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Recruiting EFNEP & SNAP-Ed Participants. Basic recruitment strategies  Communication  Creating need-satisfying conversations  Listening skills  Active.

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Presentation on theme: "Recruiting EFNEP & SNAP-Ed Participants. Basic recruitment strategies  Communication  Creating need-satisfying conversations  Listening skills  Active."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruiting EFNEP & SNAP-Ed Participants

2 Basic recruitment strategies  Communication  Creating need-satisfying conversations  Listening skills  Active listening  Features vs. Benefits  Momentum statements  Neutralizing resistance  Closing the deal

3 Communication  The giving and getting of information

4 Creating need-satisfying conversations  What does the “customer” need and want?

5 Listening skills  Communication is talking and listening  Active listening  Supportive response: “I see”, “Sure”, “Tell me more”  Interpretive response: Paraphrase  Reflective response: repeat last few words  Summary response: summarize

6 Features vs. Benefits  Feature  Describes a product or service and the tools it provides  Benefit  Results from the features of the service  When recruiting, focus on the benefits

7 Activity  What are some benefits of our programs?

8 Momentum statements  Taking comments about the program from a potential participant, and moving the momentum in a positive direction  Momentum statements can be positive or negative  It is your job to move the conversation in a positive direction

9 Momentum statements  “Yeah, I’ve heard good things about your program.”  “Yeah, my neighbor said she was able to save some money from what she learned in your classes.”  “I heard these classes take a long time.”

10 Neutralizing Resistance  When recruiting, you will sometimes run into someone that doesn’t seem interested  Two types of resistance  Objections  “I don’t have child care for while I will be in class.”  Skepticism  “That sounds good, but I just don’t know how much I would learn. I already know a lot about nutrition.”

11 Neutralizing Resistance  For both types of resistance, use active listening skills to neutralize the resistance  Objection example  Potential Participant: “I don’t have child care for while I will be in class.”  You: “I understand that child care can be an issue. You can bring your kids to the class! A lot the activities we do in the class are kid- friendly. Kids love the food!

12 Neutralizing Resistance  Skepticism example  Potential Participant: “That sounds good, but I just don’t know how much I would learn. I already know a lot about nutrition.”  You: “I understand that you may be knowledgeable about nutrition. I’m sure other participants would love to hear your thoughts on nutrition and how you apply that to your family’s meals. We also talk a lot about managing food budgets in class which helps families stretch their food dollars all month. This is one of the things people that take our classes say is the most beneficial for them.”

13 Closing the deal  Also called getting a commitment (agreeing to take the classes)  Buying signals  People are interested but haven’t yet said “yes”. Buying signals include:  Asking questions  Becoming more talkative  Picking up a prop

14 Closing the deal  When you get a “buying signal”  Summarize the benefits you discussed  Ask for commitment by getting her name and phone number  Give her your name and number

15 Activity: Role Play Scenario  Scenario #1  You have a display set up at a health fair. A woman walks by with three young children. She slows down as she walks by your table and is looking at your display.

16 Activity: Role Play Scenario  Scenario #2  You enter a Laundromat in a low-income neighborhood. You see a couple sitting next to a washing machine playing with their toddler son.

17 Other tips for successful recruitment  Recruitment is on-going  While recruiting…  1-on-1 recruitment locations  Displays/Exhibits  Tailor your message  Introducing yourself  Class locations  Recruitment in the classroom  Attitude  Take initiative  This is the real world

18 Recruitment is on-going  You should be doing some kind of recruitment every week!

19 While recruiting…  Coordinating with other educators in the county and your supervisor  Wear name tag  Use brochures and recruitment baskets  Bring your calendar  Referral forms

20 1-on-1 recruitment  1-on-1 recruitment is part of your job  Locations:  WIC/SNAP waiting rooms  Laundromats and grocery stores in low- income neighborhoods  Food banks  Door-to-door in public housing

21 Recruiting through Displays/Exhibits  Use of color  Food  Smile!

22 Tailor Your message  Head Start/WIC/Schools: mention benefits to children  DHS agencies: stretching your food dollar  Pregnancy centers/WIC: healthy pregnancy  Transitional housing/treatment programs/court systems: life skills learned

23 Tailor your message  Another way to tailor your message is to give yourself credibility by associating yourself with the agency in which you are recruiting.  “We are partnering with WIC to provide nutrition classes to their clients.”

24 Introducing yourself  With agencies:  Use the introduction script “Hello, my name is _______. I work for Colorado State University Extension in ______ County with the EFNEP/SNAP-Ed program.”  During 1-on-1recruitment:  Make it conversational “Hi! I see that you have a toddler. Does she like to eat fruits and vegetables? ….I teach nutrition and cooking classes to parents.” Address any comments/concerns they state – tailor your message.

25 Class locations  Churches  Libraries  Schools/preschools  Public housing community rooms  Think outside the box!

26 Recruitment in the classroom  Every class is also a chance to recruit  Recruiting through word of mouth  Participants can be our best marketers! Leave them with a good impression of your classes.  Ask participants to bring a friend/family member

27 Attitude  Your attitude when recruiting and in class is very important.  You have something great, now share it!  Positively  With enthusiasm

28 Take initiative  Always be on the lookout for new opportunities  For example, a new sign at a church advertising ESL classes  Bring these ideas to your supervisor

29 This is the real world  Don’t be upset if someone doesn’t show up or is late  Don’t blame yourself  Target audience lives in crisis  Transportation/childcare issues

30 Following up…  If someone misses a class, call them that day  “I missed you in class today, I hope everything is okay.”  “When can we schedule a make-up class.”

31 Activity  What tips will you try when recruiting from what you heard today?

32 Tips for Success

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