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Conditional and Cross-Sheet Formulas William Klingelsmith.

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1 Conditional and Cross-Sheet Formulas William Klingelsmith

2 Announcements Homework 2 (Healthcare Expenditures Problem) due this Friday (2/15/13) by 11:59pm Homework 3 due 2/22/13 by 11:59pm

3 Homework 1 Review Grades overall were very good Submission rates were high Any questions about your grade? Ask after class or during open lab this week

4 Cheating Cases There was one instance of cheating in both sections Remember that cheating twice will automatically earn you an F for the class Protip: when copying files from your friends, remember to remove their name from the very first cell in the worksheet

5 Homework 1 Common Errors =RANK() function If you used the pointing method to construct your formula, you may ignore rant =RANK(B4,B$4:B$336) =RANK(B4,$B$4:$B$336) also acceptable Average duration formula =(D4-E4)/F4 Remember that the order of operations matters! Using AVERAGE in Miles Per Day and Passengers Per Day Unnecessary because the ‘averaging’ is done by the division Points were not taken off this time

6 Good job! One student had a unique solution to the two formulas on the Usage worksheet =IF(E4=0," ",B4/E4) Prevents the division by zero errors

7 Conditional Formulas Excel has a set of formulas which implement logical tests to narrow down results One you may have seen thus far is the =IF() statement

8 =IF() Statement The IF function lets you perform one calculation or another depending on a specific condition The =IF() function has three arguments Logical_test: the defined condition Value_if_true: what will happen if the logical test is true Value_if_false: what will happen if the logical test is false

9 =IF() Statement On the band worksheet, insert a new column called ‘SA Good/Bad’ to the right of Scholarship Amount In cell I2, enter the formula =IF(H2>=4500, "Good", "Bad") The above formula works as follows: Take the value (H2) and compare it to the logical condition If the logical test is true, do the second argument (Place the word “Good” in the cell) If the logical test is false, do the third argument(Place the word “Bad” in the cell)

10 =IF() Statement >4500“Good”“Bad”

11 =IF() Statement All of the familiar comparison operators from mathematics can be used in the logical test of an IF statement (=,, >=, <=) To construct a logical test using textual data, you will need to use quotation marks Example: =IF(B2=“M”, “Boy”, “Girl”) Create a new column called ‘Graduating Soon?’ If the student is a senior, have an IF statement output the word Yes, else output No

12 Multiple Conditions There will be instances where one logical test is insufficient Let’s say we wanted to highlight which band members were women who play the flute By embedding an AND() function in the logical test of our IF statement, we can test for multiple conditions

13 AND() Function The AND function is an aggregation of several logical tests All logical tests must be true for the AND function to return true Insert a column to the left of ‘Sex’ and name it ‘Female Flautist?’ In B2, enter the formula: =IF(AND(C2="F", G2="Flute"), "X", "")

14 Statistical Conditional Functions We have learned about basic stat. functions such as AVERAGE, SUM, MIN, MAX, etc. Excel has functions which combine the above functions with the power of an IF statement All of these functions have similar syntax: Range: the cell range which holds the criteria Criteria: the condition we’re trying to satisfy [function_range]: the cell range the function will execute on

15 Statistical Conditional Functions Let’s say we’re trying to find the average scholarship amount of women only In cell A67, type “F Amount” In cell B67, type the formula: =AVERAGEIF(C2:C65, “F”, I2:I65)

16 =COUNTIF() We’re now interested in counting up the number of students with a height of six feet or more In cell A68 enter the label “Tall Students” In cell B68 enter the formula: =COUNTIF(D2:D65, 6)

17 Plural Versions Each of these functions has a counterpart which allows multiple conditions to be used AVERAGEIFS SUMIFS COUNTIFS Etc.

18 Cross Sheet Formulas Excel has the capability of using data from one worksheet in functions on another worksheet The syntax takes the form of: =SUM(‘Sheet Name’! ) The easiest way to set up these formulas is to simply select them

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