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WELCOME to the Lucky Longshoe Learning Community! Check out your child’s goals!!! 1.Hello Parents! Your child has written long term goals for fifth grade.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to the Lucky Longshoe Learning Community! Check out your child’s goals!!! 1.Hello Parents! Your child has written long term goals for fifth grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to the Lucky Longshoe Learning Community! Check out your child’s goals!!! 1.Hello Parents! Your child has written long term goals for fifth grade (academic & “success” behavior) on foam balloons. Please take time to read them. 2. Now….it’s your turn to write goals you have for your child in fifth grade. 3. Write one goal on each of the blank balloons with a marker. 4. These will be shared & posted for your child.

2 Think Cool & Refreshing!

3 Grade 5 Room 25 Mrs. Heidi Long M.Ed. Educational Leadership Principal Certification Autism Certification Program Warwick Elementary School 2015-16 “Plant your roots & let them GROW!”

4 Who is Mrs. Long? Morgan Sorrell Tanner Hunter The Long Family Cabela & Sparta Jake Annie

5 Tonight’s Agenda Part One: Developing your child socially and emotionally Part Two: Developing your child academically Part Three: Fifth Grade Logistics; “Business” items; Wrap Up

6 Part One: Developing Your Child Socially & Emotionally

7 Lucky Longshoe Learning Community WHO are we?  Common goals  Synergize & Give Feedback  Make mistakes  Problem Solve  Laugh a lot!  Support  Learn & Grow  Care & Show Compassion

8 Values vs. Rules  We practice values each day that our community has identified as important to us  Heart of our classroom management system  Lucky Longshoes, Power Paws, Class Earned Longshoes, Think Breaks

9 Part Two: Developing Your Child Academically Begins with success standards: Bring it! Mistake*Ability: The ability to make mistakes and feel lucky you have the chance to grow from them Differentiation: academic and interest

10 A Walk Through Your Child’s Day 8:45-9:05 Arrival and Morning Routines 9:15-9:55 SPECIALS Monday: QUEST Tuesday: PE Wednesday: LIBRARY Thursday: MUSIC Friday: ART

11 Social Studies/Science 9:55-10:35 Marking Period Units of Study 1 Geography Nature’s Recyclers 2 Indians and Exploration Energy 3 and 4 The Road to the Revolution The Revolutionary War The Constitution and the Bill of Rights Introduction to the Westward Expansion Weather

12 Math 10:35-11:55 Students switch classes 3 times per week Everyday Math Games Online Homework posted on teacher sites Maintain math notebook SRB & Study Links online access Test Alerts with standards/skills being assessed (few days prior)

13 Accelerated Math  Rooted in fifth grade CBSD curriculum  Enhanced with sixth grade CBSD concepts & skills  Accelerated pace Progress Report Indicators *Scores of meeting and exceeding the standard for all descriptors in MP 4 *Scores of exceeding the standard for more than one descriptor during MP 4 Teacher RecommendationREQUIRED 4 th Grade End of Year Test90 % or higher 4 th Grade Portfolio Task B80% or higher 4 th Grade PSSA Score1132 (top 25 %)

14 Lunch & Recess 11:55-12:55 Most days this time is available to students for extra help

15 Reading 12:55-2:25 Lead 21, Comprehension Tool Kit and Shared Reading Book Clubs with Small Groups Independent reading Book log in assignment book (Parent initials every night) At least 100 minutes every week Students must always have a book with them!  Online log of finished books BiblionasiumBiblionasium Read Aloud (and snack time) Word Study Engaging text and active, close reading is always the goal!

16 Writing/Language Arts 2:25-3:25  Writing Studio Format  Lucy Calkins Units of Study (narrative, opinion, informative)  Mentor Texts  Writer’s Notebook & Binder  5 Domains  Focus, content, organization, style, conventions  Grammar  Spelling  2-3 activity pages due every Friday  Must be completed in cursive!  Test on Fridays

17 Class Meeting 3:25-3:40 Focus on social/emotional Development of our Lucky Longshoe Learning Community Review of targets for following day

18 What should I expect in regards to homework? Daily (except Friday) & Posted on my teacher site Assignment book/ please sign each night 50 minutes maximum Independent (reading, math, spelling) Reading each night

19 Reporting Student Progress Conference Report (Marking Periods 1 & 3) Progress Report (Marking Periods 2 & 4)

20 CBSD Standards-Based Indicators Exceeding Meeting Approaching Limited Progress Standard

21 Part Three: Fifth Grade Logistics/Business Items/Wrap Up

22 Special Events  Peace Valley Nature Center, Ecology Field Trip – Wednesday, Oct. 21st  Halloween Parade and Party – Friday, Oct. 30th  Winter Celebration – December 2015  Reading Olympics (Spring 2016)  Spring Field Trip (TBD)  Instruments/Band (assembly on Friday)  Parent/Child Book Clubs: Dec. 4 th (Firegirl) & May 11 th (A Tangle of Knots)  End of Year Celebration – June 2015  School Play

23 Parent/Child Book Club Firegirl by: Tony Abbott Book Club: Friday, December 4, 2015 Tangle of Knots By: Lisa Graff Book Club: Wednesday, May 11, 2016

24 What school policies do I need to know about? ABSENCES: Immediate excuse note/email Call/Email for work to be sent No worries… Volunteers need clearances Birthday Celebrations HEALTH: Inform nurse of any medical changes

25 What will my child learn in fifth grade? How to be a classroom community member How to achieve his/her personal best each day How to self regulate How to be a thinker and be aware of his/her thinking (metacognition) in all academic areas How to develop confidence in expression

26 Student curriculum websites Math: Writing: Office 365 Social Studies: Reading: Teacher Site:

27 Why should I leave here tonight feeling excited about my child’s school year? I promise to embrace your child like my very own I will differentiate my instruction to meet your child’s academic/emotional strengths and needs I will maintain communication with you I love what I do each day and your child will know that!

28 Think Cool & Refreshing!

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