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第二阶段 Negotiation Offer 发盘 Counter offer 还盘 Inquiry 询盘 Acceptance 接受 Clients.

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2 第二阶段 Negotiation Offer 发盘 Counter offer 还盘 Inquiry 询盘 Acceptance 接受 Clients

3 Seeking Business Opportunities

4 Contents CompanyLOGO 11. Channels to Find Clients 1 22. Letters from Exporter/Importer 2 3. Reply to the Letters 44. Exercises 4

5 Where and How can an exporter seek a potential customer? Suppose you are writing a letter to a potential customer to establish business relations. What will you write in your letter? Warming-up Questions


7 (1) The internet 互联网 (2) Trade Fairs 商品交易会 (3) Banks 银行 (4) Chambers of Commerce (in foreign countries) (驻各国 的(中国))商会 (5) Trade/Business directories 工商行 / 企业行目录 ; 同业名录 (6) Business associates 商界朋友 (7) Commercial Counselor’s Offices in foreign countries 国外的商赞处 (embassies- 大使馆 ) 国外的商赞处 (embassies- 大使馆 ) (8) Advertisements 广告 (9) Other sources 1. Channels to Find Potential Customer

8 Useful Website   广交会 )

9 (1) Business to Business (B2B)  B2B 主页: 阿里巴巴网: 环球资源网: 中国制造网: 寻找 B2B 网站的向导:

10 如何免费得到信息?  ( 1 )先得到公司名称 google ,  ( 2 )打开公司所在国的 google ,就可以得到公司 的邮箱地址     ncr 指 no country redirect

11 (2) Utilizing of Google ① Google: Keywords + importer/exporter/buyer/seller/ eg: Mp3 player importer eg: Mp3 player importer “Mp3 player importer” “Mp3 player importer” ② Map: address---links ③ Picture: name---links

12 (3) E-mail Software  Foxmail  Outlook Express

13 Foxmail

14 第一类:搜索引擎  方法 1 : Importers 方法【操作方法:在 Google 中输入产品名称 +importers 。】例如: MP3 player+importers  PS: 【小技巧:可以用 importer 替代 importers 】还可以在 GOOGLE 在不同的国家搜。  例如 :  www. www.  方法 2 : 关键词上加引号。【操作方法:搜索 “ 产品名称 importer” 或者 “ 产品名称 importers” 。 除了 importer , distributor ,还包括 buyer , company , wholesaler , retailer , supplier , vendor 及其复数形式。】


16 第二类 专业网站类  网址目录方法【注重在网络上宣传自己的公司往 往会将自己登陆到 YAHOO 和 这两个世 界最有名的网址目录中】  企业名录网站方法【全球有一些专门提供买家名 录的公司和网站。 和 最为有名和受市场好评】

17 ImporterExporter back

18 2.1 Useful Words and Expression How to write the letter? 2.2 How to Writer the Letters? 2.3 Case Study 2. Letters from Exporter/Importer

19 Key Words & Expressions  inform sb of sth  quotation: 报价  handle= specialize in  quality :质量;优质的  avail oneself of :利用  enter into :开始 ( 某种关系 ) ;缔结  enjoy general/wide popularity :广受欢迎  under separate cover :另寄,另邮  in the market for :想要购买  take the opportunity/chance to :借此机会  in the line of :从事 … 行业  illustrated catalogue: 有插图的目录  for one’s reference: 以供 … 参考  approach sb. for sth. 为某事与某人联系

20 2. How to Writer the Letters? source of the information self-introduction Purpose (import or export) your expectation (hope for cooperation & reply) 1 2 3 4 where who why

21 (1) Source of Information (1) Source of Information Sb learn/know/note/obtain/gain sth from sb: 从某处获悉 Sb learn/know/note/obtain/gain sth from sb: 从某处获悉 Sb be in the market for sth: 某人欲购买 sth Sb be well-established exporter of sth: 某人是公认的 sth 出口商 Sb be in the market for sth: 某人欲购买 sth Sb be well-established exporter of sth: 某人是公认的 sth 出口商 be willing to enter into Sb be willing to enter into business relations with sb. express one’s desire to sb express one’s desire to establish business relations with sb avail oneself of opportunity to enter into sb avail oneself of opportunity to enter into business relations with sb. Eg. We know your name and address from the internet. Eg. You are in the market for ladies’ blouse. 你方欲购买女士衬衣。 You are well-established exporter of ladies’ blouse.

22 know We know your name and address from B2B webside in the market for express our desire to establish business relations that you are in the market for ladies’ blouse. We express our desire to establish business relations with you. are willing to enter into We learn your name from China Daily that you are well-established exporter of ladies’ blouse. We are willing to enter into business relations with you. eg. eg. exporter to importer importer to exporter

23 (2) Self-introduction  专业领域:  be in line of  specialize in  the importer/exporter of  企业 / 产品状况  high/excellent quality/workmanship  competitive/attractive price  in the market for ► 声誉 ► be popular with ► enjoy general/wide popularity

24 Self-introduction Exporter Importer We specialize in the export of Chinese light industrial products which have enjoyed great popularity in the world markets. To give you a general idea, we have sent you under separate cover some illustrated Catalogues. We are in line of selling lights for over ten years. There is a very steady demand in the market for crystal lights of good quality. At present, we are interested in importing some crystal lights.

25 (3) Purpose (import or export) (3) Purpose (import or export)  exporter writes to importer  principle: 隐藏卖东西的意图  purpose :让对方买你的东西  thank you for  be grateful for  be appreciated if/that  be obliged for  illustrated catalogue  Sample cutting  Price list  Brochure/booklet  exporter writes to importer  principle: 隐藏买东西的意图  purpose :让对方把东西卖你  forward/send  detailed……  quotation

26 Purpose Exporter Importer Should you be interested in any of our products, please let us know and we will provide you with a quotation. Meanwhile, should you require any further information about either our products or our corporation, please do not hesitate to let us know. At the present, we are now particularly interested in Electrical Sewing Machine, and we would be appreciated if you could send us your latest catalogues for the items and the sales conditions as well.

27 (4) Expectation  We look forward to hearing from you soon, and to the possibility of doing business with you in the future.  We are awaiting your early reply, and looking forward to hearing good news from you.  We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

28 A Letter from Exporter  We know your name and address from B2B web side that you are in the market for ladies’ blouse. We express our desire to establish business relations with you.  We specialize in the export of Chinese light industrial products which have enjoyed great popularity in the world markets. To give you a general idea, we have sent you under separate cover some illustrated. Catalogues.  Should you be interested in any of our products, please let us know and we will provide you with a quotation. Meanwhile, should you require any further information about either our products or our corporation, please do not hesitate to let us know.  Looking forward to hearing good news from you.

29 Lesson 1  敬启者 :  我司从中国驻加纳大使馆的商务参赞处获悉贵 司欲采购中国皮制品,借此良机与贵司接洽缔结 直接业务关系。  作为主要出口商之一,我司已经营各种中国皮 制品近十年。其产品以质量上乘,精细工艺广受 欢迎。为了让贵司能有大体的概念,我司已另寄 几份图解(说明)目录以及剪样予贵司。  若贵司对任何产品有兴趣,请告知我司。随时 乐于尽力满足贵司需求。  盼早复。  谨上

30 A Letter from Importer A Letter from Importer  Dear Sirs,  We learn your name from China Daily that you are well- established exporter of ladies’ blouse. We are willing to enter into business relations with you.  We are in line of selling lights for over ten years. There is a very steady demand in the market for crystal lights of good quality. At present, we are interested in importing some crystal lights.  At the present, we are now particularly interested in Electrical Sewing Machine, and we would be appreciated if you could send us your latest catalogues for the items and the sales conditions as well.  Looking forward to hearing good news from you.  Yours truly,

31 Case Practice 1  Mr. Thomas, the manager of Freeman & Sons Company, wants to import some silk products from China. He has learned the name and address of China National Silks Import & Export Corporation on Web. Now he writes an E-mail to this firm to establish business relation with them. He wants to get the catalogues of products. If they can send the sample cutting, it will be much better.

32 Assignment Preview : Lesson 4 课文 样信 & Notes P 28-31 2 1 Lesson 1&2 课后练习(做 在书上或草稿纸上,下次课 提问检测)

33 Lesson 1-Exercises 11. 获悉 22. 想要购买 33. 利用 44. 为某事与某人联系 55. 缔结 66. 期待

34 Q2 llllearn IIIIn the market for AAAAvail ourselves of EEEEnter into FFFFamous PPPPopularity TTTThrough GGGGeneral HHHHear from

35 Q3 1111. 我们从你方刊登在《今日贸易》上的广告获悉,你们 是一家经营药品的国营公司。 2222. 我们已经和世界上一百多个国家的商号在平等互利, 互通有无的基础上建立了贸易关系。 3333. 一些参考样品将另邮给你方。 4444. 我们渴望与你们建立互利的贸易关系。 5555. 他们出口轻工业产品已有好多年。 6666. 兹告知你方,我们的许多客户想要购买中国工艺品。

36 Q4 Q4 1111. We learn from your Chamber of Commerce that you are in the market for Chinese teapots. 2222. We hope you will take this chance to expand your export. 3333. This company approached us for the export of wool. 4444. We are airmailing you under separate cover o oo our latest pricelist and catalogue. 5555. Chinese exports enjoy great popularity in the European market. 6666. Our company is one of the leading exports of Chinese canned food-stuffs.


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