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My Personal Fitness Profile By James Anderson For Mr. Cowan Course: PPL2OM Due: Wednesday, January 19, 2005.

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2 My Personal Fitness Profile By James Anderson For Mr. Cowan Course: PPL2OM Due: Wednesday, January 19, 2005

3 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 2 ASSESSMENT James great job on the powerpoint. You are the first to venture into the cyber realm of presentations. Great work. The files I could not open because of link. I did open them in word and excel. Tables had no information in the powerpoint due to animation. I disabled the animation and viewed the charts. A - 4+K - 4+C - 4+ T - 4+

4 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 3 What Does Fitness Mean? To me fitness means being able to feel good about my bodies ability to cope with the stresses of the activities I enjoy.

5 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 4 Why Do I Like It? Physical activity and fitness are important to me because they make me feel better about myself, and because the activities are fun.

6 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 5 Physical Activity In My Life Other than gym class, I am active in the following activities: XC-Running about 5 days a week in the season XC-Skiing about 4 days a week in the season Track also 5 days a week in the season In the past I enjoyed: B-Ball because it was the only sport I did Gymnastics because I liked bouncing on the trampoline Soccer because I was interested in trying it Swimming but only for lifesaving levels, never competitively I have always skied and to this day it is my favorite sport

7 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 6 Physical Activity In My Life (Continued) Compared to when I was younger I now participate in more physical activity. The increase is do to my focus on less sports, and my subsequent increase in training required to improve those sports in particular XC-Skiing I would be able to participate in more physical activity only if I had more free time.

8 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 7 Importance of the Following in My Life Style VeryOf SomeOf LittleOf No Adequate rest and sleepX A good dietX Low Calorie snacks between mealsX Maintenance of proper weightX Control of stressX Social activitiesX Regular physical activitiesX Being drug/alcohol freeX Being a non-smokerX Regular dental and medical check upsX Positive thinkingX

9 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 8 A Comparison and a Change If I compare myself to others of my same age and sex I think I am in better shape overall. If I could change one thing about my life style it would be the time spent on school work.

10 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 9 Healthy Active Living Inventory Almost Always Somet -imes Hardly Ever I have a friend to talk to about things that are important to me X I actively exercise for 30 minutes (running, cycling, swimming) X I eat balanced meals X I use tobacco X I drink alcohol (beer, wine, liquor, coolers) X I obey the rules of the road when walking, riding, or driving X I sleep well and feel rested X I think about my future career choices X

11 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 10 Healthy Active Living Inventory (continued) Almost Always Somet -imes Hardly Ever I like myself as a person X I do exercises designed to strengthen my muscles and joints X I warm up and cool down by stretching before and after doing vigorous exercise X I have lots of energy and can get through the day without being overly tired X I take time to enjoy nature and the beauty around me X I am content with who I am X I go for the gusto and experience life to the fullest X

12 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 11 Fitness Appraisal Tracking Sheet Time of Appraisal Beginning of Course Midway through Course End of Course Improv- ement Score (Level) Type of testDiagnosticFormativeSummative Fitness Component Flexibility: Sit and reach 41434204 Cardio-respiratory Endurance: Beep Test 1089899-93 Muscular Strength/Endurance: Sit-ups 160 04 Push-ups 45405054

13 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 12 Current Fitness Appraisal Needs Improvement SatisfactoryGoodExcellent Flexibility X Cardio-respiratory Endurance X Muscular Strength/Endurance X Nutrition X Rest X

14 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 13 Fitness Goal #1 S-Specific: I want to be able to sit comfortably with my legs out straight in front of me with my back straight. M-Measurable: I will Know when I have accomplished my goal because I will be able to sit at ease in the position described above. A-Attainable: Yes, I think this is goal is attainable because I have been stretching for a while and have been noticing improvement. R-Realistic: Given time I will be able to accomplish my goal. T-Time: I think I shall be able to accomplish this goal by the end of the second semester.

15 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 14 Fitness Goal #2 S-Specific: Bring down my resting heart rate by at least 6bpm. M-Measurable: When my resting heart rate comes down below about 50bpm. A-Attainable: This goal is possible, your heart can always improve in conditioning. R-Realistic: Yes, with the sports I do this is definitely a reality. T-Time: By next ski season this goal will have been achieved.

16 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 15 Fitness Goal #3 S-Specific: Increase my maximum push-up count to 70 push-ups. M-Measurable: When my maximum push-up count reaches 70 push-ups then I know I have reached my goal. A-Attainable: Yes, again I think this goal is attainable because my age is about the time your upper body develops. R-Realistic: Yes, this goal should not be to hard to achieve I just need to put in the effort. T-Time: By the end of the school year.

17 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 16 Fitness Goal #4 S-Specific: Increase my Grains and my vegetables intake by 4 and my fluid intake up a liter to fit the food guide and my activity level. M-Measurable: When my diet fits these characteristics. A-Attainable: Yes, this should be quiet easy to change I just have to make some bread type products myself. R-Realistic: Yes, again this should be quick and easy, so yes this goal is a realistic possibility. T-Time: A month of having these things on track would be a pretty good indicator, but it is all a matter of if I can maintain that diet.

18 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 17 Fitness Goal #5 S-Specific: My goal is to get 9½hrs. of sleep each night. M-Measurable: When I have managed to get 9½hrs. of sleep each night for a month. A-Attainable: Yes, this goal is attainable if I keep my school work under control. R-Realistic: Yes, this is mostly realistic, there may be the odd time when my work load calls for a late night but it will work. T-Time: If I start by trying for a month then it should not be to hard to keep going.

19 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 18 The Actions I Will Take: Tomorrow Tomorrow: I will stretch in the morning to work mostly on my leg flexibility. I will eat 2 more grain products, 2 more vegetables, and 1 more milk product. I will start increasing my sleep by 15mins. per day. See Training Schedule: C:\documents and settings\j.cowan\TRAINING PROGRAM FOR HEALTH.XLS C:\documents and settings\j.cowan\TRAINING PROGRAM FOR HEALTH.XLS

20 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 19 The Actions I Will Take: Next Week I will stretch each day I will use XC-Skiing to work on both strength and aerobic. I will try some good grain recipes and up my fluid by the liter. I will try my best to get up to having 9½hrs. of sleep each night.

21 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 20 The Actions I Will Take: By the End Of the Month I will continue with the stretching and skiing. I will be on a better, more balanced diet. I will be getting 9½hrs. sleep each night. I will also try some push ups and sit ups before bed.

22 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 21 The Actions I Will Take: By the End of the School Year I will introduce a year round training program and cross- train with running for aerobic. I will also use cycling for strength and other strength exercises. Keep stretching. I will continue with 9½hrs. of sleep each night. My diet will be well developed and structured (planned out).

23 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 22 Challenges I Might Face ChallengeStrategy to Overcome 1. Getting motivated is my biggest challenge 1. Keep track of what I actually do and exercise with friends 2. Not having enough time 2. Get more organized write out my plans 3. School work, having to stay up late 3. Try and spread out projects over a number of days

24 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 23 Goal #1: Rewritten using the FITT Formula Flexibility F-frequency: Every Day I-intensity: 3 repetitions of thirty minutes T-time: 20 minutes total for all the stretches T-type: Muscle: flexibility

25 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 24 Goal #2: Rewritten using the FITT Formula Cardio-respiratory Endurance F-frequency: Minimum of 3 day per week I-intensity: 80% of MHR which is about 200 according to my stress test T-time: From 1 to 2 hours for regular training T-type: Aerobic activity

26 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 25 Goal #3: Rewritten using the FITT Formula Muscular Strength/Endurance F-frequency: 3 to 4 days a week I-intensity: weights up to 10lbs. or body weight depending on the exercise T-time: 30 to 45mins. T-type: Muscle: Endurance and some strength

27 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 26 Goal #4: Rewritten using the FITT Formula Nutrition F-frequency: Every Day I-intensity: N/A T-time: ~1.5hrs. per day T-type: Nutritional

28 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 27 Goal #5: Rewritten using the FITT Formula Rest F-frequency: Every day I-intensity: Very low (resting) T-time: 9½hrs. per day T-type: Rest

29 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 28 Evaluating My Fitness Plan Fitness Component What I like about my fitness plan What I dislike about my plan Is my goal realistic for me based on my fitness log FlexibilityI like feeling I get from stretching out Nothing really.Yes, I think my goal is still realistic. Cardio- respiratory Endurance I love XC- skiing, what else can I say? Very weather dependant. Yes, given time my goal can be accomplished. Muscular Strength and Endurance The fact that I am doing activities I enjoy. Most practices were cancelled do to weather. Yes, I may have to up the anti a bit but it is possible.

30 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 29 Evaluating My Fitness Plan (continued) Fitness Component What I like about my fitness plan What I dislike about my plan Is my goal realistic for me based on my fitness log DietIt involves FOOD! I find it hard to eat a lot of breads. Yes, changing a diet is just planning. RestIt will help me feel more rested once I get on to it. It can be hard to go to bed when there are so many things I could be doing. Yes, once past Exams this should be much easier.

31 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 30 Revised Goals I have been improving at a good rate, so I think all the goals should stay the same since they are still feasible. If any should change I think it would be the Cardio-respiratory goal I think this goal could probably be done in a shorter time frame, but it is difficult to decide because I have only been on this program for a week and most practices were cancelled do to weather.

32 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 31 Alterations Needed I am going to bring the time frame for the Cardio- respiratory goal down to before the summer.

33 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 32 Summative Evaluation The only revision I did was to bring the time frame for the Cardio-respiratory goal, this was made because the more I thought about it the more I thought my time frame was way to forgiving. I have only been on this plan for a week but so far I have not reached my goals, but that is because I did not expect to reach them in this time period.

34 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 33 Summative Evaluation (continued) It is hard to measure my focus on my schedule because many of the activities were cancelled do to weather conditions. As for the time after the revisions, I have not tried my program after the revisions because I just finished the first week.

35 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 34 Summative Evaluation (continued) The SMART and FITT formulas I am sure I will use one day, but the best thing I will take away with me is the analysis of my lifestyle and the changes required.

36 Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by James Anderson 35 Summative Evaluation (continued) Beep Test: The decrease in my beep test is do to the fact that the running season is over and because of my knee injuries. Push-Ups: My push ups increased because of my sports training especially XC-skiing both dry land and actual skiing. Sit-Ups: My push ups stayed the same because that is the maximum number allowed. Flexibility: My flexibility has improved do to the exercises the physio prescribed. Please see my Fitness Log: C:\documents and settings\j.cowan\FITNESS LOG.DOCC:\documents and settings\j.cowan\FITNESS LOG.DOC

37 Thank You For Your Time And Patience James Anderson

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