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Thursday, March 12 th Bell Work: Please pick up your notebooks and take a few minutes to copy down the EQ and WOD. Then, please silently start reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, March 12 th Bell Work: Please pick up your notebooks and take a few minutes to copy down the EQ and WOD. Then, please silently start reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, March 12 th Bell Work: Please pick up your notebooks and take a few minutes to copy down the EQ and WOD. Then, please silently start reading the handout on your desk. After reading, you, along with the others who read the same article, will be completing a graphic organizer summarizing the event for the class. 1

2 Daily Agenda: Bell Work: History Frames WOD  trivial Lecture: Medieval Europe Group History Frames: High Middle Ages Review Quiz: Medieval Europe Essential Question: What trends and events helped bring Europe out of the Middle Ages? Homework: No Homework. ©2011, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2

3 03/12/15 Block 1

4 Essential Questions: What events and trends helped to bring Medieval Europe out of the Dark Ages? Medieval Europe

5 ©2011, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5

6 Vernacular: language of everyday speech in a region Troubadour poetry  Nobles/Knights  Woman made him better Chanson de geste  Heroic epic  Song of Roland Vernacular Literature

7 11-12 th century Two types of roofs:  Long, round stone arch vault (barrel vault)  Cross vault (2 barrel vaults) Features  Roofs were heavy  Walls were big and heavy  Limited window space Architecture: Romanesque



10 Two innovations:  Ribbed vault with pointed arches for a roof  Flying buttress (outside support) Stained glass windows Architecture: Gothic




14 ©2011, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14

15 Pyramid Review Vocabulary Review:

16 Chinese History:

17 European History:

18 Three Letter Words:


20 The Dating Game

21 Alright, what is your first question for our suitor? Suitors, I am looking for a civilization that really stands out from the rest. Tell me what you consider your best attribute?

22 Well, I am original. Everyone else seems to steal my swag. All of their cultures were borrowed from mine. Well, most people compliment me on my intelligence. I am super smart in math, science, and always very punctual. People fear me. You know, in the, I’m intimidatingly confident kind of way. My reputation usually precedes me.

23 So contestant, what is your next question? Well, suitors, I am always attracted to a civilization that is stable. Tell me what makes you a stable place to live.

24 Generally speaking, I am considered the most successful early agricultural civilization in the Americas. We have survived off of maize for ages. Of course we farm, but our stability comes from a diverse economy. We are heavily connected to regional trade. Our neighbors respect us. Everyone knows that only a strong military can provide stability. We have, by far, the most feared military in the region.

25 Let’s step things up a bit. Contestant, can you throw our suitors a zinger this time? Nobody is perfect, suitors. But it is a huge turn-off to me when people think they are. Prove that you don’t by telling me your biggest flaw.

26 Honestly, I don’t think we are good self-promoters. I guess our record- keeping could have been more thorough? Maybe we are just too focused on cultural development? Or, can I just say we were too appealing and got too big? Ok, ok… maybe we could have been a little nicer to our neighbors. But human sacrifice was just a nice way to keeping tribute payments lower.

27 Final question, contestant. Well, suitors, you all seem great, but I need to really distinguish each of you. Look around at the other suitors and tell me what makes you unique.

28 We are truly self- made. We created and innovated grand architecture, a language, calendars, and cities without any outside influence. We are, by far, the most rounded civilization. We have an advanced culture, long-distance trade, and still maintain a successful military. We are more than just tough guys. We are remarkable engineers, our capital is one of the biggest cities in the entire world, and we offered the most safety to our citizens.

29 Alright contestant, who will it be? Which civilization would you want to live in? In your notebook, take a moment to write a couple of sentences explaining which civilization you would have preferred to live in. Make sure to explain your choice with supporting details.

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