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Estimation & Value of Ambiguity in Ensemble Forecasts Tony Eckel National Weather Service Office of Science and Technology, Silver Spring, MD Mark Allen.

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Presentation on theme: "Estimation & Value of Ambiguity in Ensemble Forecasts Tony Eckel National Weather Service Office of Science and Technology, Silver Spring, MD Mark Allen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estimation & Value of Ambiguity in Ensemble Forecasts Tony Eckel National Weather Service Office of Science and Technology, Silver Spring, MD Mark Allen Air Force Weather Agency, Omaha, NE  Eckel, F.A., M.S. Allen, and M.C. Sittel, 2012: Estimation of ambiguity in ensemble forecasts. Weather and Forecasting, in press.  Allen, M.S. and F.A. Eckel, 2012: Value from ambiguity in ensemble forecasts. Weather and Forecasting, in press.

2 Part I. Estimation of Ambiguity

3 Ambiguity Ambiguity -- 2 nd order uncertainty, or the uncertainty in a statement of uncertainty “Ambiguity is uncertainty about probability, created by missing information that is relevant and could be known.” -- Camerer and Weber (Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 1992) Risk : Probability of an unfavorable outcome from occurrence of a specific event. Clear Risk: Probability (or uncertainty) of the event known precisely. EX: Betting at roulette Ambiguous Risk: Probability (or uncertainty) of the event known vaguely. EX: Betting on a horse race

4 NCEP SREF 27h Fcst, 12Z, 8 Oct 2011 2-m Temperature (  F) Ensemble Mean & Spread Ensemble Standard Deviation (  F) 35% 15% 36  F 44  F 28  F Spokane, WA Ambiguity in Ensemble Forecasts Probability of Freezing @ Surface % 25% Spokane, WA

5 2) Random PDF Error from Ensemble Design Limitations EX: Ensemble omits perturbations for soil moisture error 1) Good IC and/or no error sensitivity  Good forecast PDF 2) Bad IC and/or high error sensitivity  Underspread forecast PDF Can’t distinguish, so PDF error appears random Causes of Ambiguity (the “…missing information that is relevant and could be known.”) 1) Random PDF Error from Limited Sampling 0510152025 Wind Speed (m/s) True Forecast PDF ensemble members Ensemble’s Forecast PDF Ambiguity  Random error in 1 st order uncertainty estimate Not dependent on: -How much 1 st order uncertainty exists -Systematic error in 1 st order uncertainty estimate, which 1&2 can also produce

6 Shift & Stretch Calibration Shift each member ( e i ) over by a shift factor (opposite of mean error in ensemble mean) to correct for bias in PDF location. for i = 1…n members STEP 1 (1 st Moment Calibration)  Use the adjusted members to calculate calibrated predictions (mean, spread, probability) STEP 3 (Forecast) Stretch (compress) the shifted members about their mean,, by a stretch factor (inverse sqrt of variance bias) to correct for small (large) ensemble spread: STEP 2 (2 nd Moment Calibration)  for i = 1…n members

7 5.0E4 4 3 2 1 0 BSS = 0.764 (0.759…0.768) rel = 7.89E-4 res = 0.187 unc = 0.245 # of Forecasts 5.0E4 4 3 2 1 0 BSS = 0.768 (0.764…0.772) rel = 4.20E-5 res = 0.188 unc = 0.245 # of Forecasts Observed Relative Frequency Raw Conditionally Calibrated Forecast Data: - JMA 51-member Ensemble, 12Z cycle - 5-day, 2-m temperature, 1  1  over CONUS - Independent: 1 – 31 Jan 2009 - Dependent: 15 Dec 2007 – 15 Feb 2008 Ground Truth: - ECMWF global model analysis (0-h forecast)

8 Randomly Calibrated Resampling (RCR) -- based on bootstrap technique 1) From original n members, generate calibrated forecast probability (p e ) for an event 2) Produce alternative n members by sampling originals with replacement 3) Apply random calibration (varied by ensemble’s error characteristics) to resampled set to account for ensemble’s insufficient simulation of uncertainty 4) Generate alternative forecast probability for the event Estimating Ambiguity 999  RCR p 5 = 16.5% p e = 31.3% p 5 = 18.9% p 95 = 44.2% Forecast Probability (%) Resampling Only p e = 31.3% p 95 = 37.3% p 5 = 23.7% Forecast Probability (%) Frequency p e = 31.3% p 5 = 17.0% p 95 = 46.5% Forecast Probability (%) CES

9 Solid: Raw JMA ensemble’ error distributions, from which the error variance associated with random sampling of a 51-member ensemble (see below) is removed. Dashed: Produced a random shift factor and stretch factor to randomly calibration each of the 999 resampled forecast sets. 10 20 40 80 members (Standardized Error in Ensemble Mean) 10 20 40 80 members (Fractional Error in Ensemble Spread) Average error determines primary shift factor and stretch factor

10 Part II. Application of Ambiguity

11 Cost-Loss Decision Scenario Cost (C ) – Expense of taking protective action Loss (L) – Expense of unprotected event occurrence Probability ( p e ) – The risk, or chance of a bad-weather event Take protective action whenever Risk > Risk Tolerance or p e > C / L …since expense of protecting is less than the expected expense of getting caught unprotected, C < L p e Application of Ambiguity C/LC/L Risk Acceptable pepe C/LC/L Decision Unclear C/LC/L pepe pepe Forecast Probability (i.e., Risk) 0.0 1.0 Probability Density C/L= 0.35 (Risk Tolerance) Too Risky pepe But given ambiguity in the risk, the appropriate decision can be unclear. Opposing Risk: Fraction of risk that goes against the normative decision.

12 The Ulterior Motives Experiment GOAL: Maintain primary value while improving 2 nd order criteria not considered in primary risk analysis  Event: Freezing surface temperature  ‘User’: Specific risk tolerance level (i.e., C/L value) at a specific location  2 nd Order Criterion: Keep users’ trust by reducing repeat false alarms  Forecast Data: GFS Ensemble Forecast, 5-day, 2-m temperature, 1  1  over CONUS - Independent: 12 UTC daily, 1 – 31 Jan 2009 - Dependent: 12 UTC daily, 15 Dec 2007 – 15 Feb 2008 - Ground Truth: ECMWF global model analysis (0-h forecast) Black: Risk clearly exceeds tolerance  Prepare White: Risk clearly acceptable  Do Not Prepare Gray: Decision unclear  Preparation Optional Given potential for repeat false alarm, user may go against normative decision.

13 8 User Behaviors Behavior Name Behavior Description

14 Ambiguity-Tolerant Ambiguity-Sensitive Backward Optimal Threshold of Opposing Risk (%) User C/L The ‘Optimal’ Behavior Test Value for Threshold of Opposing Risk Testing for C/L = 0.01  Control’s POD Lowest threshold that maintains POD Max. chances to prevent repeat a false alarm

15 Measuring Primary Value Value Score (or expense skill score) a = # of hits b = # of false alarms c = # of misses d = # of correct rejections  = C/L ratio = (a+c) / (a+b+c+d) E fcst = Expense from follow the forecast E clim = Expense from follow a climatological forecast E perf = Expense from follow a perfect forecast

16 Deterministic – Normative decisions following GFS calibrated deterministic forecasts Control – Normative decisions following GFS ensemble calibrated probability forecasts Value Score User C/L Measuring Primary Value

17 Losers (w.r.t. primary value) Cynical Fickle User C/L Control Value Score User C/L

18 Marginal Performers (w.r.t. primary value) Backward Ambiguity -Sensitive Optimistic Control User C/L Value Score Control

19 Winners (w.r.t. primary value) Optimal Ambiguity- Tolerant User C/L Value Score User C/L Control

20 Optimal Backward Cynical Fickle Ambiguity-Sensitive Ambiguity-Tolerant Optimistic % Reduction in Repeat False Alarms User C/L 2 nd Order Value

21 Conclusions  Ambiguity in ensemble forecasts can be effectively estimated  Users can benefit from ambiguity information through improvement of 2 nd order criteria, but that requires lots of creativity

22 Backup Slides

23 True Forecast PDF True forecast PDF recipe for the current forecast cycle and lead time  1) Look back through an infinite history of forecasts produced by the analysis/forecast system in a stable climate 2) Pick out all instances with the same analysis (and resulting forecast) as the current forecast cycle. Note that each analysis, while the same, represents a different true initial state. 3) Pool all the different verifying true states at  to construct the true distribution of possible states at time  Combined effect creates a wider true PDF. Erred model also contributes to analysis error. Erred While each matched analysis corresponds to only one true IC, the subsequent forecast can match many different true states due to grid averaging at  =0 and/or lack of diffeomorphism. ErredPerfect Each historical analysis match will correspond to a different true initial state, and a different true state at time . PerfectErred Only one possible true state, so true PDF is a delta function. Perfect AnalysisModelTrue Forecast PDF (at a specific  ) Perfect  exactly accurate (with infinitely precision) Erred  inaccurate, or accurate but discrete Not absolute -- depends on uncertainty in ICs and model (better analysis/model = sharper true forecast PDF)

24 1 st Moment Bias Correction (  C) Ensemble Mean (  C) (a) ln(2 nd Moment Bias Correction) ln(Ensemble Variance) (b)

25 Forecast Probability ( p e ) by Rank Method V : verification value  : event threshold n : number of members x i : value of the i th member G( ): Gumbel CDF G’( ): Reversed Gumbel CDF  When  has a rank >1 but < n  When  has a rank n  When  has a rank 1 …or if x is positive definite: TURB Fcsts (calibrated) :  = 9.0 (the MDT TURB threshold), p e approx. is 6/9 = 66.7% p e = 6/10 + [ (9.2 – 9.0) / (9.2 – 7.3) ] * 1/10 = 61.1%

26 Estimating Ambiguity by CES (Calibrated Error Sampling) Random error (i.e., ambiguity) in p e is tied to random error in any moment of the forecast PDF. A p e error for any value of the event threshold can be found if the true forecast PDF is known. Eckel and Allen, 2011, WAF

27 We never know the true forecast PDF, but we do know the range of possibilities of the true PDF based on the ensemble PDF’s error characteristics: Each random draw from the ensemble’s PDF errors generates a unique set of p e errors. Aggregate to form a distribution of p e errors, called an ambiguity PDF. Spread = 2.0  C Spread = 6.0  C Estimating Ambiguity by CES

28 Ambiguity PDFs follow the beta distribution. Estimating Ambiguity by CES

29 Optimal Backward Cynical Control Fickle Optimistic Cynical Optimal Ambiguity-Tolerant Ambiguity-Sensitive Backward * * * o Fickle Ambiguity-Sensitive Ambiguity- Tolerant Optimistic % Reduction # of Repeat False Alarms User C/L 2 nd Order Value

30 (c) (d) (a)(b)

31 Visualization of Ambiguity and Comparison of CES vs. RCR

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