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Published byAngelica Lambert Modified over 8 years ago
March Code MS Monthly Status Review (MSR) SCaN Testbed David Irimies, Project Manager April 18, 2013 1
GRC Project Manager: MSC/David Irimies Chief Engineer: DT/Josh Freeh Safety & Mission Assurance Lead: Q/Rick Plastow NASA Customer: SCaN Program/John Rush Key Contractor(s): SpaceDOC/ZIN, GESS/Vantage Project Mission Statement: SCaN Testbed is an advanced communications lab facility installed on ISS, which provides the opportunity to develop and advance communications, navigation, and networking technologies in the dynamic operational environment of space Develop and demonstrate experiments on ISS that will advance the TRL of Software Defined Radios (SDR) and the Space Telecommunications Radio Standard (STRS) in support of future NASA missions Project Life Cycle Schedule (Governing NPR 7120.5) HTV Docked to ISS Flight System in TVAC SCaN Testbed Project MilestonesSRRIVRPDRCDRPh III Safety SARORRLaunchOpsOn-Orbit Expts ReturnFinal Report Actual/ Baseline 5/200810/20089/20094/201008/201110/20116/20127/2012Inc. 32=>01/2013N/A Installed onto ISS ELC GRC Scope: The SCaN Testbed project is defined as the development, integration and on-orbit execution of experiments, as well as the operations and maintenance of the SCaN Testbed. Project closeout will occur no earlier than 2018, or upon Program direction, with SCaN Testbed decommissioning, disposal, and final documentation. Rev 3/31/13 2
Checkout and Commissioning is Complete NEN-LGA characterization in work and will complete in time for experiments that utilize it – Performance measurements from testing with Wallops Ground Station appear to be typically 8-10dB lower than predicted – Investigation ongoing, including recent JPL S-band Capture Testing tests with LGA – Low impact so far due to testing with other antennas that has been scheduled Ready for experimentation – Characterizing performance of platforms and waveforms – TDRS 8/9/10 – JPL S-band Captures 3
Potential NEN LGA Issue Performance measurements from testing with Wallops Ground Station appear to be typically 8- 10dB lower than predicted Potential explanations – Payload hardware or software issue – Installation or interference issue with ISS – Pointing or other issue introduced from Wallops – Issue with prediction methods or assumptions
Potential NEN LGA Issue Further analysis and modeling of past passes to better understand results Multiple tests with NEN LGA and Space Network have occurred – Removes Wallops from potential issue list – Data analysis is ongoing and is reliant on current on-orbit characterization tests Multiple tests with NEN LGA and JPL Ground Station have occurred – Third source of independent data – Data analysis is ongoing
Potential NEN LGA Issue Low impact so far due to testing with other antennas that has been scheduled Long term impact is still under discussion – If losses are well understood, they can be accounted for in future experiments – Some experiments may not need full power capability due to healthy link budget
SCaN Commissioning Collaboration SCaN Testbed continues to supply SDR Commissioning information to SCaN Program Systems Engineering (PSE) Project – To validate PSE’s simulation / emulation systems modeling of SCaN Network – PSE shadowed some Commissioning events – SCaN Testbed provided actual commissioning data and reports – SCaN Testbed provided predicted performance data and reports 7
CNAV - New Planned Experiments Air Force GPS Directorate implementing CNAV (Civil Navigation) GPS Test Program Large part of CNAV Test Program’s success is performance evaluation and utility assessment of L2C and L5 navigation signals SCaN Testbed to take part in data collection for CNAV SCaN Testbed to test MITRE waveform upgrade 8
TDRS 11 (TDRS-K) Checkout (Expt 25a) Completed on-orbit dry run / data collection for upcoming TDRS-K Checkout, in coordination with TDRS-K project –SCaN Testbed Ka-band auto-track operating nominally with TDRS 8/9/10 –Ran successful series of on-orbit tests/dry-runs with continuous wave (CW), as part of test sequences with TDRS-K Expt 25a Overview: -Program track / autotrack on both SCaN Testbed and TDRS-K -Demonstrate that TDRS-K can acquire and successfully autotrack a Ka-band user in low Earth orbit. -This will be the first test of autotrack service with an orbiting customer during in-orbit checkout -Provide test-as-you-fly data not captured in the L5 autotrack test procedures executed by Boeing -SCaN Testbed offers unique in-orbit Ka-band user to verify KaSA services and autotrack requirements that are called out in TDRS-K Test Plan 9
TDRS-K Checkout (Expt 25a) Harris Continuous Wave Mode successfully tested with autotrack on-orbit during dry-run Held Experiment Operations Review with TDRS-K Also performing simultaneous S & Ka band test with TDRS-K 10 On-Orbit Dry Run Test: TDRS Autotracked on 15 Mbps “CW” SCaN Testbed then went to closed loop, then the data rate was changed to 100 Mbps. All per TDRS-K procedure timeline.
TDRSS Digital System Distribution (TDSD) Ka-band Planned Test SCaN Testbed providing benefit to SN Digital Architecture Testing Project at White Sands TDSD is a digital architecture for distribution of the IF signal to the White Sands ground station receivers WSC to configure ground system and schedule 225 & 650 MHz services TDSD requested SCaN Testbed to help test Ka-band return to WSC IF port at ≥100 Mbps Another ~6 week turnaround from initial discussion to ops 11 Return Test signal generated by the SCaN Testbed’s Harris SDR, and will propagate through the WSC TDSD system to the recorder TDSD digitized IF architecture
New Planned Experiments SCaN Testbed received two SBIR Phase 1 awards – GPS Jammer Detection – Secure DTN Networks Two University Experiments to become part of project: – Florida Institute of Technology and Harris Corp - Adaptive, continuous phase modulated waveform using the Harris SDR – Virginia Tech University - signal recognition and classification using the Harris and/or JPL SDR 12
Experiment 1b: JPL SDR Technology Adv. GGT release 1.1.4 Upgrade on 4/17: First reconfiguration and waveform upgrade – Implements SNR and power estimators – Implements soft-decision Viterbi decoding – Fixes BER flaring issue Facilitates integration of a 3rd-party waveform (GGT) using the STRS software defined radio architecture 13
JPL S-band Capture Testing with LGA From concept to on-orbit (3/20 – 3/21) in ~6 weeks What: JPL Ground Station to SCaN Testbed signal capture events – On March 20, 2013, SCaN Testbed received an S-band signal from a JPL ground station for the first time (over three events) – Supported multiple objectives: Gathering independent performance data on ground-facing S-band low gain antenna Evaluating low-horizon-angle communication links for current and future missions. – Short-fused activity (not full-up experiment) Why: To better understand low angle communication passes – Benefits to science, other missions could be significant How: Good interaction, planning, and preparedness between teams – Experiment Integration – Principal Investigator – Mission Operations – External PI Team (JPL) Our on-orbit experience is making this possible 14
JPL S-band Capture Testing with LGA A most excellent set of events – Thanks to everyone involved in making situational decisions and pushing it forward. Experiment integration is important element. We learned a LOT about real time commanding and coordination with a remote user – Nice streamlined process for delivery of “script changes” – Need a “timed execution” either on ground or in PAS or both Exercised capabilities of the platforms (radio, PAS, Ground systems) that had not seen much (if any) testing earlier. – SpW transfers insert extra zero bytes and loses last message – Time tags – need to document what “zero seconds” means – Differences in behavior between prototype, GIU, Flight Most important: Everything pretty much ran as expected! Team currently processing science data now 15
JPL S-band Capture Testing with LGA 16 Carrier signal (at 2041 MHz) is about 6-7 dB above the noise floor (in a 3kHz BW), close to what was predicted.
JPL S-band Capture Testing with LGA 17 Visual representations of contact window and SCaN Testbed location relative to JPL Ground Station
Experiment 6: Bandwidth-Efficient, High Rate Waveform at Ka-band Overview: High rate, spectrally efficient waveform, goal of ~200 Mbps – 8-PSK recommended in early modulation studies to improve BW efficiency for high rate SN and NEN links that are spectrally constrained – Evaluate performance of high-order modulation schemes and develop techniques to compensate for non-linear TWTA to maximize link efficiency Successfully built and tested Harris Test Waveform Ported test modulator with BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-APSK over to Harris SDR breadboard platform and characterized performance Obtained and built latest SpaceWire and LDPC 7/8 Cores from GSFC
Experiment 4: JPL GPS Overview: Software-defined GPS receiver at L1C/A, L2C, and L5 signals Preparing GPS for on-orbit ops – Completed 48 hour continuous GIU test on GIU – Confirmed that operation of the JPL GPS Waveform and the Avionics PAS (Payload Avionics SW) are compatible for long term operation Next step is on-orbit upgrade in early May Latest JPL Waveform can now process L5 signal
Payload Avionics Software Upgrade First Payload Avionics Software upgrade completed final verification testing. Includes: – Necessary support for Expt 4 (JPL GPS) –Gaining operational efficiencies –Corrective actions to critical commanding and updating calibration coefficients Completed on-orbit test plan –On orbit tests to verify subsystems and interfaces still work as intended Upgrade tentatively for early May 20
General Accomplishments & Outreach Pitched to ISS MiPROM (Multi-Increment Payload Resupply and Outfitting Manifest) Working Group – January 30 – SCaN Testbed presented to extend manifest and delay decommissioning from 2015 to 2018 –Outcome: extended through FY18 Wireless Innovation (SDR) Forum: Keynote address, STRS subtopic, 2 technical presentations, Washington, DC – January 7-10, 2013 –Rich Reinhart, Keynote Speaker –Jennifer Nappier, Paper/presentation on GD Automatic Gain Control (AGC) work –Dale Mortensen, JPL SDR development –Sandra Johnson, SCaN Testbed / STRS sessions and staffing SCaN Testbed booth Presented on GD AGC work at IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky 21
Issues and Concerns Top Project Risk #1 Key Issue/ConcernPotential / Realized ImpactAction Plan Resolution Date Out-Year Funding Profile Insufficient to Execute Project Given an out-years (FY14+) resource shortage, there is a possibility that: STB Expt integration and operations will idle/intermittently stop – with average of 1-2 weeks per month of on-orbit ops capability, with remainder of month for ground verifications, mission planning, etc. -will further hamper mitigation of Top Project Risk #2 (External Experimenter Support) 1.STB Leadership to meet face-to-face with SCaN Program on working FY14 budget mark, discuss impacts, and request partial reprogramming of funds from supporting Center to GRC. 2.Assemble FY14 budget and prioritized content/experiments, including overguide/deferred content, and present to Program, and respond to PPBE/PRG guidelines/marks. 3.Request SCaN Program reserve / additional funding beyond existing mark; pursue external-to SCaN funds e.g. ISS Program 1.Complete 2. Complete 3.Continual 22
Issues and Concerns Top Project Risk #2 Key Issue/ConcernPotential / Realized ImpactAction Plan Resolution Date Funding Insufficient to Fully Support Experimenter Requests of STB Capabilities Given a resource shortage to fully support experimenter requests, there is a possibility that: STB unable to timely accommodate external Experimenters Increased development time and effort for all Experimenters Example: EDS delivery and RF HID – 1 year slips 1.Include External Experimenter requests - approved by project - as part of PPBE package (Action Plan Item #2 in “Out-years funding…” risk) 2.Continue to Prioritize new SW capabilities based upon experimenters in the queue, impact to Level 1 Requirements and STB Mission Success Criteria, and SCaN Program priorities 3.Continue to adopt a “Level of Effort” approach for experiment integration and SW modifications 4. Continue to evolve and streamline experiment integration processes 1.Complete 2.Continual 3.Continual 4. Continual 23
Status Rev 3/31/13CostScheduleTechnicalMgmt Current MonthGYYY Prior MonthGRGY Stoplight Status and Explanations CURRENT MONTH EXPLANATIONS Sched /Tech/ Mgmt Issue / Impact Issue / Impact (ctd) Action Plan Y Schedule slips due to Resource Shortages, and External Factors Completion of Commissioning (Comm’n) and Antenna Characterization has slipped to >2 months beyond baseline schedule (ref 10/16/12), due to: 1.) Resource and Workforce Shortages– activities complete faster if more resources and staffing of those resources (including Mission Ops, and experiments for SDR characterization). Also, intermittent pauses in on-orbit testing due to being one deep staff in most areas. 2.) Schedule underestimated Scope and Success Criteria of Checkout/Commissioning 3.) TDRS Power Level Changes – during Rnd 1 of Antenna Characterization 4.) TDRS HIJ autotrack debugging (first unofficial experiment) – delayed APS Commissioning for 3 weeks 5.) Critical Commanding Issue - had shut down STB over 2 weeks 6.) ISS inhibits and SN/NEN scheduling continue to challenge planning ONGOING --- NEN-LGA – investigations ongoing (T) COMPLETE --- SFEP/EFEP – resolutions (T) Resource corrective action identified and partially implemented (M) Continue to request filling workforce/staff ing gaps via STB Position Description document. Rebaselining Schedule 24
CMC Stoplight Variance Criteria Cost G Project is less than 5% variance from plan (+ or -) or under $500K; Y Project is greater than 5%, but less than 10% variance from plan (+ or - ) and over $500K; R Project is greater than 10% variance from plan (+ or -), and over $1 Million. Schedule G Project is less than 1 month variance from plan; Y Project is less than 2 months variance from plan; R Project is greater than 2 months variance from plan. 25 Technical G Major requirements are being met by the current design; Y Major requirements are not being met, but feasible options have been identified and accepted (directed and funded) that will meet all requirements; R Major requirements are not being met and options for corrective action are not yet shown to be feasible and/or are not yet directed and funded. Management G Project implementation is not hampered by lack of resources, including budget, workforce, facilities, contracts, project management tools and documentation (requirements, plans, procedures, etc.); Y Project implementation is limited by the lack of one or more resources, but corrective action has been identified and approved; R Project implementation is impacted by the lack of one or more resources, with corrective action not yet identified and/or approved. *NEN-LGA – investigations ongoing *SFEP/EFEP – resolutions in testing Corrective action identified, and partially implemented See CMC Chart Costing actuals <1% over phasing plan
SCaN Testbed Top Project Risks 5 4 3 2 1 1 2345 LIKELIHOODLIKELIHOOD CONSEQUENCES LxC Trend RankApproachRisk Title 1M Out-Year Funding Profile Insufficient to Execute Project 2M Funding Insufficient to Fully Support Experimenter Requests 3CPremature STB Disposal by ISS Approach M – Mitigate W – Watch A – Accept R – Research C – Closed Criticality Decreasing (Improving) Increasing (Worsening) Unchanged N New L x C Trend High Med Low 1, 2 3 STATUS AS OF: 4/11/13 RankConsequence(s) 1 Given an out-years (FY14+) resource shortage, there is a possibility that: STB Expt integration and operations will intermittently stop Progress on experiment development will be even slower Lower contribution to the STRS repository 2 Given a resource shortage to fully support experimenter requests, there is a possibility that: STB unable to timely accommodate external Experimenters Increased development time and effort for all Experimenters CLO- SED Given an ISS disposal schedule of April 2015, there is a possibility that Experiments in development will not be executed on-orbit Payload will be underutilized Lower contribution to the STRS repository 26
Content for BPR submission The SCaN Testbed successfully completed Checkout and Commissioning –Narrative: SCaN Testbed completed its Checkout and Commissioning. The SCaN Testbed payload, Software Defined Radios (SDRs), and subsystems are healthy and robust. The SCaN Testbed team performed extremely well, with excellent integration with White Sands Complex personnel. SCaN Testbed also achieved another major milestone by demonstrating its first reconfiguration and waveform upgrade. The upgraded waveform includes bug fixes and enhanced capability that improves communications performance and functionality beyond that of the previous release. SCaN Testbed is currently performing SCaN experiments, as well as other government agency, university, and industry experiments. 27
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