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LacCore National Lacustrine Core Facility Anders Noren, Curator.

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Presentation on theme: "LacCore National Lacustrine Core Facility Anders Noren, Curator."— Presentation transcript:

1 LacCore National Lacustrine Core Facility Anders Noren, Curator

2 Staff Curator: Anders Noren Lab Manager: Amy Myrbo Assistant Curator: Kristina Brady Technicians: 5 to 15 (unsalaried) Director: Emi Ito Co-PI: Steve Colman, Director, LLO, Duluth EAG: 7 members Funding: NSF-IF; University of Minnesota

3 9 th Year Facilities & equipment driven by Global Lake Drilling/GLAD program Adapt to needs of all projects at all scales Support all phases of research Recognize differing needs/expectations

4 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. Core processing/Initial Core Description 4. Sample prep/Analysis 5. Archiving

5 Components 1. PLANNING for all project phases a. Budget b. Time c. Equipment and supplies needs d. Shipping e. Training f. Analytical possibilities g. Curation

6 Components 1. Planning 2. FIELD a. Equipment rental b. Equipment training, operation c. Supplies (core liner, etc.) d. Core handling e. Core storage f. Core transport

7 Field Equipment 1.Surface cores: push, gravity, freeze, Hongve, Eckman dredge 2.Long cores: Kullenberg, Livingstone (with or without single- use liner modification), Mackereth, Nesje, vibracorer 3.Vessels: 18-foot row/motorboat, 4 canoes, two Carolina Skiff boats for Kullenberg (23-foot tower), pontoon, cataraft, innertube. (All moonpooled) 4.GPR 5.Water sampling and analysis 6.Climate-controlled shipping container 7.Two 4x4 trucks

8 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. CORE PROCESSING / ICD a. Multisensor logging i. gamma density ii. acoustic velocity iii. electrical resistivity iv. magnetic susceptibility (loop and high-resolution point sensors) v. natural gamma radiation

9 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. CORE PROCESSING / ICD a. Multisensor logging b. High-resolution digital imaging

10 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. CORE PROCESSING / ICD a. Multisensor logging b. High-resolution digital imaging c. Description i. macro-scale: color, texture, structure ii. micro-scale: mineralogical and biological components

11 CoreWall


13 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. Core processing/ICD 4. SAMPLE PREP/ANALYSIS a.Dedicated stations for each analysis b.Technicians available

14 Services / Stations / Equipment Smear slides Sampling LOI Carbon coulometry Sulfur coulometry Biogenic silica Grain size Pollen prep XRD prep Thin section prep Isotope prep Diatom prep AMS 14C prep Charcoal prep Centrifuges Drying ovens Desiccators Fume hoods Microscopes: pollen, diatom, petrographic, binocular ITRAX XRF core scanner X-radiography LLO

15 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. Core processing/ICD 4. Sample prep/Analysis 5. ARCHIVING a. Physical curation: storage, labeling b. Metadata / database management c. Sample preservation / management d. Depth scale generation e. Sampling

16 Collection 2,400 holes 11,500 m of core (stored at LacCore) 8,900 m drill cores 2,600 m short cores (+freeze, permafrost) Future: Hominid Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (Ethiopia): 1000m? Billions of small projects Accession old collections

17 3320 ft 2 / 310 m 2

18 Data Repository Store metadata / data for cores stored at other institutions Rapid assessment of previous work done in a geographical region, or on a proxy Sample access Simplify transition to permanent storage

19 Database FileMaker Pro Stores metadata for expeditions, holes, cores, sections, samples; analytical data Mathematically corrects depth scale for gaps and gas expansion Provides multiple uniform corrected depth scales for all samples/analyses DIS / ICDP …working on a new system: consistent; fast; online

20 Online table,.csv,.kml

21 Perform multisensor logging prior to user arrival or after departure Train visitors in equipment operation, core description Provide workshops, short courses Sell supplies/equipment (field, lab, curatorial) at cost Produce recipes/SOPs, distribute on web Other Services

22 Costs / Fees field equipment rental shipping sampling sample prep / analysis supplies

23 Stats VISITORS: 1200 visits per year (200 unique) CONTACTS: 4000 contacts per year (500 unique) ( US, Canada, Mexico, Europe) CORES: 1500m per year / 1000m archived SAMPLES: 10,000-12,000 per year more requests / small batches greater use of online resources for discovery

24 Project 1: Student Graduate student from UC-Berkeley 12m of Holocene core from remote lake in British Columbia Advisor experienced in coring, processing; student needed training in ICD

25 Minimal local facilities: MSCL, linescan cameras, scope camera, sample prep Shipped cores to Minneapolis, spent five days Archived half of each core

26 Project 2: Faculty Geomorphologist from Macalester College Use new methods to measure past glacier fluctuations with lake sediment

27 No experience with cores One staff assisted throughout project 20m of core analyzed and archived


29 Project 3: El’gygytgyn Major international expedition: ~50 people from US, Germany, Russia, Canada

30 Camp

31 Ice road

32 Doubled ice thickness to increase load capacity

33 120 miles from nearest road All materials hauled overland

34 No crane? No problem!

35 Platform base

36 Platform walls



39 Storm

40 400m sediment; 110m impact rock 3.6Myr climate record LacCore: field curation; permanent archiving

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