable and sustain regional collaboration versus competition 6. Clarify how the sub-regional input & involvement can be maximized by COI

21 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Healthcare COI Work Plan Prior To October 2006-2 7.Establish strategies that will address challenges to regional collaboration 8.Complete, and prioritize issues of challenge and opportunity 9.Prioritize definition of measurable goals for COI 10.Select the issue that creates the greatest sense of urgency for the COI 11.Focus on collaborations that can result in short term wins linked to process 12.Define what makes your investment of time, talent and treasure worthwhile…

22 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Healthcare COI, Connect SI and SIUs Proposed Virtual School of Rural Public Health SIU invitation to COI for advisory role to SIU July 13 initial advisory board meeting Your view on how SI could benefit from this concept Region… Indications of interest in COI advisory role to SIU…

23 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Issues of Challenge and Opportunity

24 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. The Value Linkage Process Start With Issues of Challenge and Opportunity Reap Rewards and Address More Issues What will bring people together to address these issues? Issues How will the participants benefit? What are the benefits of collaborating ? What is the business case? What solutions and services are needed to address these issues? How will the solutions and services be implemented? How will results be measured?

25 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Identify Critical Healthcare Issues of Challenge that a Shared Use e-Health Network Could Help Address? Your ideas…

26 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Identify Critical Healthcare Issues of Opportunity that a Shared Use e-Health Network Could Help Address? Your ideas…

27 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Setting Measurable Goals

28 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. VEs Essential Guiding Principle If You Cannot Measure It, You Cannot Manage It! Vision and/or Mission Must Be Achievable, Believable and Transforming Benchmarks For Where We Are Today Must Be Established Measurement of Accomplishments Between Benchmark and Vision Is Critical Goals Must Enable The Realization of the Mission and Be Measurable Strategies Enable Measurable Accomplishment of a Specific Goal Action Plans Are Measurable Implementations of a Strategy All Actions Are Measured and Related Back to the Intended Goal, Strategy and Vision

29 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Attaining Outcomes, Requires Setting Measurable Goals What Healthcare COI goals are important to you and why….

30 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Successful Regions Use The Eight Steps for Managing Change Establish a Sense of Urgency Form Powerful Guiding Coalitions Create a Vision Communicate the Vision Empower Others to Act on the Vision Plan for, Create, and Communicate Short Term Wins Consolidate improvements and Produce More Change Institutionalize New Approaches Source: Harvard Business School

31 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. What Will Establish A Sense of Urgency for Healthcare? Your ideas…

32 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Call To Action & Next Steps

33 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Healthcare COI Volunteers, Leaders? Your ideas…

34 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. ViTAL Economy Process Healthcare COI Addendum

35 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Linking Connectivity and Economic Growth ViTAL Economy Approach Components Overview Approaches economic development from a practical, business standpoint--we focus on measurable outcomes and benchmarks Provides all the components needed to drive economic growth –economic development industry cluster strategy –sources of new business financing –business innovation –connectivity strategy Insures that all initiative efforts are focused and consistent by linking the financing facility strategy, the business incubator strategy and connectivity strategy to the C&ED strategy Integrated Finance & Funding Strategy Economic & Community Development Plan Innovation & Incubation Connectivity Enabled Strategy

36 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Challenges that Define Realities for Regional Economies Global competition in a 24x7 world is intensifying. Neighbors next door are no longer our competition Perception that current economic pie of opportunity is limited not expansive Knowledge is driving growth even in traditional resource sectors To compete businesses must become continuous innovators. Innovative businesses learn to specialize. Creation of fertile climates of innovation is key. Need for sufficient critical mass to compete requires collaboration of business sectors, governments and community resources

37 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. The World is Flat-10 Flatteners Why We Must Change the Way We Organize to Succeed 1.Berlin Wall Comes Down November 1989 2.When Netscape Went Public, August 1995 from PC to Internet Based Platform 3.Workflow software enables a global supply chain 4.Open Sourcing-Shareware 5.Outsourcing-Y2K-Using telecom to contract to another firm in another country 6.Off Shoring - Moving a U.S. factory to another country 7.Supply Chaining - Connected throughout the chain without owner control 8.In Sourcing - UPS into your company 9.Informing - The ability to build and deploy your own personal supply chain-a supply chain of information, knowledge, and entertainment. (Google, Yahoo, MSN Web Search) 10.The Steroids -Digital, Mobile,Wireless, Personal and Virtual

38 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Successful Response To Integrated Marketplace Requires ViTAL Economys 3 Cs for Economic Development Collaboration Builds Sufficient Critical Mass to Compete Globally, while Emerging Cluster Strategies Assure Regional Growth + Connectivity Links Geographically Remote Resources to Increase Access, while Creating Opportunity, Building Diversification, Enabling Collaboration + Changed Spending Increases Productivity and Revenues Opens New Markets, Expands Opportunity, Establishes Measurable Benchmarks and Goals

39 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. ViTAL Economy Success Cycle Starts With Knowing Who We Are and What Makes Us Unique ViTAL Economy Innovation Opportunity Realized Measures of Success Short / Long Term Wins Connect the Dots Barriers Barrier Strategies Local Opportunity Local Innovation Global Innovation Industry / State Best Practices Who are we? Knowledge Milestone Meeting #2 & 3 Activity

40 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Communities Leveraging Their Economic Advantage Coachella Valley, California - Desert Valley, Infrastructure, Film Nova Scotia, Canada - Youth, Eco-system, Environmental Skills Western New York - Geography, Connectivity, Health Community Clallam County, WA - Micro-Climates, Forests, Water, Venues Karlstad, Minnesota - Red River Valley Spring Mud Conditions Lanark County, Ontario - Lakes, Clean Air Rights and Proximity Tasmania, Australia - Micro-Climates, Forest Tech, Antarctica Singapore - Youth, Fresh Water, Pacific Rim Location, Networks

41 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. Move Up the Value Chain, Capture Greater Share of Value Chain Margins, Increase Economic Prosperity Economics 101 Friction is the Cost of Getting From P to C PC PC P=Producer & C=Customer

42 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. All Strategies, Action Plans and Task Teams Should… Enable the region to become a robust integrated marketplace Exhibit the 3 Cs of a ViTAL Economy Leverage the uniqueness of your region Move regional economic activity closer to C than to P Follow the eight steps for managing change Apply the value linkage process to define the business case for all actions Establish and achieve measurable goals Move region away from a limited view of economic growth to a climate of ever expanding economic opportunity Take advantage of VE processes for organization and self improvement

43 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. VE Process Creates a Climate of Economic Opportunity The unique thing about ViTAL Economy is the way that its process creates an ongoing climate of economic opportunity. Director of Economic Development

44 ©2006 ViTAL Economy, Inc. The Reason for Action A changing economy impacts the way we live, work, learn, govern and connect. We cant run a 21st century business, community or government on 20th century rules.

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