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1 German Aerospace Center VICAR Tutorial Thomas Roatsch, DLR 22-May-2008 Video Image Communication and Retrieval.

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Presentation on theme: "1 German Aerospace Center VICAR Tutorial Thomas Roatsch, DLR 22-May-2008 Video Image Communication and Retrieval."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 German Aerospace Center VICAR Tutorial Thomas Roatsch, DLR 22-May-2008 Video Image Communication and Retrieval

2 2 German Aerospace Center History of VICAR - implemented in 1966 at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to process image data produced by the planetary exploration program - originally designed for operation with the IBM 360/44 Programming System (44PS) - ported to IBM OS/360, VAX-VMS, and Alpha-VMS - now running under Sun-Solaris and x86-Linux

3 3 German Aerospace Center VICAR File Format NLBNumber of Lines of binary header N2 Number of Images Lines (for BSQ) N3 Number of Bands (for BSQ)

4 4 German Aerospace Center Image Organization NLBNumber of Lines of Binary header NBB Number of Bytes of Binary prefix N1Number of Image Samples (for BSQ) N2 Number of Images Lines (for BSQ) N3 Number of Bands (for BSQ)

5 5 German Aerospace Center Pixel Types - BYTE: unsigned single byte, 0 – 255 - HALF: signed two byte integer, -32768 – 32767 - FULL: signed four byte integer, -2147483648 - 2147483647 - REAL: four byte real - DOUB: eight byte real - COMP: ever used ?

6 6 German Aerospace Center VICAR Label - Keyword = Value - System Label: NL, NS, NB, NBB, NLB, Format, Org, … - Property Labels: Labels summarized to specific groups, can be accessed by different programs (e.g. MAP, DTM) - History Labels: Specific to one program

7 7 German Aerospace Center VICAR Programs - every program consists of an executable and a PDF (program definition file), must be in the same directory - PDF is an ASCII file and contains detailed help for the program - software distributed as source code - executables available from PSA

8 8 German Aerospace Center General Programs - xvd: PDS and VICAR display program - label: prints and modifies the label label -list test.dat label -remove test.dat test.raw label -create test.raw test2.dat nl=100 ns=50 -ha - dlrvic2png: converts VICAR to PNG (Problem: VICAR signed 16-bit, PNG unsigned 16-bit)

9 9 German Aerospace Center Program hrfill - This program changes the DN value of all pixels which were flaged as bad during the calibration process - hrfill tries to fill the pixels with useful values: = Maximum_of_valid_pixels+1 for the saturated pixels = Median of the surrounding valid pixels otherwise - Output will be written only if something has to be filled !

10 10 German Aerospace Center Program dlr12to8 - dlr12to8 uses image histograms of signed 16-bit integer images to derive look-up tables for the conversion into 8-bit images using a linear transformation. - The lower and upper borders of the input data range can be defined using a) explicite values (DNMIN, DNMAX) b) percentages of image pixels (LOWER, UPPER). DNs lower than the LOWER or higher than the UPPER percentages of all pixels are ignored in defining the transformation function.

11 11 German Aerospace Center Program flcform_lut - flcform_lut converts a Vicar 'HALF' type (signed 16-bit integer) Level 2 image into an 8-bit 'BYTE' image. - input are the 16-bit image and the LUT calculated using dlr12to 8 - output is the 8-bit image

12 12 German Aerospace Center Program hrortho - map projection program for line sensor data - input are image, SPICE kernels and geometric calibration files - user can specify: = map resolution = map projection type = center latitude and center longitude = many other parameters

13 13 German Aerospace Center Program frameortho - map projection program for frame sensor data - input are image, SPICE kernels and geometric calibration files - user can specify: = map resolution = map projection type = center latitude and center longitude = many other parameters

14 14 German Aerospace Center Which SPICE kernels shall be used ? -IK, FK, PCK, SCLK  latest version - SPK and CK : = Check START_TIME in image label = select corresponding Kernel

15 15 German Aerospace Center Contents of the “Mini-VICAR” - vicar = subset of VICAR from MIPL/JPL = DLR programs to process HRSC data - geocal geometric calibration files for line sensors - data global Mars-DTM derived from MOLA data to be used as reference body in *ortho (default is the IAU ellipsoid)

16 16 German Aerospace Center VICAR Build and Setup - environment M94GEOCAL should point to the directory with the geometric calibration files - nothing else to do if you use the executables - read minivicar.doc how to build and setup VICAR 

17 17 German Aerospace Center HRSC nadir level2 image +-> HRSC stereo1 or 2 level2 image HRSC NadirHRSC Stereo 1or 2 Map projection of the images onto a sphere or an ellipsoid neglecting the Digital Terrain Model of MOLA or HRSC 18.9°

18 18 German Aerospace Center Nadir projected image Stereo 1 or 2 projected image Black image Anaglyphic image RGB image Combining the map projected images using Photoshop Red channel of the RGB image Green channel of the RGB imageBlue channel of the RGB image Change the order of the images in depending of the flight direction and usage of stereo1 or 2

19 19 German Aerospace Center

20 20 German Aerospace Center

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