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Welcome to [XXX] SQUADRON Australian Air Force Cadets.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to [XXX] SQUADRON Australian Air Force Cadets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to [XXX] SQUADRON Australian Air Force Cadets


3 Content  Squadron Appointments  Aims of the Australian Air Force Cadets  Training and Activities  Uniform  Contributions  Cadet Commitment  Parent Commitment  AAFC Commitment  Local Squadron Procedures  Enrolment Requirements & Procedures

4 Commanding Officer [RANK](AAFC) [First Name] [Surname] Training Officer [RANK](AAFC) [First Name] [Surname] Squadron Executive Instructor [RANK](AAFC) [First Name] [Surname] Administration Officer [RANK](AAFC) [First Name] [Surname] Squadron Appointments

5 Vision Statement The Australian Air Force Cadets will be the premier air minded youth organisation in Australia. Mission Statement Develop Australian youth in a military and aviation environment. Aims of the Australian Air Force Cadets

6 1.To give cadets a foundation of Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) knowledge and discipline; 2.To develop qualities of leadership, self-reliance and initiative; 3.To develop character and good citizenship in the widest sense; 4.To develop interest in the RAAF and aviation generally; 5.To instil a knowledge of aviation history 6.To encourage cadets to continue an active interest in aviation into their adult life Aims of the Australian Air Force Cadets

7 Squadron Parade Times Begins: [24h start time] hours ([12h start time] pm) Concludes: [24h end time] hours ([12h end time] pm) Each parade night is broken into [2 or 3] periods Instruction covers subjects at the 5 training stages There are some compulsory extra-curricular training and activities on weekends e.g. Anzac Day Parade, Bivouac. Details will be provided before each activity Training and Activities Squadron Training

8 5 Training Stages: Training and Activities Squadron Training Subjects include: Service Knowledge Aircraft Recognition Aviation (theory) Fieldcraft Personal Development Radio Communications Air Traffic Control Air Navigation Drill & Ceremonial Stage Estimated Duration Recruit 12 months Basic Proficiency12 months Advanced12 months Qualified12 months

9 Aviation Visits Training and Activities Squadron Extra Curricular Activities Bivouacs & Adventure Training Parades Firearms Training Duke of Edinburgh Award Activities Pilot Experience

10 General Service Training Course Training and Activities Wing Activities Gliding Powered Flying Technical Trades Promotion Courses Aeromodelling Abseiling Band Fieldcraft International Air Cadet Exchange

11 Specialist Courses – Flying Training  Cadets can undertake Flying Training through the Wing in both/either:  Flying Training is provided by qualified staff and offered to cadets at a remarkably reduced price  Our Squadron organises Pilot Experience to give cadets a taste of flying. Cost is $[Amount] for approx. 30 minutes Training and Activities Wing Activities Flying Training FLTLocationCost Minimum Age Powered301FLTBathurst$250 per hour + admin15½ years Gliding301FLTBathurst$479 (10 flights, 3 hrs)13 years

12 Web based administration system designed by the AAFC Allows cadets to View personal training and activity involvement history Apply for Wing and Squadron training activities Email alias: Training and Activities CadetOne

13 The Squadron will issue each cadet with a uniform upon enrolment, which is supplied by the Government through the RAAF The Squadron will supply (free of charge) uniform to the value of $1,000 You may need to provide your own equipment for activities such as webbing, sleeping bags Cadets are responsible for maintaining their uniform Uniforms must be returned upon leaving the AAFC Uniform

14 [Yearly/term/monthly/weekly] contributions of $[amount] Contributions are used to cover Squadron operating costs, which are not provided by the Government. Some other activities may attract a cost to cover expenses only Contributions

15 As with most organisations there are responsibilities the AAFC places on you. Some are listed below: A dedicated commitment to Squadron run activities To behave in a manner that brings credit to the AAFC and yourself Maintain a clean, neat and tidy standard of dress whilst in uniform Carry out assignment tasks consistent with AAFC policy Obey directions consistent with AAFC policy given to you by members of the Air Force, AAFC Adult Staff and cadets of superior rank Treat others with respect and to a standard you would expect others to treat you Cadet Commitment

16 Parents are expected to drop off and pick up cadets on time to and from an activity as required. If this is not possible then it is the responsibility of the parent or cadet to organise alternate transport prior to the activity Encourage the commitment of your children to the organisation The efficiency of the Squadron relies on the punctual payment of contributions Squadrons welcome any extra help that parents can provide Parent Commitment

17 The AAFC will provide Opportunities to all members to develop themselves as respected and respectful members of society Maximum safety to all its members Actively enforced harassment and discrimination free environment for all members An established complaint and support system available to all people affiliated with the AAFC Competent and adequate numbers of staff to supervise all AAFC approved activities AAFC Commitment

18 This is for any relevant local Squadron Procedures, which you may or may not wish to include, such as: Unit Standing Orders Handouts for Training Activities Squadron Newsletter Parents & Friends Group Local Squadron Procedures

19 Requirements Be aged between 13 and 18 years of age Be a resident of Australia Be medically fit as per medical form Be able to attend Squadron parades and activities regularly Enrolment Requirements & Procedures

20 Procedure Return uniform sizing form To:[RANK](AAFC) [First Name] [Surname] By:[Date] [Time] To process your enrolment and issue uniform, bring the following on [Date] [Time]: Completed “Application to enrol as a Cadet” Form Completed Medical Examination Form Original and a Copy of your original Birth Certificate or Passport Contributions Enrolment Requirements & Procedures


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