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The Executive Branch – The Presidency. The Presidency Chapter 7 Section 1 CLUES – Don’t be caught “clueless!”

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Presentation on theme: "The Executive Branch – The Presidency. The Presidency Chapter 7 Section 1 CLUES – Don’t be caught “clueless!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Executive Branch – The Presidency

2 The Presidency Chapter 7 Section 1 CLUES – Don’t be caught “clueless!”

3 #1 Normal term of office for president

4 Fun Fact Presidents who had no children of their own George Washington James Madison Andrew Jackson James Polk James Buchanan

5 #2 He carried out the duties of President while Reagan underwent surgery

6 #3 This group counts the electoral votes

7 #4 The number of times the 25 th amendment has been used

8 #5 The month the electors cast their votes for president

9 #6 The top 5 positions to follow the president if he is unable to fulfill his term (in order)

10 #7 Number of electoral votes needed to win an election

11 #8 First female vice- presidential candidate and the year

12 Fun Fact Presidents who were only children None

13 #9 First president to die in office

14 #10 Total number of electors

15 #11 First Catholic president and year elected

16 #12 Number of presidents who died while in office

17 #13 This determines the number of electoral votes for each state

18 #14 The 3 qualifications for becoming president

19 Fun Fact Presidents who owned slaves George Washington Thomas Jefferson James Madison Andrew Jackson John Tyler James Polk Zachary Taylor Andrew Johnson Ulysses S. Grant

20 #15 The number of presidents who became president while they were the vice president

21 #16 The indirect method of electing the president

22 #17 The first President of the U.S.

23 #18 They preside over the Senate and vote in case of a tie

24 #19 First Jewish candidate for vice president and the year

25 #20 The official jet of the president

26 #21 33 rd president of the U.S. (1945-1953)

27 #22 The state where Camp David is located

28 #23 The salary of the president

29 #24 African American who was a close Democratic candidate for president in 1988

30 #25 The amendment limiting the president to 2 terms or maximum of 10 years

31 #26 (not in section) End of Section 1 8 Presidents who died in office and the year they died; also mark with an asterisk (*) if they were assassinated

32 Fun Fact First president to place a Christmas tree in the White House in 1856 Franklin Pierce

33 Fun Fact This president banned Christmas trees in his household because he opposed the cutting down of evergreen trees Theodore Roosevelt (His children would smuggle small trees into their bedroom, out of sight.)

34 The Presidency Chapter 7 Section 2 CLUES

35 #27 This Article deals with the President and the Executive Branch

36 #28 The 5 times Congress has declared war

37 #29 This president gave an executive order to integrate the armed forces (1948)

38 Fun Fact Who was the only president to win an Emmy award? Ronald Reagan

39 #30 The main job of the President

40 #31 The law that says the President notify Congress within 48 hours of sending troops into battle

41 #32 The President can make treaties with other countries with their approval

42 #33 Two places where the president has sent troops without the Congress declaring war

43 #34 This has the authority to make laws

44 Fun Fact Which two presidents graduated from West Point Military Academy? Ulysses S. Grant (1843) Dwight D. Eisenhower (1915)

45 #35 The only person who can order troops into battle

46 #36 The president’s speech to Congress is called this

47 #37 The 5 branches of the armed forces

48 #38 The 7 main powers and duties of the president

49 #39 Two ceremonial functions of the president

50 #40 The president appoints these to the Supreme Court

51 Fun Fact What president’s campaign slogan was, “Not Just Peanuts?” Jimmy Carter, owner of a Georgia peanut farmer

52 #41 President serving from 1901-1909 (2 terms)

53 #42 President serving from 1909-1913 (1 term)

54 #43 President serving from 1913-1921 (2 terms)

55 #44 President serving from 1921-1923 (2 years)

56 #45 President serving from 1923-1929 (6 years)

57 #46 President serving from 1929-1933 (1 term)

58 Fun Fact Who was the first president to appear on television? F.D. Roosevelt

59 The Presidency Chapter 7 Section 3 CLUES

60 #47 The basic goal of American foreign policy

61 #48 City and State of Condoleezza Rice, the Secretary of State

62 #49 Rice was the first woman to head this agency

63 Fun Fact Who was the first president to have his wife elected to the U.S. Senate? Bill Clinton

64 #50 4 key goals of American foreign policy

65 #51 This can create markets for American products and jobs for American workers

66 #52 He said, “The State Department wants to solve everything with words, and the generals, with guns.”

67 #53 Tax on imported goods is called this

68 #54 Two ways to punish other nations in international trade

69 Fun Fact Who was the first president to have been divorced? Ronald Reagan

70 #55 They can spend money for defense

71 #56 What does NAFTA stand for?

72 #57 The 4 executive agencies help President Bush carry out foreign policy

73 #58 Nations that agree to support each other in case of attack are called this

74 #59 This is a defense treaty between the U.S., Canada, and European nations

75 #60 What does WTO stand for?

76 Fun Fact Who was the first president to be born a citizen of the United States? Martin Van Buren

77 #61 A treaty can be approved by the Senate by this kind of vote

78 #62 This caused Congress to regain some of its power in the late 1960s and early 1970s

79 #63 The five foreign policy tools the president uses against international terrorism

80 #64 This represents foreign aid

81 #65 They must approve of ambassadors

82 #66 The program created to help Western Europe rebuild after WWII

83 Fun Fact Who was the first president to use a telephone? James Garfield

84 The Presidency Chapter 7 Section 4 CLUES

85 #67 The year President Bush signed the Homeland Security Act

86 #68 Give department and year to the department that supervises trade, promotes U.S. tourism and business

87 #69 Give department and year to the department that manages and protects the nation’s public lands and natural resources

88 Fun Fact Who was the first president to ride in an automobile? Theodore Roosevelt

89 #70 Give department and year to the department that is concerned with the working conditions and wages of U.S. workers

90 #71 Give the department and year to the department that manages the nation’s highways, railroads, airlines, and sea traffic

91 #72 The # of departments in the cabinet

92 #73 What is the EOP?

93 Fun Fact Who was the first president to accept no salary as President? George Washington

94 #74 The Pendleton Act did this

95 #75 What does the CIA stand for?

96 #76 The most powerful person in the White House Office

97 #77 The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff comes from this group

98 #78 This person provides the public with news about and from the president

99 #79 With which president did the EOP begin?

100 Fun Fact Who was the first president to be born in a log cabin? Andrew Jackson

101 #80 Former Vice President Al Gore advised Clinton on these issues

102 #81 The head of the Department of Justice is known as this

103 #82 These four cabinet positions were the first under George Washington

104 #83 The last department created before the Department of Homeland Security

105 #84 This group must approve the head of each department

106 Fun Fact Who was the first president to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C.? Thomas Jefferson

107 #85 The area that former first lady Hillary Clinton worked to improve

108 #86 This operates the U.S. space program

109 Fun Fact What was the annual salary paid to all presidents from Washington through the first term of U.S. Grant? $25,000.00

110 The Executive Branch – The Presidency

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