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Science In-tech-Great-ion Karla Williams STARBASE Montana Instructor

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Presentation on theme: "Science In-tech-Great-ion Karla Williams STARBASE Montana Instructor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science In-tech-Great-ion Karla Williams STARBASE Montana Instructor

2 Goal Technology enhances your curriculum Students = producers of digital media

3 Today Finished Photo Story 3 project Quick Flip production Finished digital poster Use Edmodo Look at some Web 2.0 tools Twitter & Professional Learning Networks

4 A Germ Filled Tour of HMS 4 teams 1.Brainstorm some ideas 2.Formulate a plan (many of us try to skip this) 3.Using a digital camera, take pictures that you will need. 4.Be back by

5 A Germ Filled Tour of HMS Using the ONE card reader that I have, download your pictures to a desktop folder. Upload your photos to Flickr – – User Name: techbootcampx – Password: technology Make sure that you add a tag to your teams’ pictures.

6 A Germ Filled Tour of HMS Using Photo Story 3, design your germ filled tour of HMS. Share the microphone….only have 1! Save it to your desktop (PLEASE)

7 Newton’s 1 st Law of Motion Inertia Unless acting upon by an outside force, an object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at rest.

8 Newton’s 1 st Law of Motion Inertia Using the Flip Video Cameras, create a video podcast demonstrating and explaining 1 part of Newton’s 1 st law. Remember to develop a plan! Storyboard….brainstorming! – Can use MyWebspiration – – Must have an email address

9 Newton’s 1 st Law of Motion Inertia Using the Flip Video Cameras, create a video podcast demonstrating and explaining.

10 Edmodo Sign up as a student Group Code: yo8m9r Do NOT enter an email address.

11 Create digital, interactive posters. NO student emails required! On the CD click on the PDF “Glogster EDU subaccounts” OR on According to your number, click on the link. Montana Tornadoes or ???????

12 Web 2.0 Wordle Voice Theard Slide Share (PLN slideshow) Twitter & PLN’s Creative Commons searches Wall Wishers Mywebspiration

13 Great Websites

14 Other Ideas Use netbooks or Macs—have webcams & microphones. Use older digital cameras, do NOT need to have fancy cameras. (Lower megapixels) Creating Digital Suitcase…..WHY?

15 Engineered Controversy Teacher engineered Based on a unit of study Can be tied to a current event as well Should set the hook…engage!

16 Google “newspaper clipping”

17 What is your opinion? Scientific support for your argument How will you make your case? Teams You decide which form of media/tool to use.

18 How? Head out take your pictures….. Be back by

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