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Water Rights and Water Allocation Land Camp 2015 April 13-15, 2015 Menucha Retreat and Conference Center, Columbia Gorge, OR Duncan Greene with Kelley.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Rights and Water Allocation Land Camp 2015 April 13-15, 2015 Menucha Retreat and Conference Center, Columbia Gorge, OR Duncan Greene with Kelley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Rights and Water Allocation Land Camp 2015 April 13-15, 2015 Menucha Retreat and Conference Center, Columbia Gorge, OR Duncan Greene with Kelley Beamer, Steven Shropshire, and Jacquelyn Wallace April 14, 2015 Water rights for land trusts in Washington State

2 WATER LAW FUNDAMENTALS ◘Water as a natural resource Public ownership State allocates right to use water (“water right”) ◘Riparian doctrine versus appropriation system Eastern states: riparian doctrine Western states: appropriation system

3 WASHINGTON STATE WATER LAW ◘Now primarily based on appropriation ◘Permit system adopted for new water rights ◘Department of Ecology – regulatory agency ◘Instream flow rules adopted by Ecology

4 NATURE OF WATER RIGHTS ◘Use right – “usufruct” ◘“Perfected” water right is real property interest ◘Not absolute Can be lost through non-use “Relational” rights:  To other rights  Dependent on physical availability

5 “EXEMPT WELL” ISSUE ◘Permit-exempt groundwater use (RCW 90.44.050) ◘Generally, up to 5,000 gpd – domestic, industrial uses ◘No quantity cap for stockwatering ◘Exempt use can establish water rights, but no application process or permit document.

6 TRUST WATER RIGHTS PROGRAM ◘Provides mechanism to “hold” water rights for future uses without relinquishing ◘For instream and out-of-stream uses ◘Temporary or permanent ◘Water right retains original priority date ◘Used to implement implement Ecology’s Water Acquisition and Water Banking programs.

7 WATER RIGHTS DOCUMENTS ◘Permit Process Application – four-part test Permit (“inchoate” water right) ◘Certificate (“perfected” water right) ◘Claims Pre-1917 for surface water Pre-1945 for groundwater

8 ATTRIBUTES OF A WATER RIGHT ◘Priority Date ◘Quantity Annual Quantity (“Qa”) Instantaneous Quantity (“Qi”) ◘Place of Use ◘Point of Withdrawal or Diversion ◘Purpose of Use ◘Season of Use ◘Statute allows applicants to apply for change of some of these attributes.


10 WATER RIGHTS APPURTENANCY ◘Perfected rights are appurtenant to land on which they are used ◘Water right certificates specify authorized “place of use” ◘Some tricky ownership questions may arise

11 WATER RIGHTS TRANSACTIONS ◘General rule: perfected water rights conveyed with the appurtenant land unless expressly reserved ◘Title insurance generally not available ◘Stand-alone water rights transactions Private transaction Administrative regulatory approval for change (Ecology)

12 WATER RIGHTS DUE DILIGENCE ◘Title report on appurtenant land ◘Ecology files ◘Actual historical use (objective/subjective sources) ◘Other review, depending on circumstances

13 VALUATION AND APPRAISALS ◘Valuation methods Sales comparison Land price differential Income capitalization Replacement cost ◘Appraisals Formal appraisals can be costly Typically not used in private transactions Informal consultant opinion as alternative

14 ORTING VALLEY FARMS PROJECT ◘The property: Former dairy farm 10 parcels, 100 acres Divided by rural highway Multiple overlapping water rights ◘The situation: Recent death of farmer No continued farming by the family Sale by widow (and possible development) imminent ◘The project: Partnership between PCC Farmland Trust and Pierce County Conservation easements Three new farmers

15 Orting Parcels

16 Orting Water Rights

17 For more information: Duncan Greene Graphic credit (slide 9): Washington Rivers Conservancy, Landowner's Guide to Washington Water Rights, 2nd Ed. (2009)

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