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David G Richard Assistant Professor of Information Technology Stark State College.

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Presentation on theme: "David G Richard Assistant Professor of Information Technology Stark State College."— Presentation transcript:

1 David G Richard Assistant Professor of Information Technology Stark State College

2  North Canton, Ohio  Average Age 31  15,236 students  10 satellite locations

3  Demonstrate a familiarity of a graphical user interface.  Demonstrate a working knowledge of file management using Windows Explorer (copying, deleting, renaming, moving files).  Demonstrate an understanding of and skill in the general concepts and business uses of a word processing application.  Demonstrate an understanding of electronic spreadsheets and establish a basic skill level in the creation and analysis of a spreadsheet.  Demonstrate a familiarity and understanding of database management systems and their use in business, along with the skills to utilize the information contained in a database.  Demonstrate an understanding of and skill in producing electronic presentations utilizing acceptable business presentation practices and graphics.  Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the operating system and file management principles.

4  New Perspectives Microsoft Office 2007 Premium Video Edition First Course ISBN 978-0-324-78884-6  SAM Access Code ISBN 978-0538-7430-44  Headphones/Ear buds

5  23 Sections  437 Students  2 Full Time Faculty  11 Adjunct Faculty  Web 1 110 face to face minutes twice a week or 1 day a week  Web 2 110 face to face the rest online  Web 3 On-Line

6 Of those completing the assignment who did NOT score above 70%

7  The Other Faculty ◦ Book Tutorial ◦ 1 Lectured Project ◦ 1 Independent Project ◦ SAM Exam  My Classes ◦ Book Tutorial ◦ 1 Silver Fox Lecture ◦ 1 Independent Project ◦ SAM Exam

8  My Classes ◦ Book Tutorial ◦ 1 Silver Fox Lecture ◦ 1 Independent Project ◦ Observe…Practice…Apply ◦ SAM Exam

9 Statistics

10  Compare types of computers 77 76  Describe the components of a computer system 75 74  Describe input and output peripheral devices 81 80  Examine data representation and the ASCII code 79 78  Define memory and storage 85 84  Identify the hardware and software that are used for data communications and to establish a network 79 77  Explain how Internet access, e-mail, and the World Wide Web affect the use of computers 87 85  Describe potential security threats to computers and protection methods 89 87  Discuss the types of system software and their functions 86 85  Identify popular applications software 88 87  Describe how data is shared among different types of application software 81 79

11  Plan a document 81 82 86  Identify the components of the Word window 80 81 85  Set up the Word window 79 79 84  Create a new document 89 89 93  Scroll a document 88 87 90  Correct error and undo and redo 90 89 93  Enter the date with AutoComplete 85 86 90  Change a document's line and paragraph spacing 81 80 84  Save, preview, and print a document 90 89 93  Create an envelope 8182 86

12  Check spelling and grammar 77 78 82  Select and delete text 78 79 83  Move text with a document 74 73 77  Find and replace text 77 76 80  Change margins 72 71 76  Change alignment and paragraph indents 80 80 84  Copy formatting with the format painter 75 74 78  Emphasize points with bullets, numbering, bold, and italic 88 80 85  Change fonts and adjust font sizes 80 81 85  Change the document theme 78 79 84  Preview and print a document 80 80 85

13  Format headings with quick style 79 79 84  Insert a manual page break 81 80 85  Create and edit a table 81 82 87  Sort rows in a table 77 79 85  Modify a table's structure 75 76 81  Format a table 78 77 82  Set tab stops 71 72 77  Create footnotes and endnotes 81 82 88  Divide a document into sections 71 72 77  Create a SmartArt graphic 77 78 83  Create headers and footers 79 80 85  Insert a cover page 80 81 86 

14  Identify desktop publishing features 78 79 83  Create a title with WordArt 80 80 85  Create newspaper style columns 86 87 91  Insert and edit graphics 77 78 82  Wrap text around a graphic 72 74 79  Incorporate drop caps 75 76 81  Use symbols and special typographic characters 79 80 85  Add a page border 81 81 86  Perform a mail merge 80 85 90  Create a blog post 85 85 90

15  Understand the use of spreadsheets 79 80 85  Learn the parts of the Excel window 81 82 88  Scroll through a worksheet and navigate between worksheets 82 82 87  Create and save a workbook file 86 87 91  Enter text, numbers, and dates into a worksheet 88 89 92  Resize, insert, and remove columns and rows 83 83 88  Select and move cell ranges 78 79 84  Insert formulas and functions 71 73 79  Insert, delete, move, and rename worksheets 81 81 87  Work with editing tools 80 82 87  Preview and print a worksheet 86 86 91

16  Format text, numbers, and dates 82 83 88  Change font colors and fill colors 81 82 87  Merge a range into a single cell 79 81 87  Apply a built-in cell style 75 77 82  Select a different theme 78 79 83  Apply a built-in table style 80 81 86  Add conditional formats to tables with highlight rules and data bars 78 79 84  Hide worksheet rows 73 73 78  Insert print titles, see print areas, and insert page breaks 77 78 82  Enter headers and footers 81 82 87

17  Copy formulas 8180 85  Build formulas containing relative, absolute, and mixed references 71 70 75  Review function syntax 75 74 79  Insert a function with the Insert function dialog box 80 81 88  Type a function directly into a cell 79 80 87  Use Autofill to fill in a formulas and complete a series 87 89 94 black on black I want my baby back…  Enter the IF logical function 78 77 82  Insert the date with the TODAY function 79 80 84  Calculate monthly mortgage payments with the PMT function 75 76 81

18  Create an embedded chart 80 80 86  Work with chart titles and legends 79 80 85  Create and format a pie chart 80 81 88  Work with 3D charts 74 75 81  Create and format a column chart 81 81 88  Create and format a line chart 71 72 79  Use custom formatting with chart axes 80 81 88  Work with tick marks and scale values 73 73 79  Create and format a combined chart 72 73 78  Insert and format a graphic shape 71 72 78  Create a chart sheet 77 78 83

19  Define the terms field, record, table, relational database, primary key, and foreign key 78 78 82  Create a blank database 80 80 84  Identify the components of the Microsoft Access window 75 75 79 Create and save a table in datasheet view 74 74 79  Enter field names and records in a table datasheet 70 71 75  Open a table using the navigation pane 72 72 77  Open an Access database 74 74 79  Copy and paste records from another Access database 72 73 77  Navigate a table datasheet 77 77 81  Create and navigate a simple query 70 71 78  Create and navigate a simple form 72 73 78  Create, preview, navigate, and print a simple report 78 79 83  Manage a database by compacting, backing up, and restoring a database  80 80 84

20  Learn the guidelines for designing database and setting field properties 79 79 84  View and modify field data types and formatting 78 78 83  Create a table in design view 80 81 86  Define fields and specify a table's primary key 75 76 80  Modify the structure of a table 73 73 77  Import data from an Excel worksheet 71 72 77  Create a table by importing an existing table structure 78 79 83  Delete, rename, and move fields 77 78 82  Add data to a table by importing a text file 79 80 84  Define a relationship between two tables 76 77 81

21  Find, modify, and delete records in a table 75 75 79  Learn how to use the query window in design view 80 81 85  Create, run, and save queries 81 82 86  Update data using a query datasheet 79 80 85  Create query based on multiple tables 78 79 83  Sort data in a query 82 83 87  Filter data in a query 74 74 79  Specify and exact match condition in a query 79 79 83  Change the font size and lettering row color in a datasheet 80 81 86  Use a comparison operator in a query to match a range of values 79 80 84  Use the "and" and "or" logical operators in queries 81 82 87  Create and format a calculated field in a query 75 76 81  Perform calculations in a query using aggregate functions and record group calculations 78 79 83  Change the display of database objects in the navigation pane 77 78 82

22  Open and view an existing PowerPoint presentation 85 86 91  Switch views and navigate a presentation 84 85 91  View a presentation in slide shown view 82 83 88  Create a presentation using a template 83 83 89  Edit text on slides 82 83 88  Add, move, and delete slides 88 89 93  Promote and demote bulleted text 85 86 91  Check the spelling in a presentation 84 85 90  Use the research task pane 88 89 94  Create speaker notes 89 90 94  Preview and print slides, handouts, and speaker notes 88 89 94

23  Plan and create a presentation 87 88 92  Apply a different theme 86 88 93  Insert, resize, and re-color a clip art image 88 90 94  Resize and move text boxes 85 86 90  Insert an image and modify its style 84 84 89  Modify the slide master 74 73 79  Change the design theme for only one slide 80 81 87  Insert tab stops to align text 79 80 85  Insert footers and modify their placement 80 82 88  Create, modify, and format a table 85 87 91  Create a diagram SmartArt 84 85 90  Draw and modify a simple graphic using ready made shapes 87 88 92  Insert and rotate text boxes 86 87 92



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